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Mesh Tools


Mesh Repair Tools >

Match Mesh Edge

The MatchMeshEdge command moves face edges of an open mesh to meet adjacent face edges.


  • First, the command will try to match vertices, then it will try to split edges to make the edges match.
  • No part of the mesh is moved more than the specified tolerance.
  • You can use this command either on the complete mesh or on selected edges.
  • When selecting a whole mesh, using a high tolerance can create unexpected results. Use larger tolerances only if you select specific edges to close.
  • Prompts and options will not display when meshes are preselected.
  • Before edge matching, magenta edges are open.

Command-line options


Select specific edges to match.


Specify the tolerance distance.


Matching the mesh takes place in four passes starting at a tolerance that is smaller than your specified tolerance and working up to the specified tolerance with successive passes. This matches small edges first and works up to larger edges.


Moves vertices to the average location instead of moving one to the other.


Joins the input meshes that have vertices being aligned.

  • Some STL/SLA printers have problems if meshes contain many long, thin facets. These facets can slow the printer down, produce odd results, or run the printer out of memory.
  • The MeshRepair command may be useful when tuning up meshes for STL/SLA printing.

See also

Edit mesh objects