Command Quick Reference
3DFaceCreates mesh or SubD faces that can be standalone or added to an existing mesh or SubD.
3ViewSet up a three-viewport workspace.
4ViewSet up a four-viewport workspace.
A |
AboutDisplays Rhino version and license information.
AcadSchemesEdit AutoCAD export schemes.
AddGuideAdd temporary infinite guide / construction line.
AddMissingBlockAttributeKeysRestores the Attribute User Text that has been deleted from the properties of a block instance.
AddNextUAdd the next control point in the u direction to the selection.
AddNextVAdd the next control point in the v direction to the selection.
AddNgonsToMeshConverts regions of connected coplanar welded faces into n-gons.
AddObjectsToBlockAdds objects to an existing embedded block definition. |
AddPrevUAdd the previous control point in the u direction to the selection.
AddPrevVAdd the previous control point in the v direction to the selection.
AddToGroupAdd an object to a selected group.
AlerterOpen the Alerter options page.
AlignLines up the bounding boxes of objects, or object grips (control points, edit points, vertices...).
AlignProfilesLine up one curve to another.
AlignVerticesForces mesh or SubD vertices to the same location.
AngleReport the angle between two picked or defined lines.
ApplyBoxMappingAdd a box texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplyCrvWrap a curve onto a surface.
ApplyCustomMappingAdd a custom texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplyCylindricalMappingAdd a cylindrical texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplyMeshFit a mesh that matches a source mesh onto a surface.
ApplyMeshUVNWrap meshes and points onto a surface.
ApplyOcsMappingLines up textures with the object rather than the world coordinates when textures use WCS/OCS or WCS/OCS (Box style) mappings.
ApplyPlanarMappingAdd a planar texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplySphericalMappingAdd a spherical texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplySurfaceMappingAdd a surface texture mapping channel to an object.
ArcBlendCreate an arc blend curve between two curves.
ArcDraw an arc with options for center, start, angle, and direction.
AreaCentroidReport and marks an object's area centroid.
AreaMomentsReport an object's area moments of inertia.
AreaReport an object's area.
ArrayCopy and space objects in columns, rows, and levels.
ArrayCrvCopy and space objects along a curve.
ArrayCrvOnSrfCopy and space objects along a curve on a surface.
ArrayHoleCopy and space holes in rows and columns.
ArrayHolePolarCopy and space holes around a central location.
ArrayLinearCopy and space objects in a single direction.
ArrayPolarCopy and space objects around a central location.
ArraySrfCopy and space objects in rows and columns on a surface.
ArrowheadCreate or remove an arrowhead on a curve.
AssignBlankTextureAssign texture names to objects.
AttachGHSDataAdd GHS (General HydroStatics) information to objects.
Audit3dmFileChecks a Rhino 3dm file which is not currently opened for errors and lists the contents.
AuditChecks the current Rhino model for errors.
AutoAlignCPlaneTurns on/off Auto CPlane and manages the related options.
AutomaticSubDFromMeshControls how box-mode TSpline objects in Rhino 5 3dm files and meshes with non-zero division levels in FBX files are read into Rhino as SubD or mesh objects.
AutosaveSave the current model to a backup file.
B |
BackgroundBitmapManage a background image in a viewport.
BakeCombine an object's textures and decals into a single bitmap file and assign that bitmap as object's texture.
BakeMappingCreates a new texture image by mapping a texture from a UV mesh to another.
BatchRenderNamedViewsRenders all the named views in the model and saves the renderings as image files to a folder.
BendDeform objects along an arc.
BevelChamfers/fillets mesh or SubD edges with specified segments.
BlendConnect two curves maintaining continuity.
BlendCrvConnect two curves with continuity control.
BlendEdgeCreate a surface between polysurface edges maintaining continuity.
BlendSrfCreate a blend surface between two surfaces with continuity control.
BlockDefine a block object. |
BlockEditAllow selecting a block instance to change the block geometry and update the block definition.
BlockManagerOpens the Block Definitions panel for managing the block definitions in the model.
BlockResetScaleResets the x, y, and z scales of a block instance to 1, or applies the best-fit scale to all axes.
Boolean2ObjectsCycle through possible Boolean operations between two objects.
BooleanDifferenceSubtract the volume of one set of objects from another.
BooleanIntersectionCreate a new solid from solids' intersected volumes.
BooleanSplitSplit and close solids at intersections.
BooleanUnionCombine the volumes of one or more objects.
BossExtrude closed planar curves normal to the curve plane toward a boundary surface where the boundary surface is trimmed and joined to the extruded objects.
BounceShoot a ray at a collection of surfaces to create a polyline path.
BoundingBoxThe BoundingBox command creates a box that encloses all selected objects, or each object in selection.
BoxDraw a solid box.
BoxEditSize, scale, position, and rotate objects numerically.
BridgeCreates faces to connect two SubD/Mesh edge chains.
BringForwardMakes the selected object display one level up in the draw order.
BringToFrontMakes the selected object display in front of all other objects.
BringViewportToTopBring a viewport to the front.
C |
CageCreate a control cage object used by the CageEdit command to deform other objects.
CageEditDeform objects smoothly using control cage objects.
CalcRPNToggle the on-screen RPN (reverse Polish notation) calculator.
CalcToggle the on-screen calculator.
CameraShow, hide, or toggle the visibility of the viewport camera.
CancelCancel the current command and deselects objects.
CapFills planar holes in objects with planar faces.
CatenaryCreates a curve that a hanging chain or cable assumes under its own weight when supported only at its ends.
CentermarkDraw a cross or a cross and center lines at the center point of a curve.
ChamferCreate a line segment between two curves and trims or extends the curves to meet it.
ChamferEdgeCreate a ruled surface at polysurface edges.
ChamferSrfCreate a ruled surface between two surface edges.
ChangeDegreeChange the degree of the polynomial that defines the curve or surface by adding or subtracting control points between knot spans, while maintaining the knot structure.
ChangeLayerChange an object's layer.
ChangeSpaceMove or copy objects between layout and detail viewports.
ChangeToCurrentLayerChange an object's layer to the current layer.
CheckInLicenseCheck in a license to the Zoo license manager.
CheckNewObjectsReport errors in an object's data structure as it is created or imported.
CheckOutLicenseCheck out a license from the Zoo license manager.
CheckReport errors in an object's data structure.
CircleDraw a circle from center and radius, diameter, points on the circumference, and circumference length.
ClashThe Clash command uses clearance distance to detect clashes between two sets of objects.
ClearAllMeshesDelete render and analysis meshes.
ClearAllObjectDisplayModesRemove all per-view, per-object display mode overrides.
ClearAnalysisMeshesDeletes all surface analysis meshes in the model. |
ClearClippingSectionsClears the clipping state of one or more clipping widgets in one or more views.
ClearDrawOrderRemoves the draw order tags from selected objects.
ClearUndoClear the undo buffer to free memory.
ClippingDrawingsExtracts sections and background geometry of clipping planes to generate 2D drawings on the World Top plane at the picked locations.
ClippingPlaneCreate a plane that hides objects.
ClippingPlanePropertiesManages the properties of a Clipping Plane in Command-line.
ClippingSectionsCreates clipping planes that cut through selected objects with settings to define direction, depth, label, and save section views as Named Views.
CloseCrvClose open curves.
CloseRenderWindowClose the render display window.
ClosestPtCreate a point object on an object at the nearest location to a base location or to another object. |
CloseViewportClose the active viewport.
CollapseMeshEdgeMove mesh edge vertices to a single vertex.
CollapseMeshFaceMove all mesh face vertices to a single vertex.
CollapseMeshFacesByAreaMove all mesh face vertices to a single vertex based on face area.
CollapseMeshFacesByAspectRatioMove all mesh face vertices to a single vertex based on face aspect ratio.
CollapseMeshFacesByEdgeLengthMove all mesh face vertices to a single vertex based on face edge length.
CollapseMeshVertexMove a mesh vertex to an adjacent mesh vertex.
CommandHelpOpen the docking context Command Help window.
CommandHistoryOpen the Command History window.
CommandListOpen the Command List window.
CommandPromptManage the display of the command prompt window.
CommandsDisplay the Command List Help topic.
ComputeVertexColorsEvaluate texture coordinates and set vertex colors.
ConeCreates a surface cone.
ConicDraw a conic section curve with options for the start, end, apex, and rho value.
ConnectExtend and trim curves to meet at their endpoints.
ConnectSrfExtends or trims two surfaces to where they intersect.
Opens the Containers dialog box to manage the panels or toolbars in containers. |
ContentFilterOpen the Content Filter dialog box.
ContinueCurveContinue to draw the selected curve using control points.
ContinueInterpCrvContinue to draw the selected curve interpolating through picked points.
ContourCreates planar curves, points, or hatches by intersecting evenly spaced planes with the input objects.
ConvertChange a curve to polyline or arc segments.
ConvertExtrusionConvert extrusion objects to surfaces and polysurfaces.
ConvertTextToBlockAttributeTurns exiting text objects into block attributes.
ConvertToBeziersChange the structure of a NURBS object to a Bézier object.
ConvertToSingleSpansSplits a NURBS surface at knots to create untrimmed single-span surfaces.
CopyCPlaneSettingsToAllMatch all viewports' grid and snap settings to the specified viewport.
CopyCPlaneToAllMatch all viewports' construction planes to the specified viewport.
CopyDetailToViewportCopy a detail viewport to a model viewport.
CopyDuplicate objects.
CopyHoleCopy a hole in a planar surface.
CopyLayoutCopy the active layout to a new layout.
CopyLinkedBlockDefinitionCopy a linked block with Reference style layers.
CopyRenderWindowToClipboardCopy the image in the render window to the Clipboard.
CopyToClipboardCopy objects to the Clipboard.
CopyToLayerCopy objects to a layer.
CopyViewportToDetailCopy or move a model viewport to a detail viewport.
CPlaneSet the construction plane in the active viewport.
CreaseChanges smooth SubD edges/vertices into creased edges/vertices, or welded mesh edges into unwelded edges.
CreaseSplittingControl whether surface creation commands divide creased surfaces into polysurfaces.
CreateRegionsReplace a non-manifold polysurface with all solid manifold regions defined by the surfaces of the input.
CreateSolidCreate a closed polysurface from surfaces.
CreateUniqueBlockThe CreateUniqueBlock command duplicates the block definition of a block instance and changes the block instance to reference the new block definition.
CreateUVCrvProject a surface boundary and trim curves onto the world xy plane.
Crv2ViewCreate a curve by averaging two input curves that are planar in two different views.
CrvDeviationReport the maximum and minimum distances between two curves.
CrvEndPlace a point object at the end of a curve.
CrvSeamChange the seam (start/end) location on closed curves.
CrvStartPlace a point object at the start of a curve.
CSecCreate cross-section curves through profile curves.
CullControlPolygonToggle the display of control points that are behind the surface.
CullDegenerateMeshFacesDelete zero-area mesh faces.
CurvatureAnalysisEvaluate surface curvature using false-color analysis.
CurvatureAnalysisOffTurn off curvature analysis display.
CurvatureEvaluate the curvature of a curve or surface.
CurvatureGraphEvaluate curve or surface curvature with a graph.
CurvatureGraphOffTurn off curvature graph display.
CurveBooleanTrim, split, and join curves based on their overlapping regions.
CurveDraw a curve from control point locations.
CurveThroughPolylineCreate a curve from polyline vertices.
CurveThroughPtFit a curve through point objects.
CurveThroughSrfControlPtFit curves through surface control points.
CutDelete objects and place them in the Clipboard.
CutPlaneCreate planar surfaces through objects at specified locations.
CutVolumeReport the volume of the intersection of a solid and a box.
CylinderDraw a polysurface cylinder.
D |
DecimalPointChecks to see whether numbers with decimal points are being correctly printed and read.
DeleteFacesRemove faces from a mesh, SubD or Polysurface to create a hole.
DeleteMeshNgonsConverts n-gons on a mesh into triangle or quad faces.
DeleteRemoves objects or sub-objects.
DeleteSubCrvRemove a portion of a curve that is between two locations.
DetailManage layout detail viewports. |
DevLoftCreates a single developable surface between two rails.
DiameterReport the diameter of a curve at a specified point.
DigBeepTurn the digitizing arm sound on and off.
DigCalibrateValidate digitizer measurements against a model.
DigCameraSet the view based on the probe position and direction.
DigClickPick a location with a digitizing arm.
DigDisconnectDisconnect the digitizing arm.
DigitizeConnect and initialize a digitizing arm.
DigLineDraw a line normal to a surface with a digitizing arm.
DigPauseSuspend/pause input from the digitizing arm.
DigScaleSet a scale factor for digitized points.
DigSectionCreate planar cross sections with a digitizing arm.
DigSketchSketch a curve with a digitizing arm.
DimAlignedDraw a linear dimension lined up with two points. |
DimAngleDimension the angle between two lines. |
DimAreaDimension the area of a closed curve, surface, mesh, or hatch.
DimCreaseAngleDimension the angle between two planes.
DimCurveLengthDimension the length of a curve.
DimDiameterDimension the diameter of a curve. |
DimDraw horizontal or vertical linear dimensions. |
DimOrdinateDimension the x or y distance from a base location. |
DimRadiusDimension the radius of an arc or circle. |
DimRecenterTextReturn dimension text to its default location. |
DimRotatedDraw a linear dimension that is rotated from the xy axis. |
DimVolumeDimensions the volume of a closed extrusion, surface, polysurface, mesh, or SubD. |
DirDisplay and edit an object's normal direction. |
DirectionalLightInsert a light with parallel rays pointing in a specified direction.
DisableClippingPlaneTurn off the selected clipping plane.
DisableOsnapManage persistent object snaps.
DisplayCommandPromptRe-display the command prompt.
DisplayPropertiesOpen the Display panel.
DistanceReport the distance between two picked locations.
DistributeSpread objects out evenly between the end objects.
DivideAlongCreasesDivide a surface into separate parts at kinks.
DivideCreate point objects along a curve by the number of equal length segments or segments of a specified length.
DocumentPropertiesManage the settings for the current model.
DocumentPropertiesPageOpen the Document Properties dialog box at the specified page.
DocumentTextOpens the Document User Text panel that lets you manage the document text.
DollyZoomMove the camera location and change the lens length at the same time.
DomainReport the domain of a curve or surface.
DotDraw an annotation dot that stays parallel to and sizes with the view. |
DownloadLibraryTexturesDownloads required bitmap files for textures.
DraftAngleAnalysisOffTurn off draft angle analysis.
DraftAngleAnalysisVisually evaluate surface draft-angle using false-color analysis.
DraftAnglePointPlace a point object on a surface the surface's draft angle break location.
DragCopyThe DragCopy command creates a copy of the object being dragged at the current cursor location.
DragModeSpecify the plane object dragging will be parallel to.
DragStrengthSets the amount of object drag as a percentage of mouse movement to control the speed of the drag movement.
DrapeCreate a surface through the intersections of objects and points projected toward the construction plane.
DrapePtCreate a grid of points at the intersections of objects and points projected toward the construction plane.
DupBorderCreate a curve or polyline that copies a surface, polysurface, or mesh border.
DupEdgeCreate a curve that copies a surface edge.
DupFaceBorderCreates a curve that copies a polysurface face border.
DupLayerDuplicate (copy) a layer including all layer attributes and geometry.
DupMeshEdgeCreates a polyline that duplicates the edge of a mesh.
DupMeshHoleBoundaryCreate a polyline that duplicates the boundary of a mesh hole.
E |
EarthAnchorPointAdd information about the model's position for GIS mapping applications.
EchoTurn on echoing of script commands to the command history window.
EdgeContinuityUses line hairs to visualize distance, tangency and curvature difference between an edge pair.
EdgeSrfCreate a surface from two, three, or four curves.
EditClippingDrawingsUpdates the option settings for existing clipping drawings.
EditLightByHighlightAdd lights based on highlight locations.
EditLightByLookingSet a spotlight direction using view manipulation tools.
EditPtOnDisplays edit points on curves or SubDs.
EditPythonScriptEdit a Python script.
EditScriptOpen a text editor utility for editing RhinoScript files.
EllipseDraw a closed elliptical curve from focus points, center and edges, bounding rectangle, and around a curve.
EllipsoidDraw a solid ellipsoid.
EMapOffTurn off environment map display.
EMapVisually evaluate surface smoothness using an image bitmap reflected in the surface.
EnableClippingPlaneTurn on selected clipping planes in the active viewport.
EndBulgeAdjust the shape of a curve at its end or a surface near an untrimmed edge.
EnterEndSimulate the Enter key to complete a command string in a script.
EnterSimulate the Enter key in a script.
EnvironmentsOpens the Environments panel.
EvaluatePtReport the world and construction plane coordinates of a picked location.
EvaluateUVPtReport the u and v coordinates of a specified location on a surface.