New in Rhino 8

Full Command list

New commands


Adds objects to an existing embedded block definition.


Turns on/off Auto CPlane and manages the related options.


Creates a new texture image by mapping a texture from a UV mesh to another.


Provides an in-app contact window where you can communicate with the McNeel support team.


Clears the clipping state of one or more clipping widgets in one or more views.


Extracts sections and background geometry of clipping planes to generate 2D drawings on the World Top plane at the picked locations.


Manages the properties of a Clipping Plane in Command-line.


Creates clipping planes that cut through selected objects with settings to define direction, depth, label, and save section views as Named Views.


Opens the Containers dialog box to manage the panels or toolbars in containers.


Splits a NURBS surface at knots to create untrimmed single-span surfaces.


The CreateUniqueBlock command duplicates the block definition of a block instance and changes the block instance to reference the new block definition.


Dimensions the volume of a closed extrusion, surface, polysurface, mesh, or SubD.


Updates the option settings for existing clipping drawings.


Saves clipping drawings of selected clipping planes to separate Rhino (.3dm) or .dwg files.


Creates a .csv file listing sections with basic location and area calculations for sections that have clipping drawings associated with them.


Saves all the Linked and Embedded and Linked block definitions in the current model to a zip file.


Merges the original toolbars of the selected .rui file and its customized toolbars into a new rui file.


Duplicates the section boundaries and fills from the objects clipped by the selected clipping plane as curves and hatches.


Extracts 3D slices of clipped model objects from clipping planes.


Converts linetype patterns of the selected curves to curve segments and points.


Restores the original, undeformed, captive object(s) at its original location.


Opens the File Explorer panel that can access any types of files on the computer.


Creates a fillet surface between a surface and a curve.


Creates a surface blending between a surface and a curve referencing the curvature of another surface.


Projects or pulls a curve onto a surface and transfers the knot parameterization in the U or V direction to the new curve.


Allows relocating Gumball by dragging one of its controls.


Selects the layers of selected objects when the Layer panel is visible.


Duplicates the selected objects and joins the duplicates.


The Linetypes command shows document linetype definitions in a tabbed panel.


Opens the Macro Library dialog box to manage the macros in the default toolbars or linked rui files.


Opens the Menu Editor window.


Projects object sections from 3D space to the World XY-plane, on the current layer, with user-specified spacing and arrangement.


Allows Ortho mode to track along the CPlane Z direction from the previously picked point.


Extrudes a polysurface face to interactively add or remove volumes on the polysurface.


Removes random points of a specified number from a point cloud.


Restores the window layout, toolbars, or all settings to the initial state of the Rhino app.


Saves the current Rhino model, including unsaved data, to a new 3dm file. The current date and time will be added to the file name.


Saves Named CPlanes using the names and orientations of selected clipping planes.


Saves the views of selected clipping sections to the Named Views panel.


Saves the current arrangement of containers, panels, and toolbars to a new custom Window Layout.


Opens the Script Editor window for Python and C# programing.


Selects the clipping planes that clip the current model or detail viewport.


Enables or disables the global selection filter.


Selects SubD or mesh faces surrounded by selected faces, borders, or both.


Selects the block instances that were mirrored or scaled with a negative factor.


Emulates the regular window selection action with some control options.


Selects different types of edges on selected SubDs.


Edits an object's custom linetype properties in a floating dialog.


Bakes the custom mapping of a mesh object into its default surface mapping.


Creates a mesh wrapping around the selected geometry including NURBS surfaces, SubDs, meshes, pointclouds, and point objects.


Constrains mouse picking on the selected SubD object.


Splits a surface using a curve, and refits the two parts so that the edges from the split operation become untrimmed edges of two surfaces.


Adds weight-blended soft crease edges to SubDs.


Rotates a picked SubD edge by marching each end to the next vertex simultaneously.


Show or hide the left sidebar of the Rhino window.


Show or hide the right sidebar of the Rhino window.


Ungroups the selected group and the groups nested in it all at once.


Updates clipping drawings to reflect changes in the clipped geometry.


Aligns the view and/or construction plane of a viewport to match the selected clipping section plane.


Opens the Window Layouts dialog box to list, save, restore, export, or import arrangement of containers.

Enhancements and new options

4View: Added First Angle Projection option. (RH-73266)


AlignVertices: Added AverageVertexesToAdjust option. (RH-62802)


Annotation Hatch:

Annotation Linetype:

ArcBlend: Accepts input of collinear lines. (RH-75337)

Array: Added Fill mode that encloses arrayed objects in a distance, a rectangle, or a bounding box. (RH-707)

ArrayCrv: New Stairlike orientation style. (RH-2913)


  • Lists information about embedded images. (RH-68745)
  • Lists information about unused materials. (RH-68746)

Bend: Added NonAttenuated option. (RH-12162)

BlendEdge: Double-clicking a polysurface with editable edge blends starts the editing mode. Details... (RH-68571)


  • Uses the active unit system (model/layout) to create block definitions. (RH-74172)
  • Groups can be saved in block definitions. (RH-39190)
  • Exploding blocks keeps groups. (RH-83029)

BlockEdit: Added options to the scriptable command. Details... (RH-34493)

Block Manager:

Boolean commands:

  • Work with SubD in block. (RH-72145)
  • Support picking block members in general, not just as cutters. (RH-72177)


BooleanSplit: Added History support when DeleteInput=No. (RH-67385)


Bounce: Added Object option for ray direction to work with History. (RH-59765)

BoundingBox: Added History support. (RH-67711)

Bridge: Works better with Reflect and Radiate commands. (RH-66133)

ChamferEdge: Double-clicking a polysurface with editable edge chamfers starts the editing mode. Details... (RH-68571)


CheckNewObjects: Shows warning only at very first time an object is detected bad. (RH-81536)

Cage/CageEdit:Typing a number sets the same point count for all directions. (RH-2046)

Cage: Made BoundingBox option possible to create 1D (line) or 2D (plane) object. (RH-69915)


  • Made BoundingBox option possible to create 1D (line) or 2D (plane) control cages. (RH-69886)

  • Works with point objects and point clouds. (RH-9080)

  • Added Rigid=Yes/No option. (RH-28517)

  • Supports editing block instances. Block instances always transform rigidly on cage editing, regardless of the Rigid setting. (RH-72594)

  • Added ObjectPlane option to align rectangular cage to 2D object in 3D space. (RH-69887)

  • Supports capturing control points of a curve, surface or mesh. (RH-75087)

Cap: Added DeleteInput option and History support when DeleteInput=No. (RH-10202)

Circle: "FitPoints" option in all circular-based commands support picking a group of points. (RH-84952)


  • Allows picking a clipping edge to select the clipped object. (RH-66244)
  • Made layout view list collapsible by pages and added icon to indicate active detail view. Details... (RH-64892)
  • Orientation is made consistent with Plane command. (RH-56249)
  • Fills the closed section of an open object. (RH-46092)
  • Allows double-clicking a detail view item in Clipping Plane properties to activate the detail view. (RH-70051)
  • Allows double-clicking a layout item in Clipping Plane properties to make it the current layout viewport. (RH-69774)
  • Added Object color option for edge display. (RH-29737)
  • Allows per object clipping (Object Properties > Clip). (RH-27530)
  • Added Label, Custom Depth, Section Style, and Object Clipped settings to properties. (RH-67007) (RH-73137)
  • Turns control points on when single clipping plane is selected. (RH-74682)
  • New ClippingPlane widget. (RH-74667) (RH-74196)
  • Allows including or excluding objects or layers. (RH-74287)
  • Made only snapped by Point OSnap at three locations where control points show. (RH-78226)
  • Added Name field to Clipping Plane properties. (RH-74486)
  • Copies of a named clipping plane get incremental suffix numbers in their names. (RH-79425)

CommandHistory: Allows pressing F2 key to close the dialog. (RH-66192)

ComputeVertexColors: Allows input of multiple meshes in a command session. (RH-64295)

ContinueInterpCrv: Added EndTangent option. (RH-68065)



  • Allows pressing Enter to copy from object bounding box center. (RH-67162)
  • Sub-object can be copied and pasted as a new object. (RH-54501)

CPlane: Object option sets CPlane-Z to surface normal direction. Details... (RH-82076)


  • Inherits attributes like usertext from input. (RH-67593)
  • Added DeleteInput and OutputLayer options. (RH-67593)

CrvDeviation: Now reports Minimum deviation as zero if the curves intersect. (RH-67656)

CrvSeam: Now ignores all OSnaps when picking the seam to change, and turns off Center OSnap while dragging the seam. (RH-74040)

CurvatureAnalysis: Support SubDs. (RH-50501)

CurvatureGraph: Support SubDs. (RH-58162)

Delete: Reports object number to command-line. (RH-68753)




Distribute: Allows control / edit points and mesh / SubD vertices as input. (RH-70352)



Drag: Allows directly dragging a sub-object when Ctrl(CMD)+Shift are pressed. (RH-74118)

DupFaceBorder: Creates curves from boundary of merged SubD faces. (RH-75246)

Extend: Added Join=Yes/No/Merge options. (RH-5921)

ExtendDynamic: Added Join=Yes/No/Merge options. (RH-5921)

ExtractMeshEdges: Added by Naked option. (RH-66383)

ExtractPt: Output=PointCloud now creates a single point cloud from multiple input objects. (RH-67664)

ExtractRenderMesh: Works with curve piping meshes. (RH-51190)

ExtractSubCrv: Works with pre-selected polycurve segments. (RH-66072)

ExtractSrf: Added SubDAddCorners option to crease corner vertices. (RH-70987)

ExtractUVMesh: Added 1to1 option. (RH-65711)

ExtrudeCrv: Typing Zero sets extrusion distance by snapping to current CPlane origin. (RH-85232)

ExtrudeCrvTapered: Added SplitAtTangents option. (RH-47111)

ExtrudeMesh: Default to Basis=UVN and Direction=N. (RH-68466)

ExtrudeSrf: Typing Zero sets extrusion distance by snapping to current CPlane origin. (RH-85232)

ExtrudeSubD: Default to Basis=UVN and Direction=N. (RH-68466)

Fair: Added PreserveEnds option. (RH-72060)

Fill: Works with mesh objects. (RH-76553)

Fillet: Added Dynamic option for interactive preview. (RH-76418)

FilletCorners: Previews in command session. (RH-73087)

FilletEdge: Double-clicking a polysurface with editable edge fillets starts the editing mode. Details... (RH-68571)

FilletSrf: New UI (Same with FilletSrfToRail). (RH-69277)


  • Made not to add extra knots when input is an edge of base surface. (RH-67883)
  • Supports History. (RH-80768)


  • When typing distance on an arrow, pressing Shift+RMB/Enter/Space/Tab moves object in opposite direction. Details... (RH-62864)
  • The size is scaled by screen DPI setting on Windows. (RH-72125)
  • Moves to new object when copying sub-object with Alt key. (RH-72788)
  • Allows creating solid from a closed planar curve when extruding direction is not perpendicular to the curve. (RH-72382)
  • A planar closed loop consisting of separate curves can be extruded as a solid. (RH-73064)
  • New cutting handle. (RH-74746)
  • Shows a circle around the Extrude dot to indicate Extend mode is possible. (RH-75664)
  • Relocate with mouse is changed from Ctrl(CMD)+Drag to Double-click. (RH-75362)
  • Relocate with numeric input is changed from Ctrl(CMD)+Click to Ctrl(CMD)+Double-click. (RH-76815)
  • Added Merge faces after extrude setting to Gumball pane and menu ball menus. (RH-70949)
  • Added command-line options for hiding handles on Gumball widget. (RH-74974)
  • Maintain relocation for sub-object editing until selection is cleared. (RH-75509)
  • Alignment mode sticks across Rhino sessions. (RH-80583)
  • Added On/Off/Toggle options to GumballAutoReset command. (RH-83750)
  • Added MergeFacesAfterExtrude option to GumballSettings command. (RH-83867)
  • "Align to View" remembers Gumball position for object in current app session. (RH-84453)


  • Offline Help is installed for all users on a computer instead of current user only. (RH-75379)


  • Symmetry works with cage editing. (RH-7662)
  • Added prefix characters "!&" that temporarily disable History locking in a command session. (RH-56397)
  • Supports snapping to SubD vertices. (RH-76098)
  • Added IgnoreAnnotations=Yes/No option to SelChildren command. (RH-63113)
  • Editing control points of an angular dimension updates its position in history record. (RH-80816)
  • Center object snap works with ellipse center for dimensions. (RH-81901)
  • ExtrudeCrvToPoint command supports center OSnap for apex point. (RH-81906)
  • Made history replay of Sweep1, Sweep2 and Revolve more closely match what the commands do. (RH-82032)
  • Works with Fin and OffsetNormal commands. (RH-80768)
  • Works with CreateSolid command when DeleteInput=No. (RH-13146)
  • Added History support to Cap command when DeleteInput=No. (RH-10202)


  • Supports surfaces and polysurface faces. (RH-71652)
  • Added ThroughPoint, Loose, IgnoreSeams, Split, and JoinOutputs options for surface input. (RH-73007)

  • SubD input allows toggling between group and single mode when setting inset distance. (RH-72205)

  • Added CreaseCorners option for polysurface face input. (RH-73388)

InterpCrv: StartTangent and EndTangent are made always visible (only work when Degree=3 and SubDFriendly=No). (RH-67010)

IntersectSelf: Finds overlaps in curves and returns curve segments. (RH-49835)


JoinCopy: Added SubDSymmetry option. (RH-66415)

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • New Keyboard option page.
  • Allows users to add new keyboard shortcuts or delete the default ones.
  • Shortcut list can be sorted by shortcut or command macro. (RH-83740)
  • Ctrl(CMD)+R cycles through Auto CPlane alignment modes. (RH-71532)
  • Ctrl(CMD)+1 toggles the locking state of the current Auto CPlane. (RH-71855)


LayerStateManager: Added Section Style and New Detail On checkboxes. (RH-76742)


  • Added ShowLayoutDropShadow advanced setting that turns on/off shadow around a layout. (RH-3362)
  • Added number column to Layouts panel. (RH-61340)
  • Allows sorting layout list by name or size in Layouts panel. Details...(RH-67569)
  • Added first and third angle projection options for 4 view layout creation. (RH-10852)
  • Added descriptions to all Initial Detail Count numbers. (RH-73432)
  • Print button in Layouts panel supports printing multiple selected layouts. (RH-55300)
  • Added "Print" to context menu in Layouts panel. (RH-81187)
  • Added "New Detail" to context menu in Layouts panel. (RH-81408)


Lights: Show quick settings in the Lights panel when a lighting source is selected.


  • First angle projection is changed to create side view from left view instead of right view. (RH-56698)
  • Clipping fill treated as surface when creating 2D drawings from shaded display modes. (RH-33007)

MatchMeshEdge: Added AverageVertexesToAdjust and Join options. (RH-62525)


MatchSrf: Shows control points of the previewed surface if the surface has control points turned on. (RH-74233)

MergeAllCoplanarFaces: Added command-line feedback for the result. (RH-72213)


  • Allows saving presets for detailed NURBS meshing parameters. Details...

  • NURBS meshing presets can be shared among document mesh properties, object custom mesh, Mesh command, mesh file export, and surface analysis commands.

  • NURBS meshing presets can be exported to other computers.

  • Added "Restore Defaults" button to mesh option dialogs. (RH-74771)

  • Added system units to physical distance meshing parameters. (RH-46808)

  • Preview mesh appearance is based on display modes and ignores object display colors and materials (RH-84741)

Mesh Boolean commands

  • Use new mesh intersector.
  • Create Ngons along trimmed edges.
  • Display progress on status bar. (RH-72492)

MeshOutline: Works with meshes generated by Displacement, ShutLining, EdgeSoftening, Thickening, CurvePiping. (RH-67451) (RH-67654)

MeshToNURB: Added UseNgons option. (RH-44873)

Mirror: Added Object option for attaching mirror plane to a planar surface with History. (RH-65165)

Move: Allows pressing Enter to move from object bounding box center. (RH-118)

Mouse: Added DisableRightClickAsEnter advanced setting. (RH-20644)

MultiPipe: Tuned up options and added preview. (RH-61514)

NonManifoldMerge: Applies layer assignment rules from BooleanUnion command for output objects. (RH-71917)


  • Pays attention to text size setting of command prompt. (RH-67677)
  • Added "Locked" checkbox for locking text in the Notes panel. (RH-74718)
  • Remembers text cursor location when Notes panel regain focus. (RH-23213)

Nudge Key: Added NURBS surface remesh toggle and timing settings to Advanced settings. Details... (RH-80251)


  • Connected curve/edge segments can be offset as one polycurve by pre-selection. Details... (RH-69799)
  • Able to create more than one closed region when the offset curve intersects itself. (RH-18055)
  • Interactively previews the result in command session. (RH-72893)


  • Allows clicking left mouse button at anywhere to flip offset direction. Details... (RH-53692)
  • Uses picked location on surface as initial offset direction. (RH-73619)

OffsetMultiple: Added Loose option. (RH-63417)


  • Made not to add extra knots when input is an edge of base surface. (RH-67883)
  • Supports History. (RH-80768)

OffsetSrf: Added ThroughPoint option. (RH-61497)


Object Snap:

  • Geometry generated by ClippingPlane can be snapped. (RH-39927)
  • Snapping to point clouds and polygon meshes is made faster. (RH-62484)
  • Percentage snap can be enabled when mouse picking is constrained on a curve. (RH-65989)
  • Use object tree to improve speed and visibility test for huge models (100k+ objects). (RH-66465)
  • Size of snapping point follows control point size of display mode. (RH-81846)
  • Mid object snap can snap to midpoint of linear/angular dimension line/arc. (RH-9321)
  • OnCrv object snap works with Near. (RH-82683)
  • Near object snap works with ExtendSrf, ExtendDynamic, Extend (when using dynamic extend) commands. (RH-82683)
  • Using "From" after another "From" uses the previous "From" point as the basepoint. (RH-1567)



  • Updates installed packages automatically in the background. (RH-69794)
  • Double-clicking on a .yak file now starts Rhino and installs the package. (RH-73482)
  • Updates plug-ins installed by RHI files (Rhino Installer Engine). (RH-59627)


  • Updated to use SVG icons. (RH-64092)
  • Made search box in panels more discoverable and friendly. (RH-69333)
  • Added Linetypes panel to show document linetype definitions. (RH-73485)


  • Supports pasting objects from AutoCAD. (RH-69984)
  • Added "Paste as plain text" to context menu of Command-line. (RH-69168)

PluginManager: Allows clicking on a checkbox to enable/disable selected plug-ins at once. (RH-84466)


  • Vector output is able to print Picture planes with internal holes. (RH-63987)
  • Print multiple layouts to multiple images. (RH-75932)
  • Vector output supports printing Technical viewport to PDF. (RH-11615)
  • Rhino PDF as printer allows printing with layout size instead of single paper size. Details... (RH-77235)
  • Rhino PDF as printer allows saving layouts as individual PDF files. (RH-76192)
  • Added checkbox list for printing multiple layouts.
  • Allows printing linetypes with model or page units when a linetype is set to use a physical width, e.g., 2mm. Details... (RH-73357)

PointCloud: Proceeds steps of adding/removing points when a single PointCloud is pre-selected. (RH-72393)


PointsOn: Allows showing more than one million control points. (RH-84462)



PrintDisplay: Added DetailBorder option to control visibility of detail view borders in layout viewports. (RH-74306)

ProjectToCplane: Works with insertion points of block instances. Details... (RH-68676)


Pull: Loose=Yes supports mesh as target. (RH-70263)

Purge: Command options are moved to a dialog box. (RH-73964)

Radius: Allows evaluating radius on clipping section edges. (RH-85127)


RebuildEdges: Now removes micro naked edges. (RH-80666)




Rendering Decals: Added visibility toggle. (RH-61127)

Rendering Environments:

  • Added usage indication icons to thumbnails. Details... (RH-71113)
  • Displays a red exclamation icon on thumbnails to indicate missing external images. Details... (RH-41903)
  • Adds duplicated environment next to the source environment in the list. (RH-71587)

Rendering Materials:

Rendering Textures:

ReplaceBlock: Added BlockDefinitionName option to make selecting replacement block scriptable. (RH-72651)

RotateView: Added RotateViewAroundObjectAtMouseCursor advanced setting. (RH-68058)

RunPythonScript: Supports Python 3. (RH-72524)

Scale1D: Accepts 0 for scale factor to flatten objects. (RH-67702)


Section Tools: Added to Rhino 8. (RH-70914)


  • Allows Select command to add more objects when some objects are pre-selected. (RH-68170)
  • Cage control polygons are made selectable. (RH-65792)
  • Double-clicking a cage control polygon selects a row of cage points. (RH-65793)
  • Ctrl(CMD)+Shift+double-clicking a selected SubD/Mesh vertex deselects the entire chain. (RH-68403)
  • Use object tree to improve picking speed and visibility test. (RH-66500)
  • Divided edge loops can be deselected separately. (RH-68974)
  • Ctrl(CMD)+window/crossing selection deselects sub-objects in command session. (RH-69256)
  • Ctrl(CMD)+window/crossing selection deselects sub-objects in pre-selection. (RH-68023)
  • Double-click or Ctrl (CMD) + double-click on a curve to select or deselect all the curves connected with tangent continuity. Details... (RH-69294) (RH-70233)
  • Renamed "Allow window selection of sub-objects" option to "Allow selection of sub-objects". (RH-73606)
  • Grouped objects pay attention to "Allow selection of sub-objects" option. (RH-73606)
  • Sub-object selection selects objects in block instances through nesting levels. (RH-72485)
  • SelBoundary command supports selecting hatches. (RH-74414)
  • SelBoundary command allows pre-selection of boundary curve. (RH-74455)
  • Uses acceleration tree for speeding up point cloud picks. (RH-75190)
  • SelectBlockToMatch option in scriptable SelBlockInstanceNamed command works with pre-selection. (RH-75005)
  • Scriptable SelBlockInstanceNamed command reports selection quantity. (RH-75084)
  • Added Window/Crossing/InvertWindow/InvertCrossing options to SelVolumeObject command. (RH-1759)
  • SelKey, SelValue, and SelKeyValue commands support wildcards: "*", "?", and "~". Details... (RH-54830) (RH-80384)
  • Flood fill mesh/SubD face selection within a boundary. Details... (RH-81937)

Selection Filter:

  • Automatically disabled after four failed clicks. (RH-71787)
  • Changed to a tabbed panel. (RH-71962)

SelChain: Allows view manipulation when selection menu appears. (RH-75789)

SelMeshEdges: Added by Naked option. (RH-66383)

SelNakedMeshEdgePt: Made not to turn on control points. (RH-78653)


  • Hides <No name> in the list when every object in viewports has a name. (RH-69167)
  • The Select option in scriptable command works with preselect. (RH-82431)

SelNonManifold: Supports selecting Non-Manifold meshes. (RH-84814)

SetPt: Works with insertion points of block instances. Details... (RH-68593)

Shell: Supports History and allows editing thickness. (RH-62396)

ShowEdges: All Edges option shows SubD sharp edges. (RH-73322)

ShowSelected: Made not to generate render meshes for objects that have not been shaded. (RH-1217)

Sketch: Added Undo option in command session. (RH-66610)

Smooth: Allows viewport manipulation under Smooth options dialog box. (RH-72071)

SoftTransform: Keeps locked SubD vertices, edges, and faces at their positions. Details... (RH-61808 (RH-68524)

SpaceMouse: Made not to move Turntable axis. (RH-71438)

Split: Made scripts work regardless of what's pre- or postpicked. (RH-85367)



Status bar:

  • Info pane reports open/closed status if all selected objects are the same type. (RH-65846)
  • Added Auto CPlane pane. (RH-71444)
  • Added left and right sidebar toggle buttons. Where... (RH-72998)
  • Suppress last command-line history popup when Command History panel is visible. (RH-76507)

Stretch: Changed to match the workflow of the Scale1D command. (RH-3767)

Sun: Improved default date and time in Sun settings. (RH-80940)

Surface Analysis commands: Allows adjusting SubDs meshing level. (RH-56571)

SystemInfo: Added GPU Tessellation State. (RH-84033)

Templates: Perspective viewport uses Shaded display mode by default. (RH-70700)



  • Output objects include font style information in attribute user text. (RH-82202)
  • Added GroupGlyphOutput option to the scriptable command. Details... (RH-83240)

Texture Mapping: Fits mapping size individually when multiple objects are selected. (RH-61516)



Trim: Mesh edges and SubDs can be selected as cutting objects. (RH-71974)

TweenCurves: Limits SampleNumber to 9999 when MatchMethod=SamplePoints. (RH-66430)


  • Keeps sub-object selection. (RH-59423)
  • Works with Gumball relocating actions. (RH-74403)


  • Added AngleBased unwrapping method using Angle Based Flattening (ABF++) algorithm. (RH-42693)
  • Added AsRigidAsPossible unwrapping method using As-Rigid-As-Possible (ARAP) algorithm. (RH-62585)
  • Removed PreviousSeamSelection option and improved editing of seams. (RH-73965)
  • Occludes highlighted seams according to active display mode. (RH-73491)
  • Added ShowEnds option to display endpoints on selected seams. (RH-84969)


User Text: Allows double-clicking the fx icon to edit a text field. (RH-65778)

VariableOffsetSrf: Add Solid option. (RH-71216)

ViewCaptureToFile: Removed jpg and bmp formats from Save dialog when transparent background is enabled. (RH-42926)

Viewport Properties:

Weld: Prints failure messages to command window. (RH-81348)

Worksession: Keeps conflict materials from attached files. (RH-66666)

Volume: Added Liter and Decimeter units to command-line. (RH-58062)

Weight: Allows editing control point weight of a SubD-friendly curve (outcome is a normal curve). (RH-53388)


UI changes


Menu: "Dimension" menu is renamed "Drafting". (RH-73668)


  • Draws parallel viewport camera widget as a box instead of a pyramid. (RH-70675)


BlockManager: Is changed from a dialog box to a panel called Block Definitions.

UVEditor: Only shows mapping channel command-line in the scriptable command. Details... (RH-70931)

Dark Mode: Rhino UI color scheme switches between light and dark modes based on system color settings. (RH-71399)

NamedView: Removed "Lock named view" setting.(RH-69049)

Changed text buttons in Linetypes document properties to icon buttons. (RH-80449)

File formats

  • Rhino 8 saves a new 3DM format. (RH-64159)

  • Added an advanced setting for removing the extra dot in locking file extension [.3dm.rhl]. Details... (RH-77475)

3MF Import/Export:

  • Updated to use 3MF SDK 2.1.1. (RH-64392)
  • Added custom metadata to 3MF export. (RH-81320)

DGN import: Supports reading reference files. (RH-54202)

DWG/DXF Export:

  • Allows exporting bad curves and displays warning messages in command-line. (RH-69019)
  • Supports writing AutoCAD 2010, 2013, & 2018 files. (RH-77297)
  • Added AcadExportSelectUnexportableObjects to Advanced settings to highlight skipped objects. (RH-77693)
  • Added AcadExportSortLayers (True by default) and AcadExportWriteEmptyLayers (False by default) advanced settings. (RH-78977)
  • Supports writing degree 1 curves. (RH-82317)
  • Uses relative paths for saving image files used by Picture objects. (RH-46885)

DWG/DXF Import:

  • Added VerboseOutput command-line option. (RH-64913)
  • Added ability to repair or skip bad mesh faces. (RH-68804)
  • Supports reading variant instances of a dynamic block as separate static block definitions. (RH-51073) (RH-71325)
  • Supports reading groups. (RH-15122)
  • Supports 4, 8, 12 for DimZin variable. (RH-80400) 
  • Detects and resolves block name conflict. (RH-82252)

DWG/DXF Import/Export:

Named CPlanes in Rhino and Named UCS in AutoCAD are exchangeable. (RH-71282)

Supports saving and reading groups. (RH-77296)

FBX: Updated FBX SDK to 2020.3.1. (RH-68759)

FBX Import: Added Map FBX Y to Rhino Z option. (RH-38175)

OBJ Export:

PDF Import:

SKP Export: Exports named views to SketchUp. (RH-74217)

SKP Import: Added Use group layers and Add objects to groups options. (RH-65420)

STEP Export:

  • Improved saving to cloud storage folders and paths with Asian characters. (RH-64664)
  • Added AP242 schema. (RH-67665)
  • Supports saving circular entities. (RH-72940)

SVG Export:

  • Pays attention to linetype cap and join styles. (RH-65287)
  • Writes exact circles and arcs. (RH-59391)
  • Writes layers as group tags. (RH-38196)
  • Supports saving multiple or all layouts as separate .svg files. (RH-76049)
  • Supports saving gradient colors with opacity. (RH-81532) (RH-79097)

SVG Import/Export: Curves, fills (hatches), and text can be copy-pasted between Rhino and Inkscape. (Experimenting feature) (RH-66434)

Open/Save: Added AlwaysDisplayAllFiletypes advanced setting to reset file type when reading or writing files. (RH-66384)

USD Export: Supports saving Universal Scene Description file formats (.usd, .usda, .usdc, .usdz). (RH-85512)

AutoCAD: Objects can be copied and pasted between Rhino and AutoCAD. (RH-69984) (RH-70128)

Import/Export dialogs hide the file formats if their plug-ins are disabled. Details... (RH-70195)

Supports GL Transmission Format (.glb, .gltf) import and export. Details... (RH-72470)

TXT Export: Rounding numbers when saving Points (*.txt) file type. (RH-78573)


  • Supports version 2024. (RH-80657)
  • Import construction geometry as points. (RH-81999)

WAMIT Export: Shows failure message when export encounters invalid meshes. (RH-80729)


Added Delete input after solve toggle to the Get Geometry component. (RH-60296)

Slider animation is allowed to use up to 1 million frames. (RH-66757)

Grasshopper is made an AppWindow. (RH-64779)

Added Adjust Defaults > Make Font Global menu item in panels for copying current font to all panels. (RH-56400)

Added GH_PointCloud and Param_PointCloud types. (RH-69929)

Get Geometry component supports output PointCloud data. (RH-70207)

Added Object Display Mode component. (RH-70330)

Added Clamp component to control minimum/maximum values. (RH-70933)

Added Export Model Block Definition component. (RH-70956)

Added Custom Curve Preview component to Display > Preview. (RH-71729)

Added pen styles to Model Linetype component. (RH-71728)

Added User Text component to Object Attributes category. (RH-71727)

Added ShrinkWrap component. (RH-70958)

Added Named Group component. (RH-73453)

Added Point Cloud Attributes component. (RH-75794)

Added Reduce Point Cloud component. (RH-75795)

Added Point Cloud Closest Point component. (RH-75796)

Added Point Cloud Contour component. (RH-75858)

Added Point Cloud Section component. (RH-75587)

Added Transpose Surface and Reverse Surface components. (RH-77254)

"Explode Block Instance" component is changed to "Explode Objects" and works on all geometry types (except groups). (RH-76106)

Added third party plug-in information to GH document if a component is used. (RH-78613)

Added new datatype for Lights. (RH-79341)

Added serialization to GH_Number param to read/write AngleParameter property. (RH-80595)

Added runtime warning to Explode component for invalid geometry. (RH-81317)

Added Interop methods for accessing trees and data files. (RH-67100)

"Mesh From SubD" component returns control polygon for D=0. (RH-65870)

Added font orientation setting to AS-Text component. (RH-83668)

Support multi-targeting with Grasshopper plug-ins in libraries folder. (RH-84510)

Allow baking a view to a Rhino Named View. (RH-81517)


JoinCurves option is removed from Section and Contour commands. (RH-68953)

Display: Removed Use lights on layers that are off option from display mode settings. (RH-67161)

Removed Print from File menu in Render Window. (RH-70368)

UVEditor: Removed FitLargeUVs option. (RH-71706)

RPC plug-in is removed. (RH-71496)

ZCorp (.zpr) file import and export are discontinued. (RH-75662)