InfinitePlane (IPlane)

Toolbar Menu


Not on menus.

The InfinitePlane command offers a way to intersect any plane with objects to return curves or points. This includes construction planes, planar surfaces geometry, and planes defined on-the-fly.


Command-line options

Different ways to define an infinite plane.


Draw a rectangle using two adjacent corner locations and a location on the opposite side.


Draw a rectangle perpendicular to the construction plane.


Pick a point to set a plane parallel to the current construction plane.


Draw a rectangle perpendicular to a curve.


Use a Named CPlane.


Select a Named CPlane axis icon in the viewport.


Select a Named CPlane from the list.

CPlaneXY / CPlaneYZ / CPlaneZX

Use the XY / YZ / ZX plane of the current construction plane.

WorldXY / WorldYZ / WorldZX

Use the XY / YZ / ZX plane of the world coordinate system.

InfinitePlane as input for commands

The InfinitePlane option offers a way to intersect any plane (extended to infinity) with objects to return curves or points. This includes construction planes, planar surfaces geometry, and planes defined on-the-fly.

Shortcut: IP

InfinitePlane steps

  1. Anytime you are prompted for a surface, type InfinitePlane or IP.
  2. At the prompts, select planar object to use for creating a pseudo-infinite plane: a planar curve, surface, polysurface face, a single polygon mesh, a clipping plane, a named construction plane, or draw a plane.