Viewport Properties
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The Viewport Properties panel manages viewport properties.
Three viewport pages (model viewports, layout viewports, and detail viewports) contain information and controls that are relative to that viewport.
Model viewport properties
The viewport title displays in the top left corner of a viewport.
See: Naming conventions in Rhino
The viewport width in pixels.
The viewport height in pixels.
Sets the viewport to a parallel projection.
Parallel views are also called orthogonal views in some systems. In a parallel view, all the grid lines are parallel to each other, and identical objects look the same size, regardless of where they are in the view.
Sets the viewport to a three-point perspective projection.
In a perspective view, grid lines converge to a vanishing point. This provides the illusion of depth in the viewport. Perspective projection makes objects farther away look smaller. All three directions converge to a point.
Two-point perspective
Sets the viewport to a two-point perspective projection. This means that the z direction will not converge to a vanishing point.

2-point perspective projection (right).
Parallel Reflected
Flips the view direction of a parallel viewport for making a view similar to Reflected Ceiling Plan. This projection type is only useful for parallel plan views.

Perspective view.

Top view, only the top box is visible.

Bottom view, all objects are visible, but flipped.

Top view with Parallel Reflected, as if you are looking at the bottom view, but the objects are orientated as in the Top view.
Display mode
Sets the display mode for the current viewport.
Disables view manipulations in the current viewport.
The camera is the x,y,z position of the viewpoint or eye point.
The target is the x,y,z position in space that is at the center of the viewport and about which the view rotates.
Each viewport has its own camera.
Lens Length
When the projection is set to perspective, you can change the lens length of the camera. A "normal" lens length for a 35 mm camera is 43 to 50 mm.
Sets the rotation of the camera about the camera axis (the line between the camera and target).
X Location
The camera x location in world coordinates.
Y Location
The camera y location in world coordinates
Z Location
The camera z location in world coordinates
Distance to Target
The distance from the camera to the target. The target point is projected along the camera axis (the line between the camera and target).
To pick a location for the camera
- Pick in the viewport or type coordinates.
X Location
The target x location in world coordinates.
Y Location
The target y location in world coordinates
Z Location
The target z location in world coordinates
To pick a location for the target
- Click in the viewport or type coordinates.
Wallpaper is a bitmap that displays behind the grid in a viewport. It does not change when you zoom, pan, or rotate your view.
Displays the wallpaper file name.
Click Browse to select an image file.
Shows or hides the wallpaper.
Displays the wallpaper as a gray image rather than color.
Rhino stores the wallpaper bitmap image in the Rhino 3dm file.
Layout Viewport Properties
When the active viewport is a layout, a different set of options is available.
The layout viewport name.
Layout Settings
Select the target printer from the list of configured printers.
Layout Width
Set the width of the paper as well as the width (x length) of the layout. If the paper size not support by the selected printer, the Printer setting will be disabled.
Layout Height
Set the height of the paper as well as the height (y length) of the layout. If the paper size not support by the selected printer, the Printer setting will be disabled.
Open the Edit Layout dialog box.
Detail viewport properties
When the active viewport is a detail, a different set of options is available.
The viewport title.
Lock the detail so the view cannot be panned or zoomed.
Sets the scale factor for the detail scaling.
Layout: Model
___ <units> on layout
___ <units> in model
Opens the Modify Layout dialog box.
Lens Length
X Location
Y Location
X Target
Y Target
Z Target
See also

Show, hide, or toggle the visibility of the viewport camera.

Title, size, projection, camera and target, lens length, wallpaper.