Apply a mesh to a surface
Commands that apply mesh objects to a surface to shape the mesh to match the surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Apply to Surface |
The ApplyMesh command uses texture UV coordinates to map a mesh onto a surface.
- If the target surface is trimmed, the untrimmed surface is used.
- ApplyMesh only accepts meshes with UV coordinates embedded. Meshes imported from STL files do not work.
- ApplyMesh is sensitive to the u and v directions of a surface. Use the Dir command to swap the u and v directions.
- Select a mesh.
- Select the target surface.
Toolbar | Menu |
Mesh Apply Mesh UVN |
The ApplyMeshUVN command wraps meshes and points onto a surface.
To create meshes from bitmaps, see the Heightfield command.
- Select meshes and points.
- Select the target surface.
The mesh wraps around the target surface.
Command-line option | |
VerticalScale |
The scaling factor for the height of the applied mesh. |
See also

Create a mesh from a NURBS surface or polysurface.