Command Quick Reference
3DFaceCreates mesh or SubD faces that can be standalone or added to an existing mesh or SubD.
3ViewSet up a three-viewport workspace.
4ViewSet up a four-viewport workspace.
A |
AboutDisplays Rhino version and license information.
AcadSchemesEdit AutoCAD export schemes.
AddGuideAdd temporary infinite guide / construction line.
AddMissingBlockAttributeKeysRestores the Attribute User Text that has been deleted from the properties of a block instance.
AddNextUAdd the next control point in the u direction to the selection.
AddNextVAdd the next control point in the v direction to the selection.
AddNgonsToMeshConverts regions of connected coplanar welded faces into n-gons.
AddObjectsToBlockAdds objects to an existing embedded block definition.
AddPrevUAdd the previous control point in the u direction to the selection.
AddPrevVAdd the previous control point in the v direction to the selection.
AddToGroupAdd an object to a selected group.
AlerterOpen the Alerter options page.
AlignLines up the bounding boxes of objects, or object grips (control points, edit points, vertices...).
AlignProfilesLine up one curve to another.
AlignVerticesForces mesh or SubD vertices to the same location.
AngleReport the angle between two picked or defined lines.
ApplyBoxMappingAdd a box texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplyCrvWrap a curve onto a surface.
ApplyCustomMappingAdd a custom texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplyCylindricalMappingAdd a cylindrical texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplyMeshFit a mesh that matches a source mesh onto a surface.
ApplyMeshUVNWrap meshes and points onto a surface.
ApplyOcsMappingLines up textures with the object rather than the world coordinates when textures use WCS/OCS or WCS/OCS (Box style) mappings.
ApplyPlanarMappingAdd a planar texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplySphericalMappingAdd a spherical texture mapping channel to an object.
ApplySurfaceMappingAdd a surface texture mapping channel to an object.
ArcBlendCreate an arc blend curve between two curves.
ArcDraw an arc with options for center, start, angle, and direction.
AreaCentroidReport and marks an object's area centroid.
AreaMomentsReport an object's area moments of inertia.
AreaReport an object's area.
ArrayCopy and space objects in columns, rows, and levels.
ArrayCrvCopy and space objects along a curve.
ArrayCrvOnSrfCopy and space objects along a curve on a surface.
ArrayHoleCopy and space holes in rows and columns.
ArrayHolePolarCopy and space holes around a central location.
ArrayLinearCopy and space objects in a single direction.
ArrayPolarCopy and space objects around a central location.
ArraySrfCopy and space objects in rows and columns on a surface.
ArrowheadCreate or remove an arrowhead on a curve.
AssignBlankTextureAssign texture names to objects.
AttachGHSDataAdd GHS (General HydroStatics) information to objects.
Audit3dmFileChecks a Rhino 3dm file which is not currently opened for errors and lists the contents.
AuditChecks the current Rhino model for errors.
AutoAlignCPlaneTurns on/off Auto CPlane and manages the related options.
AutomaticSubDFromMeshControls how box-mode TSpline objects in Rhino 5 3dm files and meshes with non-zero division levels in FBX files are read into Rhino as SubD or mesh objects.
AutosaveSave the current model to a backup file.
B |
BackgroundBitmapManage a background image in a viewport.
BakeCombine an object's textures and decals into a single bitmap file and assign that bitmap as object's texture.
BakeMappingCreates a new texture image by mapping a texture from a UV mesh to another.
BatchRenderNamedViewsRenders all the named views in the model and saves the renderings as image files to a folder.
BendDeform objects along an arc.
BevelChamfers/fillets mesh or SubD edges with specified segments.
BlendConnect two curves maintaining continuity.
BlendCrvConnect two curves with continuity control.
BlendEdgeCreate a surface between polysurface edges maintaining continuity.
BlendSrfCreate a blend surface between two surfaces with continuity control.
BlockDefine a block object. |
BlockEditAllow selecting a block instance to change the block geometry and update the block definition.
BlockManagerOpens the Block Definitions panel for managing the block definitions in the model.
BlockResetScaleResets the x, y, and z scales of a block instance to 1, or applies the best-fit scale to all axes.
Boolean2ObjectsCycle through possible Boolean operations between two objects.
BooleanDifferenceSubtract the volume of one set of objects from another.
BooleanIntersectionCreate a new solid from solids' intersected volumes.
BooleanSplitSplit and close solids at intersections.
BooleanUnionCombine the volumes of one or more objects.
BossExtrude closed planar curves normal to the curve plane toward a boundary surface where the boundary surface is trimmed and joined to the extruded objects.
BounceShoot a ray at a collection of surfaces to create a polyline path.
BoundingBoxThe BoundingBox command creates a box that encloses all selected objects, or each object in selection.
BoxDraw a solid box.
BoxEditSize, scale, position, and rotate objects numerically.
BridgeCreates faces to connect two SubD/Mesh edge chains.
BringForwardMakes the selected object display one level up in the draw order.
BringToFrontMakes the selected object display in front of all other objects.
BringViewportToTopBring a viewport to the front.
C |
CageCreate a control cage object used by the CageEdit command to deform other objects.
CageEditDeform objects smoothly using control cage objects.
CalcRPNToggle the on-screen RPN (reverse Polish notation) calculator.
CalcToggle the on-screen calculator.
CameraShow, hide, or toggle the visibility of the viewport camera.
CancelCancel the current command and deselects objects.
CapFills planar holes in objects with planar faces.
CatenaryCreates a curve that a hanging chain or cable assumes under its own weight when supported only at its ends.
CentermarkDraw a cross or a cross and center lines at the center point of a curve.
ChamferCreate a line segment between two curves and trims or extends the curves to meet it.
ChamferEdgeCreate a ruled surface at polysurface edges.
ChamferSrfCreate a ruled surface between two surface edges.
ChangeDegreeChange the degree of the polynomial that defines the curve or surface by adding or subtracting control points between knot spans, while maintaining the knot structure.
ChangeLayerChange an object's layer.
ChangeSpaceMove or copy objects between layout and detail viewports.
ChangeToCurrentLayerChange an object's layer to the current layer.
ChatProvides an in-app contact window where you can communicate with the McNeel support team.
CheckInLicenseCheck in a license to the Zoo license manager.
CheckNewObjectsReport errors in an object's data structure as it is created or imported.
CheckOutLicenseCheck out a license from the Zoo license manager.
CheckReport errors in an object's data structure.
CircleDraw a circle from center and radius, diameter, points on the circumference, and circumference length.
ClashThe Clash command uses clearance distance to detect clashes between two sets of objects.
ClearAllMeshesDelete render and analysis meshes.
ClearAllObjectDisplayModesRemove all per-view, per-object display mode overrides.
ClearAnalysisMeshesDeletes all surface analysis meshes in the model. |
ClearClippingSectionsClears the clipping state of one or more clipping widgets in one or more views.
ClearDrawOrderRemoves the draw order tags from selected objects.
ClearUndoClear the undo buffer to free memory.
ClippingDrawingsExtracts sections and background geometry of clipping planes to generate 2D drawings on the World Top plane at the picked locations.
ClippingPlaneCreate a plane that hides objects.
ClippingPlanePropertiesManages the properties of a Clipping Plane in Command-line.
ClippingSectionsCreates clipping planes that cut through selected objects with settings to define direction, depth, label, and save section views as Named Views.
CloseCrvClose open curves.
CloseRenderWindowClose the render display window.
ClosestPtCreate a point object on an object at the nearest location to a base location or to another object. |
CloseViewportClose the active model or layout viewport.
CollapseMeshEdgeMove mesh edge vertices to a single vertex.
CollapseMeshFaceMove all mesh face vertices to a single vertex.
CollapseMeshFacesByAreaMove all mesh face vertices to a single vertex based on face area.
CollapseMeshFacesByAspectRatioMove all mesh face vertices to a single vertex based on face aspect ratio.
CollapseMeshFacesByEdgeLengthMove all mesh face vertices to a single vertex based on face edge length.
CollapseMeshVertexMove a mesh vertex to an adjacent mesh vertex.
CommandHelpOpen the docking context Command Help window.
CommandHistoryOpen the Command History window.
CommandListOpen the Command List window.
CommandPromptManage the display of the command prompt window.
CommandsDisplay the Command List Help topic.
ComputeVertexColorsEvaluate texture coordinates and set vertex colors.
ConeCreates a surface cone.
ConicDraw a conic section curve with options for the start, end, apex, and rho value.
ConnectExtend and trim curves to meet at their endpoints.
ConnectSrfExtends or trims two surfaces to where they intersect.
ConstraintsOpens the Constraints panel.
Opens the Containers dialog box to manage the panels or toolbars in containers.
ContentFilterOpen the Content Filter dialog box.
ContinueCurveContinue to draw the selected curve using control points.
ContinueInterpCrvContinue to draw the selected curve interpolating through picked points.
ContourCreates planar curves, points, or hatches by intersecting evenly spaced planes with the input objects.
ConvertChange a curve to polyline or arc segments.
ConvertExtrusionConvert extrusion objects to surfaces and polysurfaces.
ConvertTextToBlockAttributeTurns exiting text objects into block attributes.
ConvertToBeziersChange the structure of a NURBS object to a Bézier object.
ConvertToSingleSpansSplits a NURBS surface at knots to create untrimmed single-span surfaces.
CopyCPlaneSettingsToAllMatch all viewports' grid and snap settings to the specified viewport.
CopyCPlaneToAllMatch all viewports' construction planes to the specified viewport.
CopyDetailToViewportCopy a detail viewport to a model viewport.
CopyDuplicate objects.
CopyHoleCopy a hole in a planar surface.
CopyLayoutCopy the active layout to a new layout.
CopyLinkedBlockDefinitionCopy a linked block with Reference style layers.
CopyRenderWindowToClipboardCopy the image in the render window to the Clipboard.
CopyToClipboardCopy objects to the Clipboard.
CopyToLayerCopy objects to a layer.
CopyViewportToDetailCopy or move a model viewport to a detail viewport.
CPlaneSet the construction plane in the active viewport.
CreaseChanges smooth SubD edges/vertices into creased edges/vertices, or welded mesh edges into unwelded edges.
CreaseSplittingControl whether surface creation commands divide creased surfaces into polysurfaces.
CreateRegionsReplace a non-manifold polysurface with all solid manifold regions defined by the surfaces of the input.
CreateSolidCreate a closed polysurface from surfaces.
CreateUniqueBlockThe CreateUniqueBlock command duplicates the block definition of a block instance and changes the block instance to reference the new block definition.
CreateUVCrvProject a surface boundary and trim curves onto the world xy plane.
Crv2ViewCreate a curve by averaging two input curves that are planar in two different views.
CrvDeviationReport the maximum and minimum distances between two curves.
CrvEndPlace a point object at the end of a curve.
CrvSeamChange the seam (start/end) location on closed curves.
CrvStartPlace a point object at the start of a curve.
CSecCreate cross-section curves through profile curves.
CullControlPolygonToggle the display of control points that are behind the surface.
CullDegenerateMeshFacesDelete zero-area mesh faces.
CurvatureAnalysisEvaluate surface curvature using false-color analysis.
CurvatureAnalysisOffTurn off curvature analysis display.
CurvatureEvaluate the curvature of a curve or surface.
CurvatureGraphEvaluate curve or surface curvature with a graph.
CurvatureGraphOffTurn off curvature graph display.
CurveBooleanTrim, split, and join curves based on their overlapping regions.
CurveDraw a curve from control point locations.
CurveThroughPolylineCreate a curve from polyline vertices.
CurveThroughPtFit a curve through point objects.
CurveThroughSrfControlPtFit curves through surface control points.
CutDelete objects and place them in the Clipboard.
CutPlaneCreate planar surfaces through objects at specified locations.
CutVolumeReport the volume of the intersection of a solid and a box.
CylinderDraw a polysurface cylinder.
D |
DecimalPointChecks to see whether numbers with decimal points are being correctly printed and read.
DeleteFacesRemove faces from a mesh, SubD or Polysurface to create a hole.
DeleteMeshNgonsConverts n-gons on a mesh into triangle or quad faces.
DeleteRemoves objects or sub-objects.
DeleteSubCrvRemove a portion of a curve that is between two locations.
DetailManage layout detail viewports. |
DevLoftCreates a single developable surface between two rails.
DiameterReport the diameter of a curve at a specified point.
DigBeepTurn the digitizing arm sound on and off.
DigCalibrateValidate digitizer measurements against a model.
DigCameraSet the view based on the probe position and direction.
DigClickPick a location with a digitizing arm.
DigDisconnectDisconnect the digitizing arm.
DigitizeConnect and initialize a digitizing arm.
DigLineDraw a line normal to a surface with a digitizing arm.
DigPauseSuspend/pause input from the digitizing arm.
DigScaleSet a scale factor for digitized points.
DigSectionCreate planar cross sections with a digitizing arm.
DigSketchSketch a curve with a digitizing arm.
DimAlignedDraw a linear dimension lined up with two points. |
DimAngleDimension the angle between two lines. |
DimAreaDimension the area of a closed curve, surface, mesh, or hatch.
DimCreaseAngleDimension the angle between two planes.
DimCurveLengthDimension the length of a curve.
DimDiameterDimension the diameter of a curve. |
DimDraw horizontal or vertical linear dimensions. |
DimOrdinateDimension the x or y distance from a base location. |
DimRadiusDimension the radius of an arc or circle. |
DimRecenterTextReturn dimension text to its default location. |
DimRotatedDraw a linear dimension that is rotated from the xy axis. |
DimVolumeDimensions the volume of a closed extrusion, surface, polysurface, mesh, or SubD.
DirDisplay and edit an object's normal direction. |
DirectionalLightInsert a light with parallel rays pointing in a specified direction.
DisableClippingPlaneTurn off the selected clipping plane.
DisableOsnapManage persistent object snaps.
DisplayCommandPromptRe-display the command prompt.
DisplayPropertiesOpen the Display panel.
DistanceReport the distance between two picked locations.
DistributeSpread objects out evenly between the end objects.
DivideAlongCreasesDivide a surface into separate parts at kinks.
DivideCreate point objects along a curve by the number of equal length segments or segments of a specified length.
DocumentPropertiesManage the settings for the current model.
DocumentPropertiesPageOpen the Document Properties dialog box at the specified page.
DocumentTextOpens the Document User Text panel that lets you manage the document text.
DollyZoomMove the camera location and change the lens length at the same time.
DomainReport the domain of a curve or surface.
DotDraw an annotation dot that stays parallel to and sizes with the view. |
DownloadLibraryTexturesDownloads required bitmap files for textures.
DraftAngleAnalysisOffTurn off draft angle analysis.
DraftAngleAnalysisVisually evaluate surface draft-angle using false-color analysis.
DraftAnglePointPlace a point object on a surface the surface's draft angle break location.
DragCopyThe DragCopy command creates a copy of the object being dragged at the current cursor location.
DragModeSpecify the plane object dragging will be parallel to.
DragStrengthSets the amount of object drag as a percentage of mouse movement to control the speed of the drag movement.
DrapeCreate a surface through the intersections of objects and points projected toward the construction plane.
DrapePtCreate a grid of points at the intersections of objects and points projected toward the construction plane.
DupAnnotationStyleCreate a new annotation style by copying an existing style.
DupBorderCreate a curve or polyline that copies a surface, polysurface, or mesh border.
DupEdgeCreate a curve that copies a surface edge.
DupFaceBorderCreates a curve that copies a polysurface face border.
DupLayerDuplicate (copy) a layer including all layer attributes and geometry.
DupMeshEdgeCreates a polyline that duplicates the edge of a mesh.
DupMeshHoleBoundaryCreate a polyline that duplicates the boundary of a mesh hole.
E |
EarthAnchorPointAdd information about the model's position for GIS mapping applications.
EchoTurn on echoing of script commands to the command history window.
EdgeContinuityUses line hairs to visualize distance, tangency and curvature difference between an edge pair.
EdgeSrfCreate a surface from two, three, or four curves.
EditClippingDrawingsUpdates the option settings for existing clipping drawings.
EditLightByHighlightAdd lights based on highlight locations.
EditLightByLookingSet a spotlight direction using view manipulation tools.
EditPtOnDisplays edit points on curves or SubDs.
EditPythonScriptEdit a Python script.
EditScriptOpen a text editor utility for editing RhinoScript files.
EllipseDraw a closed elliptical curve from focus points, center and edges, bounding rectangle, and around a curve.
EllipsoidDraw a solid ellipsoid.
EMapOffTurn off environment map display.
EMapVisually evaluate surface smoothness using an image bitmap reflected in the surface.
EnableClippingPlaneTurn on selected clipping planes in the active viewport.
EndBulgeAdjust the shape of a curve at its end or a surface near an untrimmed edge.
EnterEndSimulate the Enter key to complete a command string in a script.
EnterSimulate the Enter key in a script.
EnvironmentsOpens the Environments panel.
EvaluatePtReport the world and construction plane coordinates of a picked location.
EvaluateUVPtReport the u and v coordinates of a specified location on a surface.
ExitClose Rhino.
ExplodeBlockExplode a block including any nested blocks into component objects.
ExplodeBreak objects down into components.
ExportBitmapsCreate files from bitmaps in the model.
ExportClippingDrawingsSaves clipping drawings of selected clipping planes to separate Rhino (.3dm) or .dwg files.
ExportClippingSectionInfoCreates a .csv file listing sections with basic location and area calculations for sections that have clipping drawings associated with them.
ExportLinkedBlocksSaves all the Linked and Embedded and Linked block definitions in the current model to a zip file.
Merges the original toolbars of the selected .rui file and its customized toolbars into a new rui file. |
ExportSave selected objects to a new file. |
ExportWithOriginSave objects to a new file with a specified origin and construction plane. |
ExtendCrvOnSrfLengthen a curve on a surface to the surface edges.
ExtendDynamicLengthen a curve by its natural extension to a boundary or point.
ExtendLengthen a curve.
ExtendSrfLengthen a surface by a value.
ExtractAnalysisMeshDuplicate an object's analysis mesh.
ExtractBadSrfSeparate surfaces with errors from a polysurface.
ExtractClippingSectionsDuplicates the section boundaries and fills from the objects clipped by the selected clipping plane as curves and hatches.
ExtractClippingSlicesExtracts 3D slices of clipped model objects from clipping planes.
ExtractConnectedMeshFacesSeparate mesh faces connected to a face.
ExtractControlPolygonFit a polyline through curve control points or a mesh through surface control points.
ExtractCurvatureGraphDuplicate a curve's curvature graph.
ExtractCustomMappingObjectExtracts the custom mapping source, a mesh or a surface, embedded in the selected object.
ExtractDuplicateMeshFacesSeparate duplicated faces from a mesh.
ExtractIsocurveDuplicate surface isoparametric curves.
ExtractLineTypeSegmentsConverts linetype patterns of the selected curves to curve segments and points.
ExtractMeshEdgesSeparate faces from the parent mesh determined by a draft angle or weld status.
ExtractMeshFacesByAreaSeparate faces from a mesh by area.
ExtractMeshFacesByAspectRatioSeparate faces from a mesh by aspect ratio.
ExtractMeshFacesByDraftAngleSeparate faces from a mesh by a draft angle or weld status.
ExtractMeshFacesByEdgeLengthSeparate faces from a mesh by edge length.
ExtractMeshFacesSeparate faces from a mesh.
ExtractMeshPartSeparate faces from a mesh that are bounded by unwelded, non-manifold, or naked edges.
ExtractNonManifoldMeshEdgesSeparate non-manifold faces from a mesh.
ExtractOriginalCaptivesRestores the original, undeformed, captive object(s) at its original location.
ExtractPipedCurveDuplicate a curve's piping mesh.
ExtractPtDuplicate curve control or edit points, surface control points, and mesh vertices.
ExtractRenderMeshDuplicate the render mesh.
ExtractSrfSeparates or duplicates polysurface, Extrusion, or SubD faces.
ExtractSubCrvSeparate or duplicate polycurve segments.
ExtractUVMeshDuplicate the uv mesh.
ExtractWireframeDuplicate surface or polysurface edge and isoparametric curves.
ExtrudeCrvAlongCrvDrive closed planar curves along a path curve.
ExtrudeCrvDrive closed planar curves in a straight line.
ExtrudeCrvTaperedDrive closed planar curves in a straight line tapering at an angle.
ExtrudeCrvToPointDrive closed planar curves tapering to a point.
ExtrudeMeshExtrudes mesh faces and boundary edges with different direction modes.
ExtrudeSrfAlongCrvDrive surface edges along a path curve to create a solid.
ExtrudeSrfDrive surface edges in a straight line to create a solid.
ExtrudeSrfTaperedDrive surface edges in a straight line tapering at an angle to create a solid.
ExtrudeSrfToPointDrive surface edges tapering to a point to create a solid.
ExtrudeSubDExtrudes SubD faces and boundary edges with different direction modes.
F |
FairRemove large curvature variations in a curve while limiting the geometry changes to the specified tolerance.
FileExplorerOpens the File Explorer panel that can access any types of files on the computer.
FillCreate SubD/mesh faces from SubD/mesh boundary edges.
FilletAdd an arc between two curves and trims or extends the curves to the arc.
FilletCornersRound polyline corners with arcs.
FilletEdgeCreate a tangent surface between polysurface edges.
FilletSrfCreate a constant-radius round surface between two surfaces.
FilletSrfCrvCreates a fillet surface between a surface and a curve.
FilletSrfToRailCreates a surface blending between a surface and a curve referencing the curvature of another surface.
FillMeshHoleFill a hole in a mesh.
FillMeshHolesFill all holes in a mesh.
FindTextFinds or replaces the specified text string in text objects, dimensions, or dots.
FinExtrude a curve on a surface in the surface normal direction.
FitCrvMake a non-rational NURBS curve of a specified degree that matches the input curve to within the specified tolerance.
FitCurveToSurfaceProjects or pulls a curve onto a surface and transfers the knot parameterization in the U or V direction to the new curve.
FitSrfReduce the number of surface control points.
FixedLengthCrvEditDrag points on a curve to change its shape without changing the curve's length.
FlatShadeShade objects without smoothing between mesh faces.
FlattenSrfProject surface edges onto the construction plane to create planar curves.
FlipReverse the normal direction of a curve, surface, or mesh.
FlowAlongSrfRe-align objects from a source surface to a target surface.
FlowRe-align objects from a base curve to a target curve.
FoldFaceRotate polysurface faces around an axis.
FullscreenHide menus, status bar, toolbars, command prompt, and windows title bar and maximize the Rhino window.
G |
GConReport the geometric continuity between two curves.
GetDocumentUserTextRetrieve text information attached to a file with the SetDocumentUserText command.
GetIssueStateTests a bugtrack issue id number to determine if code that was committed to fix the issue is in the actively running Rhino.
GetUserTextRetrieve text information attached to an object using the SetUserText command.
GradientViewSet the gradient background for a viewport.
GrasshopperDeveloperSettingsManages Grasshopper plug-in (*.gha) loading behavior and locations.
GrasshopperFoldersOpens the folders where Grasshopper stores files of settings, user objects, clusters or components.
GrasshopperGetSDKDocumentationDownloads the Grasshopper SDK help document (.CHM) from the Internet.
GrasshopperIgnorePluginSelects a Grasshopper plug-in file (*.gha) that will be ignored by Grasshopper.
GrasshopperLoadOneByOnePrompts to load Grasshopper plug-ins one by one and then launch Grasshopper.
GrasshopperOpens the Grasshopper plug-in window.
GrasshopperPlayerLoads and executes a grasshopper definition (*.gh, *.ghx) without showing the Grasshopper window.
GrasshopperPluginListShows the plug-ins used in the currently loaded Grasshopper file.
GridSet grid properties.
GroundPlaneOpen the GroundPlane panel.
GroupOrganize objects into a single component. |
GumballAlignmentReset the gumball widget alignment.
GumballAutoResetReset the gumball widget alignment.
GumballDisplay the gumball widget on a selected object facilitating move, scale, and rotate transformations around the gumball origin.
GumballDynamicRelocateAllows relocating Gumball by dragging one of its controls.
GumballRelocateChanges the Gumball widget location and orientation of on an object.
GumballResetResets the Gumball widget on an object to the default location and orientation.
GumballScaleModeSet the size of the scale handles either relative to the model or to a fixed size.
GumballSettingsChanges Gumball appearances from Command-line options.
H |
HandleCurveDraw chained Bézier curves with editing handles.
HatchBaseSet a starting point for existing hatches.
HatchCreate a pattern of lines to fill bounding curves. |
HatchScaleSets the scale factor of hatch patterns in model viewports.
HBarEdit a curve or surface with Bézier curve editing handles.
HeightfieldCreate a surface based on gray-scale color values in an image file.
HelixDraw a helical curve with options for number of turns, pitch, vertical, reverse, and around a curve.
HelpOpen the Help topic for the current command. |
HideConceal objects from view.
HideInDetailConceal objects in a detail view.
HideLayersInDetailConceal layers in a detail view.
HidePtConceal control and edit points.
HideRenderMeshHide the render mesh displayed with the ShowRenderMesh command.
HideSwapConceal all visible objects and re-displays all previously hidden objects.
HighlightObjectLayersSelects the layers of selected objects when the Layer panel is visible.
HistoryPurgeRemove history from an object and its children.
HistoryStore the connection between a command's input geometry and the result, so that when the input geometry changes, the result updates accordingly.
HistoryUpdateRedefine selected objects when parents are changed.
HydrostaticsReport hydrostatic values for surfaces and polysurfaces.
HyperbolaDraw a hyperbolic curve from focus points, vertices, or coefficient.
HyperlinkManage URL addresses attached to an object.
I |
IgesImportOptionsDecides if layer level numbers will be added to the end of the layer names on IGES import.
IGESStudyExamine specific entities in an IGES file by limiting which portions of the IGES folder are parsed.
ImportAnnotationStylesImport annotation styles into the current document. |
ImportLayoutImport a print layout viewport from another file.
ImportMerges objects from another model file. |
IncrementalSaveSave sequentially-numbered versions of a model.
InfinitePlaneIntersect any plane with objects to return curves or points.
InsertControlPointAdd control points to a curve or a row of control points to a surface.
InsertEdgeInserts edges beside an edge loop or across an edge ring on a SubD or mesh.
InsertEditPointAdd edit points to a curve.
InsertInsert block objects stored in the file or import a file as a block definition. |
InsertKinkAdd kinks to a curve.
InsertKnotAdd knots to curves or surfaces.
InsertLineIntoCrvFlatten the curve segment between picked points.
InsertPointAdds vertices and edges to a Mesh or SubD along the picked points on edges.
InsetOffsets the edges of selected mesh, SubD, or polysurface faces in a certain distance towards the center of each face.
InterpCrvFit a curve through picked locations.
InterpCrvOnSrfFit a curve through locations on a surface.
IntersectCreate point objects or curves at the intersections of curves and surfaces.
IntersectSelfFinds self-intersections in curves and marks them with point objects.
IntersectTwoSetsFind the intersection of one set of objects with another set of objects.
InvertDeselect all selected objects and select all previously unselected objects.
InvertPtDeselect all selected control or edit points and select all previously unselected control or edit points.
IsolateHide all but the currently selected objects.
IsolateLockLock all but the currently selected objects.
IsometricChange the current viewport properties to a parallel projection isometric view looking from a specified quadrant toward 0.
J |
JoinConnect curves, surface edges, or surfaces to form a single object.
JoinCopyDuplicates the selected objects and joins the duplicates.
JoinEdgeJoin two naked edges that are out of tolerance.
L |
LassoSelect objects by drawing a freehand shape.
LayerBookMoves through the layers of a model sequentially, just like turning the pages of a book or a slide show for demonstration and training. |
LayerStateManagerSave and restore the current layer state.
LayerToggle Layer panel. |
LayoutCreate a print layout viewport.
LayoutPropertiesManage layout viewport properties.
LayoutsOpens the Layouts panel that manages the layouts in the model.
LeaderDraw an annotation leader with attached text. |
LengthReport the length of curves or surface edges.
LibrariesOpen the Libraries panel.
LightsOpen the Lights panel.
LimitReferenceModelLimit the amount of reference geometry that is available to work on.
LinearLightInsert a tubular light.
LineDraw a single line segment.
LinesDraw multiple adjoining line segments.
LineThroughPtFit a line through any combination of points, control points, and point-cloud objects.
LinetypeDisplayConfigures how linetypes display in viewports.
LinetypesThe Linetypes command shows document linetype definitions in a tabbed panel.
ListReport information about object's data structure.
LoadScriptLoad a RhinoScript.
LockLock objects so they cannot be selected for editing.
LockSwapLock all unlocked objects and unlock all previously locked objects.
LockViewportToggles the locking state of the current viewport.
LoftFit a surface through profile curves that define the surface shape.
LoginLog you into Rhino using your Rhino account.
LogoutLog you out and returns any licenses borrowed from a Rhino account.
M |
MacroEditorOpen an edit window for script creation and testing.
Opens the Macro Library dialog box to manage the macros in the default toolbars or linked rui files.
MaelstromDeform objects in a spiral.
Make2DProject geometry to the construction plane.
MakeHoleProject a closed curve to a surface to define a hole.
MakeNonPeriodicInsert a kink at the start/end of a curve or surface.
MakePeriodicRemove the kink from the start/end of a curve or surface.
MakeSubDFriendlyMakes any curves SubD compatible.
MakeUniformMake the object knot vectors uniform without changing the control point locations.
MakeUniformUVMake the surface knots uniform in u or v direction.
MappingWidgetOffTurn off texture mapping widgets.
MappingWidgetTurn on texture mapping widgets.
MarkFociPlace point objects at focus locations of conic curves.
MatchAnnotationThe MatchAnnotation command changes an annotation's properties to match another annotation.
MatchChange a curve end to meet another curve or surface edge with a specified continuity.
MatchCrvDirChange a curve's direction to match another curve's direction.
MatchLayerChange an object's layer to match another object.
MatchMappingChange an object's texture mapping properties to match another object.
MatchMeshEdgeMove naked mesh face edges to meet adjacent face edges.
MatchPropertiesChange an object's properties to match another object.
MatchSrfAdjust a surface edge to have continuity with another surface edge.
MaterialsOpen or close the Materials panel.
MaximizeMaximize the Rhino application window.
MaxViewportMaximize the active viewport.
MenusOpens the Menu Editor window.
Merge2MeshFacesMerge two triangular mesh faces into one quadrangular face.
MergeAllCoplanarFacesCombines the faces of each planar region on a mesh, polysurface, or SubD into a single face.
MergeAllEdgesMerge all possible edges of a surface or polysurface.
MergeCoplanarFaceCombines adjacent coplanar faces of a mesh, polysurface, or SubD into a single face.
MergeCrvCombines curves connected end to end into a single curve.
MergeEdgeCombine adjacent edges of the same surface.
MergeFacesMerges a connected set of SubD or mesh faces into a single face.
MergeSrfCombine two surfaces at untrimmed edges.
MeshBooleanDifferenceSubtract the volume of one set of objects from another resulting in a mesh.
MeshBooleanIntersectionCreate a new mesh from the intersected volumes of objects.
MeshBooleanSplitSplit and close objects at intersections.
MeshBooleanUnionCombine the volumes of objects into a single mesh.
MeshBoxDraw a mesh box.
MeshConeCreates a mesh cone.
MeshCreate a mesh from a NURBS surface or polysurface.
MeshCylinderDraw a mesh cylinder.
MeshEllipsoidDraw a mesh ellipsoid.
MeshFromLinesCreate a mesh from intersecting lines.
MeshFromPointsCreates a mesh from point objects or point clouds.
MeshIntersectCreate a polyline at the intersection of mesh objects.
MeshOutlineCreate a polyline outline of mesh objects or surface render mesh.
MeshPatchCreate a mesh from curves and points.
MeshPlaneDraw a rectangular mesh plane.
MeshPolylineCreate a mesh from a closed polyline.
MeshRepairOpen the Mesh Repair wizard.
MeshSelfIntersectCreates polylines from self-intersections of mesh objects.
MeshSphereDraw a mesh sphere.
MeshSplitDivide meshes into parts with another object.
MeshToNURBDuplicate each mesh face with a NURBS surface.
MeshTorusDraw a mesh torus.
MeshTrimDelete portions of a mesh inside or outside intersections with another object.
MeshTruncatedConeDraw a mesh truncated cone.
MigratePluginsSearches for 3rd-party plug-ins installed for previous versions of Rhino to load in the current version of Rhino if they are compatible.
MinimizeMinimize the Rhino application window.
MirrorCreate a mirror-image copy of objects.
MirrorHoleCreate a mirror image copy of one or more holes in a single planar surface.
ModelBasepointSet a world origin that is used when inserting the model into another.
ModifyRadiusChange the radius of existing arcs and circles.
MoveCrvMove a polycurve/polyline segment.
MoveEdgeMove a polysurface edge.
MoveExtractedIsocurveAllows moving a curve created by the ExtractIsocurve command with History.
MoveFaceMove a polysurface face.
MoveHoleMove a hole in a planar surface.
MoveMove objects from one location to another.
MoveTargetToObjectsMove the target to the center of selected objects.
MoveUntrimmedEdgeMove the edge of an untrimmed polysurface face.
MoveUntrimmedFaceMove an untrimmed polysurface face.
MoveUVNMove curve or surface control points along the u, v, and normal directions of the object.
MPlaneSet up a relationship between a construction plane and an object.
MultiPausePause a script for the duration of multiple selections, for example in Join, Polyline, and FilletEdge.
MultiPipeCreates a SubD pipe frame with smooth conjunctions from intersected curves.
N |
NamedCPlaneManage the named construction planes list.
NamedPositionToggle the Named Position panel to the location of objects.
NamedSelectionsOpens the Named Selections panel that saves selection sets.
NamedViewManage the named views.
NestedClippingDrawingProjects object sections from 3D space to the World XY-plane, on the current layer, with user-specified spacing and arrangement.
NetworkSrfFit a surface through a network of crossing curves.
NewCreate a new model based on a template. |
NewFloatingViewportCreate a new free-floating viewport.
NewViewportCreate a new viewport.
NextOrthoViewportActivate the next viewport with an orthogonal projection.
NextPerspectiveViewportActivate the next viewport with a perspective projection.
NextUSelect the control point in the positive u direction.
NextViewportActivate the next viewport.
NextViewportToTopDisplay the next viewport in front of all other viewports.
NextVSelect the control point in the positive v direction.
NoEchoTurn off echoing of script commands to the command history window.
NonmanifoldMergeCreate a non-manifold polysurface from intersecting surfaces and polysurfaces.
NotesOpen a text notes window.
NotificationsThe Notifications command opens the Notification panel.
O |
OffsetCopy a curve parallel to the original.
OffsetCrvOnSrfCopy a curve on a surface parallel to the original.
OffsetMeshCopies a mesh by moving the vertices a specified distance with different direction modes.
OffsetMultipleCopy curves or surface edges parallel to the original.
OffsetNormalCopy a curve on a surface parallel to the original in the surface normal direction.
OffsetSrfCopy a surface parallel to the original.
OffsetSubDMakes a copy of a SubD by moving its vertices towards the normal direction with the specified distance.
OneLayerOffTurns off the selected object's layer.
OneLayerOnTurns a specified layer on and all other layers off.
OneViewSets the active construction plane according to the current view direction to accommodate single-window modeling.
OpenOpens an existing model file. |
OpenURLPrompts for entering a web address and opens the website in the default web browser.
OptionsExportSave Options settings to a file.
OptionsImportRestore Options settings from a file.
OptionsManage global options. |
OptionsPageOpen the Options dialog box at a specified page.
Orient3PtTransform objects using three reference and three target points.
OrientCameraToSrfAlign the view to a surface normal.
OrientCrvToEdgeCopy and align a curve to a surface edge.
OrientOnCrvTransform objects along a curve normal.
OrientOnSrfTransform objects normal to a surface.
OrientTransform objects using two reference and two target points.
OrthoAngleSet the angle for cursor ortho movement.
OrthoRestrict cursor movement to an angle.
OrthoSnapToCPlaneZAllows Ortho mode to track along the CPlane Z direction from the previously picked point.
OsnapSet object snaps state. |
P |
PackageManagerAssists in the discovery, installation, and management of Rhino and Grasshopper plug-ins.
PackSubDFacesResets a SubD to the default face packing if adding creases or deleting faces breaks the rectangular quad grids.
PackTexturesSeparates faces of a polysurface in the texture UV space. Each face will display different portion of the texture.
PanShift the location of the view camera and target parallel to the view plane.
Parabola3PtDraw a parabolic curve through three picked points.
ParabolaDraw a parabolic curve from focus and vertex or endpoint.
ParaboloidDraw a parabolic surface or capped solid.
PasteInsert objects from the Clipboard.
PatchFit a surface through curves and point objects.
PatchSingleFaceFill a mesh hole with a single mesh face.
PauseStop a script for user input.
PerspectiveAngleSet the viewport field-of-view angle.
PerspectiveMatchAllow matching the view to the Wallpaper image.
PictureDraw a rectangular planar surface with a bitmap texture.
PipeCreate a surface, polysurface, or extrusion object with a circular profile around a curve.
PlaceHoleProject a closed curve to a surface to define a hole.
PlanarDifferenceSelects two overlapped planar surfaces and creates a surface from the first surface with the overlapped area trimmed off.
PlanarIntersectionCreates a surface from the overlapped area of two planar surfaces.
PlanarLimit picking locations to an elevation.
PlanarMeshCreate a planar mesh from closed curves.
PlanarSrfCreate a planar surface from planar curves.
PlanarUnionMerges overlapped planar surfaces into a single surface.
PlaneDraw a rectangular planar surface.
PlaneThroughPtFit a rectangular planar surface through points.
PlanSet the viewport to a parallel plan view.
PlayAnimationPlay back an animation or animation preview.
PlugInManagerManages plug-in options.
PointCloudContourCreate a series of planar curves by intersecting spaced planes with a point cloud.
PointCloudCreate a set of vertices from point objects.
PointCloudSectionCreate a planar curve by intersecting a plane with points or pointcloud objects.
PointDeviationReport the distance between points and a surface.
PointDraw a single point object. |
PointGridDraw a rectangular grid of point objects.
PointLightThe PointLight command inserts an omni-directional light.
PointsDraw multiple point objects.
PointsFromUVCreate point objects at specified surface u and v coordinates.
PointsOnDisplay curve and surface control points.
PolygonCountReport the number of mesh polygons in a selected object.
PolygonDraw a polygon with a specified number of sides with options for inscribed/circumscribed, by edge, star-shaped, around a curve, and vertical.
PolylineDraw a multi-segment polyline with options for line and arc segments, tracking line helpers, and close.
PolylineOnMeshDraw a multi-segment polyline on a mesh.
PopupMenuDisplay a menu with favorites and most-recently-used commands.
PopupPopularDisplay a menu with the most-used commands.
PopupToolbarOpen the specified toolbar at the cursor.
PrevUSelect the control point in the negative u direction.
PrevViewportActivate the previous viewport.
PrevVSelect the control point in the negative v direction.
PrintDisplayDisplay objects using their Print Color and Print Width properties.
Print the current viewport or layouts.
ProjectOsnapProject object snaps to the construction plane.
ProjectProject curves/points toward a construction plane to intersect a surface, polysurface, mesh, or SubD.
ProjectToCPlaneFlatten objects onto the construction plane.
PropertiesOpen the Properties panel.
PropertiesPageOpen the Properties panel at a specified page.
PtOffSelectedTurn off control and edit points for selected objects.
PullMoves curves and points toward the normal direction of a surface, mesh, polysurface, or SubD to find intersections.
PurgeDelete unused block definitions, groups, layers, hatch patterns, linetypes, annotation styles, and materials.
PurgeRefObjectsDelete worksession reference objects.
PushPullExtrudes a polysurface face to interactively add or remove volumes on the polysurface.
PushViewportToBackSend a named viewport behind all viewports.
PyramidDraw a pyramid.
Q |
QuadrangulateMeshMerge mesh triangles into quadrangles.
QuadRemeshUses a unique algorithm to generate manageable polygon meshes, ideal for rendering, animation, CFD, FEA, and reverse-engineering.
R |
RadiateCreates a radial-symmetrical SubD with specified segments.
RadiateFindIdentifies the precisely shaped radial symmetry structure in a SubD and then automatically synchronizes editing between the identical regions around the central axis.
RadiusReport the radius of a curve.
RailRevolveRevolve a profile curve around an axis and along a rail curve.
ReadCommandFileRead and execute a command script from a text file.
ReadEveryIGESEntityImport all IGES entities.
ReadViewportsFromFileSet the viewport layout to match that of another model.
RebuildCrvNonUniformInteractively modify selected curves by non-uniformly re-spacing the control points.
RebuildEdgesRestore surface edges to their surface.
RebuildMeshNormalsRemove mesh normals and reconstruct the face and vertex normals.
RebuildMeshStrip texture coordinates, vertex colors, surface curvatures, and surface parameters from a mesh.
RebuildReconstruct curves, surfaces, and extrusion objects to a specified degree and control point number.
RebuildUVReconstructs selected surfaces to degree 3, with a specified control point number, in either the u or v direction.
RecordAnimationRender and save animation frames.
RectangleDraw a rectangular closed polyline from with options for starting at the center, three points, vertical, and rounded with arc or conic corners.
RectangularLightInsert a rectangular directional light.
RedoMultipleReverse the Undo command multiple times.
RedoReverse the last Undo.
RedoViewReverse the last UndoView.
ReduceMeshReduce the number of mesh polygons and triangulates quadrangles.
ReducePointCloudRemoves random points of a specified number from a point cloud. |
ReducePolylineUses the Douglas-Peucker algorithmto reduce vertices of a polyline.
RefitTrimReplaces a trimmed surface edge with an untrimmed edge.
ReflectMakes a SubD symmetrical across a reflection plane and merges both sides into a single SubD.
RefreshAllTexturesRe-read the texture from their files and refresh the display.
RefreshShadeRegenerate an object's render mesh.
ReleaseFromCageRemove objects from a control cage.
RemapCPlaneReorient objects to a different construction plane.
RememberCopyOptionsSpecify whether Copy option on transform commands is stored.
RemoveAllNakedMicroEdgesRemoves very small single naked edges that fold or loop back on themselves and have no matching edge to which they can be joined.
RemoveControlPointRemove control points from a curve or surface.
RemoveCreaseSmoothes creased SubD edges/vertices, or welds mesh edges.
RemoveFromGroupDetach objects from their parent group.
RemoveGuideRemove temporary infinite guide / construction line.
RemoveKnotDelete specified knots from a curve or surface.
RemoveMappingChannelRemove mapping channels from an object.
RemoveMultiKnotRemove multiple knots from curves and surfaces.
RemovePerFaceColorsClears per-face display colors or rendering materials on polysurfaces or SubDs.
RemoveSymmetryRemoves the SubD symmetry constraints set by the Reflect and Radiate commands from selected SubDs.
RenderArcticRenders opaque materials, scene lighting, ground plane and background as if they are white.
RenderAssignMaterialToLayerAssigns a material to a layer from the command-line.
RenderAssignMaterialToLayersOfObjectsAssigns a material to the selected object's layer from the command-line.
RenderAssignMaterialToObjectsAssigns a material to the selected objects from the command-line.
RenderBlowupRender a selected area of the current viewport in the render window at the resolution specified in the Rendering panel.
RenderingOpen the Render panel.
RenderInWindowRender a selected area in the render window at viewport resolution.
RenderMergeIdenticalMaterialsFinds materials with the same settings in the model, keeps one of them, and deletes the rest. Material assignments will update accordingly.
RenderOpenLastRenderingOpen last rendering in render window.
RenderOpenRenderImageOpen an image with the .rimage format.
RenderPreviewInWindowRenders a selected area of the current viewport in the Render window with a rough quality for a fast preview.
RenderPreviewRenders the current viewport in the Render window with a rough quality for a fast preview.
RenderPreviewWindowRenders a selected area in the viewport with a rough quality for a fast preview.
RenderRender the objects using the current renderer.
RenderReportImageFilesOpens a dialog box to manage external image files.
RenderReportMissingImageFilesOpens a dialog box to manage missing external image files.
RenderWindowRender a selected area in the viewport at viewport resolution.
RepairSubDInspects and deletes damaged components, wire edges, and Non-manifold edges on SubDs.
ReparameterizeRecalculate an object's parameter space to match its 3-D geometry.
RepeatRepeat any command or script/macro.
ReplaceBlockReplace block instances with a different block definition.
ReplaceEdgeUntrim selected surface edges and retrim the edges.
Rescue3dmFileRecovers geometry objects that can be read from a damaged Rhino 3dm file.
RescueBlockOrphansSearches for block definition geometry that is not referenced by any block definition and recovers the block definitions to the file.
ResetMessageBoxesClears the "Do not show this dialog/message again" check boxes in all dialogs.
ResetRestores the window layout, toolbars, or all settings to the initial state of the Rhino app.
RestoreRestore the application window from being maximized.
RevCloudDraw revision cloud curves.
RevertDiscard changes and revert to the previously saved document.
RevolveCreate a surface or SubD by revolving a profile curve around an axis.
RevolvedHoleCreate holes by revolving a profile curve around an axis.
RibbonOffset a curve and create a ruled surface between the curves.
RibbonOffsetOffsets a closed curve and then creates a ruled or sweep2 surface between the input and offset curves.
RibExtrude a curve in two directions to a boundary surface.
RLeaderEditRun by script interface and OnDoubleClick to edit leaders.
Rotate3DRotate objects around a 3-D axis. |
RotateCameraRotate the view target around the camera.
RotateHoleRotate a hole around an axis.
RotateRotate objects around an axis perpendicular to the construction plane. |
RotateViewRotate the view camera around the target. |
RoundHoleCreate circular holes in surfaces.
RTextEditRun by script interface and OnDoubleClick to edit text objects.
RunPythonScriptRun a Python script.
RunRun another application from inside Rhino.
RunScriptRun a RhinoScript.
S |
Saves the current Rhino model, including unsaved data, to a new 3dm file. The current date and time will be added to the file name.
SaveAsSave the current model with a different name, close the current model, and open the new model. |
SaveAsTemplateSave the current model as a template file.
SaveClippingSectionCPlanesSaves Named CPlanes using the names and orientations of selected clipping planes.
SaveClippingSectionViewsSaves the views of selected clipping sections to the Named Views panel.
SaveRenderWindowAsSave the image in the render window to a file.
SaveSave the current model. |
SaveSmallSave geometry objects without render or analysis meshes.
Saves the current arrangement of containers, panels, and toolbars to a new custom Window Layout.
Scale1DChange the size of objects in one direction. |
Scale2DChange the size of objects uniformly in two directions. |
ScaleByPlaneChange the size of objects in two directions non-uniformly.
ScaleChange the size of objects uniformly in the x, y, and z directions. |
ScaleNUChange the size of objects non-uniformly in three directions.
ScalePositionsChange the spacing between objects.
ScaleTextHeightChanges theModel space scalevalue in the text properties of the selected text.
ScreenCaptureToClipboardSave an image of a viewport to the Clipboard including viewport edges, cursor image, and viewport menu.
ScreenCaptureToFileSave an image of the viewport as a bitmap file including viewport edges, cursor image, and viewport menu.
ScriptEditorOpens the Script Editor window for Python and C# programing.
SectionCreates planar curves, points, or hatches by intersecting a plane with the input objects.
SelAllSelect all objects. |
SelAnnotationStyleSelect annotation objects of a specified style.
SelBadObjectsSelect all objects that do not pass Check.
SelBlockInstanceNamedSelect all block instances by name.
SelBlockInstanceSelect all block instances.
SelBoundarySelects objects with a view based boundary defined by a closed curve.
SelBoxSelect objects inside, outside, or crossing a box-shaped volume.
SelBrushDrag the mouse like a brush stroke to select objects.
SelBrushPointsDrag mouse like a brush stroke to select points and control points.
SelCaptivesSelect captive objects of a specified cage controls.
SelChainSelect curve or surface edges that touch end-to-end.
SelChildrenSelect children of specified parents.
SelCircularDraws a circle on the view plane to select objects.
Selects the clipping planes that clip the current model or detail viewport.
SelClippingPlaneSelect all clipping planes.
SelClosedCrvSelect all closed curves.
SelClosedMeshSelect all closed mesh objects.
SelClosedPolysrfSelect all closed polysurfaces.
SelClosedSrfSelect all closed surfaces.
SelClosedSubDSelect all Rhino SubD objects in the model that do not have a boundary and are not locked or hidden.
SelColorSelects all objects of a specified display color or material diffuse color depending on the display mode of the active viewport.
SelConnectedMeshFacesSelect mesh faces from the parent mesh object that are connected to a selected face.
SelConnectedSelect adjacent control points.
SelControlPointRegionSelect a range of control points on a curve or surface.
SelControlPointSelect all control points.
SelControlsSelect all cage controls.
SelCrossingSelect with a crossing window.
SelCrvSelect all curves.
SelDetailSelect all Detail view rectangles in a Layout viewport.
SelDimAngularSelects all angular dimension objects.
SelDimCentermarkSelects all center mark dimension objects.
SelDimLinearSelects all linear dimension objects.
SelDimOrdinateSelects all ordinate dimension objects.
SelDimOverrideSelects dimension objects that have style settings changed and different from the associated annotation styles.
SelDimRadialSelects all radius and diameter dimension objects.
SelDimSelect all dimensions. |
SelDimTextOverrideSelects dimension objects with non-default dimension text.
SelDotSelect all annotation dots.
SelDupAllSelect all visible geometrically identical objects.
SelDupSelect geometrically identical objects.
SelectionFilterEdgesRestricts selection to edges of surfaces, meshes, and SubDs.
SelectionFilterFacesThe SelectionFilterFaces command restricts selection to surfaces, mesh faces, and SubD faces.
SelectionFilterNoneResets the filter settings. Object selection returns to the default behavior.
SelectionFilterRestrict a selection mode to specified object types. |
SelectionFilterToggleCycles sub-object selection filters through surfaces/faces, curves/edges, points/vertices/control points, and none.
SelectionFilterVerticesRestricts selection to object grips.
SelectSelect objects.
SelEdgeLoopSelects a loop of mesh/SubD edges by picking an edge in the loop.
SelEdgeRingSelects a ring of mesh/SubD edges by picking an edge in the ring.
SelExtrusionSelect Extrusion objects.
SelFaceLoopSelects a loop of mesh/SubD faces by picking an edge between any two faces in the loop.
SelFacesToBoundarySelects SubD or mesh faces surrounded by selected faces, borders, or both.
SelFenceSelect a using a crossing sketched polyline.
SelFontUseSelects annotations by font.
SelGroupSelect a group by name.
SelHatchSelect hatch objects.
SelIDSelect objects by object ID number.
SelKeySelect objects by their user attribute key.
SelKeyValueSelect objects by their user attribute key and value.
SelLastSelect the last changed objects.
SelLayerNumberSelect objects by layer number.
SelLayerSelect all objects on a layer.
SelLeaderSelect all leaders.
SelLightSelect all lights.
SelLineSelect all lines.
SelLinetypeSelect objects with the specified linetype.
SelMappingWidgetSelect all texture mapping widgets.
SelMaterialNameSelects objects/sub-objects with the same render material name.
SelMeshEdgesSelect edges from the parent mesh determined by an angle between mesh face normals.
SelMeshFacesByAreaSelect mesh faces from the parent mesh object that are within a specified range of area.
SelMeshFacesByAspectRatioSelect mesh faces from the parent mesh object that are greater than the specified aspect ratio limit.
SelMeshFacesByDraftAngleSeparate mesh faces from the parent mesh object based on the angle of the faces to the view.
SelMeshFacesByEdgeLengthSelect mesh faces from the parent mesh object that have an edge length greater or less than a specified value.
SelMeshPartSelect all mesh faces radiating out from the selected face to naked or unwelded edges in the parent mesh object.
SelMeshSelect all mesh objects.
SelMirroredBlocksSelects the block instances that were mirrored or scaled with a negative factor.
SelNakedMeshEdgePtSelect unwelded vertices on mesh edges.
SelNamedViewWidgetSelect all Named View widget objects.
SelNameSelect objects by name.
SelNoneDeselect all objects. |
SelNonManifoldSelect non-manifold objects.
SelObjectsWithHistorySelect objects that have history.
SelOpenCrvSelect all open curves.
SelOpenMeshSelect all open mesh objects.
SelOpenPolysrfSelect all open polysurfaces.
SelOpenSrfSelect all open surfaces.
SelOpenSubDSelect all Rhino SubD objects in the model that have a boundary and are not locked or hidden.
SelParentsSelect parents of specified children.
SelPictureSelect all objects created with the Picture command.
SelPlanarCrvSelect all planar curves.
SelPlanarSrfSelect all planar surfaces.
SelPolylineSelect all polylines.
SelPolysrfSelect all polysurfaces.
SelPrevRe-select the previous selection set.
SelPtCloudSelect all point cloud objects.
SelPtSelect all point objects, control points, edit points, and solid points.
SelRectangularEmulates the regular window selection action with some control options.
SelRenderColorSelect objects by their render color.
SelSelfIntersectingCrvSelects the curves that pass through themselves.
SelShortCrvSelect all curves shorter than a specified length.
SelSmallSelect all objects smaller than a specified size.
SelSrfSelect all surfaces.
SelSubDEdgesSelects different types of edges on selected SubDs.
SelSubDFriendlyCrvSelects SubD friendly (compatible) curves.
SelSubDSelect all Rhino SubD objects in the model that are not locked or hidden.
SelTextSelect all text.
SelTrimmedSrfSelect all trimmed surfaces.
SelUntrimmedSrfSelect all untrimmed surfaces.
SelUSelect all connected control points in the u direction.
SelUVSelect connected control points in the u and v directions.
SelValueSelect objects by their user attribute value.
SelVisibleSelect all surfaces or meshes that are in front of other objects with a crossing selection.
SelVolumeObjectSelect objects enclosed by an extrusion object, surface, polysurface, or mesh.
SelVolumePipeSelect objects inside, outside, or crossing a pipe-shaped volume.
SelVolumeSphereSelect objects inside, outside, or crossing a spherical volume.
SelVSelect all connected control points in v direction.
SelWindowSelect with an enclosing window.
SendBackwardMakes the selected object display one level down in the draw order.
SendToBackMakes the selected object display behind all other objects.
SetActiveViewportActivate a named viewport.
SetCurrentAnnotationStyleSpecify the current annotation style. |
SetCurrentRenderPlugInSpecify a rendering plug-in.
SetCustomLinetypeEdits an object's custom linetype properties in a floating dialog.
SetDimensionLayerDecides if dimensions will be created on the current layer or the specified layer. |
SetDisplayModeSpecify a viewport display mode.
SetDocumentUserTextAttach text information to the file.
SetFlythroughAnimationAnimate the camera and target movement along a path curve.
SetGroupNameName a group.
SetIgesLayerLevelMapControl the correspondence between Rhino layers and IGES levels.
SetLayerLinetypeSpecify a linetype for a specified layer.
SetLayerToObjectSet the current layer to match a specified object.
SetLinetypeScaleSpecify the global linetype scale from the command line.
SetLinetypeSpecify a curve's linetype.
SetMaximizedViewportMaximize a named viewport inside the application window.
SetMeshSurfaceParametersBakes the custom mapping of a mesh object into its default surface mapping.
SetObjectDisplayModeAssign separate display attributes to objects, overriding viewport settings.
SetObjectNameAssign a name to an object.
SetOneDaySunAnimationAnimate sun movement through a specified calendar day.
SetOrthoTurn ortho mode on, off, or toggle the current state.
SetPathAnimationAnimate the camera and target movement along separate path curves.
SetPerFaceColorByFacePackChanges colors of SubD faces based on the divisions of rectangular quad grids.
SetPlanarTurn Planar mode on, off, or toggle the current state.
SetPtMoves selected points and control points of objects to a specified location in the x, y, and/or z directions.
SetRedrawOffDisable screen redraw, construction plane, and view changes during scripts.
SetRedrawOnEnable screen redraw, construction plane, and view changes during scripts.
SetSeasonalSunAnimationAnimate sun movement through a specified week, month, or year.
SetSnapTurn grid snap on, off, or toggle the current state.
SetSpotlightToViewMatch spotlight direction to the viewport camera direction.
SetSurfaceTangentSet the tangent direction of an untrimmed surface.
SetTurntableAnimationAnimate camera rotation once around the current target point.
SetUserTextAttach text information to an object.
SetViewChange the view to a standard construction plane view.
SetViewFocusDistancePick a point in a perspective viewport to set the in-focus distance in rendering when Focal Blur is enabled.
SetViewToSpotlightMatch the view to a spotlight direction.
SetWorkingFolderSpecify the default folder for saving and opening files.
SetZoomExtentsBorderSet distance between objects and viewport edges for Zoom Extents.
ShadeSelectedShade selected objects only.
ShadeTemporarily shade the current viewport.
ShearSkew objects parallel to one axis at an angle.
ShellRemove the selected surfaces from a polysurface, and then offset the remaining surfaces to create a solid with a specified thickness.
ShortPathCreate the shortest possible curve (geodesic) between two points on a surface.
ShowDirOffClose the Direction Analysis control, and turn off direction analysis.
ShowDirOpen the Direction Analysis control and turn on direction analysis for curves, surfaces, and polysurfaces.
ShowEdgesHighlight edges of surfaces and polysurfaces. Displays the Edge Analysis control.
ShowEdgesOffTurn off edge display.
ShowEndsOffClose the End Analysis control, and turn off endpoints of curves.
ShowEndsOpen the End Analysis control, and display the endpoints of curves.
ShowInDetailRedisplay hidden objects in a detail view.
ShowLayersInDetailRedisplay hidden layers in a detail view.
ShowOsnapShow the Osnap panel.
ShowPtRedisplay all hidden control points and edit points.
ShowRedisplay all hidden objects.
ShowRenderMeshDisplay the render mesh for selected objects.
ShowSelectedInDetailRedisplay selected hidden objects in a detail view.
ShowSelectedRedisplay selected hidden objects.
ShowToolbarOpen a specified toolbar.
ShowZBufferCreate a grayscale z-buffer bitmap with the same dimensions as the viewport.
ShrinkTrimmedSrfContract the underlying untrimmed surface close to trimming boundaries.
ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdgeContract the underlying untrimmed surface as close as possible to the trimming boundaries.
ShrinkWrapCreates a mesh wrapping around the selected geometry including NURBS surfaces, SubDs, meshes, pointclouds, and point objects.
SilhouetteCreate outline curves from a surface or polysurface.
SimplifyCrvReplace each curve segment that has the geometry of a line or an arc with a true line or arc.
SketchDrag the mouse to draw a curve.
SlabOffset a polyline, and extrude and cap the result to create a solid.
SlideMoves selected vertices (or vertices of selected edges) along adjacent edges.
SmartTrackTurn on a system of temporary reference lines and points.
SmashFlatten a surface without restriction to single-directional curvature.
SmoothAverage the positions of curve and surface control points and mesh vertices and evens out the spacing to remove unwanted detail and loops.
SnapshotsThe Snapshots command saves and restores Named Views, Named Positions, Layer States, as well as rendering settings, object settings including locked/hidden state, display mode, material, position, light settings, curve piping, displacement, edge softening, shutlining, and thickening.
SnapSizeSpecify the grid snap spacing.
SnapToggle the current snap mode state.
SnapToLockedAllow snaps to work on locked objects and locked layers.
SnapToMeshesEnables/disables snapping to mesh edges using Near, Mid, Int, and Perp object snaps.
SnapToMeshObjectConstrains mouse picking on the selected mesh object.
SnapToOccludedAllow object snaps to work on objects that are hidden behind other objects.
SnapToSubDObjectConstrains mouse picking on the selected SubD object.
SoftEditCrvMove the surrounding curve area smoothly relative to the distance. |
SoftEditSrfMove the surrounding surface area smoothly relative to the distance.
SoftMoveMove objects relative to a center with falloff.
SoftTransformChanges moving behavior of mesh and SubD vertices based on different radial falloff shapes.
SolidPtOnTurn on pseudo control points for polysurfaces.
SphereDraw a solid sphere.
SphereTangentToThreeSurfacesCreate a spherical surface of a given radius tangent to the three selected surfaces.
SpiralDraw a spiral curve with options for number of turns, pitch, flat, vertical, and around a curve.
SplitDisjointMeshDivide into separate objects meshes that do not connect, but are still one object.
SplitDivide objects using other objects as cutters.
SplitEdgeDivide a surface edge.
SplitFaceDivides the selected surface of a polysurface by drawing a polyline, selected curves, or isocurves.
SplitMeshEdgeDivide a mesh edge.
SplitMeshWithCurveDivide a mesh with a curve.
SplitRefitSurfaceSplits a surface using a curve, and refits the two parts so that the edges from the split operation become untrimmed edges of two surfaces.
SplitViewportHorizontalDivide a viewport horizontally into two viewports.
SplitViewportVerticalDivide a viewport vertically into two viewports.
SplopCopy, rotate, scale, and wrap objects on a surface.
SpotlightInsert a light cone object.
SquishBackReturn curves and surfaces to the original squished 3-D shape.
SquishFlatten a non-developable (curved in two directions) 3-D mesh or NURBS surface into a flat 2-D pattern.
SquishInfoProvide information about the settings used to squish the object.
SrfControlPtGridDraw a surface from a grid of points that represent surface control points.
SrfPtDraw a surface from three or four corner points.
SrfPtGridDraw a surface from a grid of points that lie on the surface.
SrfSeamChange the location where the start and end edges meet on a closed surface.
STEPTreeBrowse the structure of a STEP file.
StepUnitsAndToleranceThe StepUnitsAndTolerance command prompts to select a STEP file and reports its unit and tolerance.
StitchMatches the positions of a pair of mesh/SubD vertices.
StretchScale areas of an object in one direction.
SubCrvShorten a curve to the new picked endpoints and select.
SubDBoxCreates a Subdivision box object.
SubDConeCreates a Subdivision cone object.
SubDCreaseAdds weight-blended soft crease edges to SubDs.
SubDCylinderCreates a Subdivision cylinder object.
SubDDisplayToggleSwitches the appearance of all SubD objects between smooth and flat modes.
SubDEllipsoidCreates a Subdivision ellipsoid object.
SubDExpandEdgesExpands selected SubD edges into faces.
SubDFaceEdgeVertexToggleToggles SubD sub-object selection between SubD faces, edges, and vertices.
SubDivideApplies iterations of the Catmull-Clark subdivision to whole Mesh/SubD objects or selected faces.
SubDLoftCreates a SubD through selected curves that define the shape.
SubDPlaneCreates a subdivision plane object.
SubDSphereCreates a subdivision sphere object.
Rotates a picked SubD edge by marching each end to the next vertex simultaneously.
SubDSweep1The SubDSweep1 command sweeps a shape curve along a rail curve to create a SubD.
SubDSweep2The SubDSweep2 command sweeps a shape curve along two rail curves to create a SubD.
SubDTorusCreates a subdivision torus object.
SubDTruncatedConeCreates a subdivision truncated cone object.
SubDUnfriendMakes the constrained control points of a SubD friendly curve editable.
SunOpen the Sun panel.
SwapMeshEdgeTranspose the corners of mesh triangles.
SwapViewExchange the views in two viewports with one another.
Sweep1Fit a surface through profile curves and one edge curve.
Sweep2Fit a surface through profile curves and two edge curves.
SymmetryMirror a copy of a curve or surface with continuity.
Synchronize ViewsSet the scale and center of all viewports to match the active viewport.
SynchronizeCPlanesUpdate all viewports to standard views.
SynchronizeRenderColorsChange an object's material color to match its display color.
SystemInfoReports information about the computer hardware and operating system.
T |
TaperDeform objects toward or away from an axis.
TextCreate annotation text. |
TextObjectDraw text-shaped curves, surfaces, or polysurfaces based on TrueType fonts. |
TextPropertiesOpens the Text page in the Properties panel.
TexturesOpen or close the Textures panel.
ThicknessAnalysisOffTurn off thickness analysis display.
ThicknessAnalysisUse false-color display to evaluate the thickness of a solid.
TiltViewRotate the view around the view axis.
ToggleFloatingViewportToggle the viewport between docked and floating.
ToggleLeftSidebarShow or hide the left sidebar of the Rhino window.
ToggleRenderMeshToggle the display state of render meshes on an object.
ToggleRightSidebarShow or hide the right sidebar of the Rhino window.
ToNURBSConvert objects like polycurves, extrusions, meshes, SubDs, true circles and arcs, to NURBS geometry components.
ToolbarLockLocks locations of docked containers.
ToolbarOpens the toolbar list for you to show or hide toolbars. |
TorusDraw a NURBS torus (donut shape).
ToSubDConverts a mesh, a surface or an extrusion object into a SubD object.
TriangulateMeshSplit each quadrangular mesh face into two triangles.
TriangulateNonPlanarQuadsSplit each non-planar quadrangular mesh face into two triangles.
TriangulateRenderMeshesSplit each quadrangular polygon render mesh face into two triangles.
TrimCut and delete selected portions of an object at the intersection with another object.
TruncatedConeDraw a NURBS truncated cone.
TruncatedPyramidDraw a pyramid whose apex is truncated by a plane.
TubeDraw a closed cylinder with a concentric cylindrical hole.
TurntableRotate a view around the target.
TutorialsDownload and open sample and tutorial models.
TweenCurvesCreate curves between two open or closed input curves.
TweenSurfacesCreate intermediate surfaces between two input surfaces.
TwistDeform objects by rotating portions around an axis.
U |
UndoMultipleDisplay a list of recent commands to reverse.
UndoSelectedReverse recent changes for a single object only.
UndoUndo the last action.
UndoViewUndo the last view change.
UngroupAllUngroups the selected group and the groups nested in it all at once. |
UngroupRemove the group status from objects. |
UnifyMeshNormalsChange the normal direction mesh faces so they all point in a consistent direction.
UnisolateLockUnlock objects previously hidden by the IsolateLock command.
UnisolateShow objects previously hidden by the Isolate command.
UnjoinEdgeSplit joined polysurface edges.
UnlockSelectedUnlock selected locked objects.
UnlockUnlock all locked objects.
UnpackTexturesMaps each face of a polysurface to the whole texture UV space. Every face will display the complete texture with some stretch or compression.
UnrollSrfFlatten (develop) a surface or polysurface with curvature in one direction to a planar surface.
UnrollSrfUVFlatten (develop) a surface or polysurface while preserving the UV of the input surfaces.
UntrimAllUntrims interior (holes) and exterior trims on the selected surfaces all at once.
UntrimBorderUntrims all exterior trims of the selected surfaces. Interior trims (holes) will remain.
UntrimHolesUntrims selected holes (interior trims) that do not touch surface borders.
UntrimRemove trim curves from trimmed surfaces.
UnweldAdd creases to a smooth mesh by creating coincident vertices.
UnweldEdgeAdd creases to a smooth mesh by creating coincident vertices along selected edges.
UnweldVertexUnweld selected vertices.
UnwrapProject surface mapping texture coordinates and the texture of an object onto the world xy plane.
UpdateClippingDrawingsUpdates clipping drawings to reflect changes in the clipped geometry.
UseExtrusionsSpecify whether extrusion objects or polysurfaces are used when extruding straight‑sided objects.
UVEditorProject the texture coordinates of the selected object to a specified region of space.
V |
VariableBlendSrfCreate a blend surface between surface edges with varying radius values.
VariableChamferSrfCreate a chamfer surface between surface edges with varying distance values.
VariableFilletSrfCreate a round tangent surface between two surface edges with varying radius values.
VariableOffsetSrfCopies a surface in the normal direction with different distances at specified locations.
ViewCaptureToClipboardSave an image of the current view to the Clipboard.
ViewCaptureToFileSave an image of the current view to a file.
ViewClippingSectionsAligns the view and/or construction plane of a viewport to match the selected clipping section plane.
ViewFirstFrameDisplay the first animation frame.
ViewFrameNumberDisplay the specified animation frame number.
ViewLastFrameDisplay the last animation frame.
ViewNextFrameDisplay the next animation frame.
ViewportProperties(Rhino 5)Title, size, projection, camera and target, lens length, wallpaper.
ViewportPropertiesTitle, size, projection, camera and target, lens length, wallpaper.
ViewportTabsDisplay a tab control UI along the viewport edge.
ViewPreviousFrameDisplay the previous animation frame.
VolumeCentroidReport the coordinates of and place a point object at the volume centroid of surfaces and polysurfaces.
VolumeMomentsReport the volume moments of inertia of surfaces and polysurfaces.
VolumeReports the volume of the supported object types.
W |
WalkAboutToggle between WalkAbout and normal navigation modes.
WebBrowserOpens the Web Browser panel. |
WeightEdit the weight of a curve or surface control point.
WeldEdgeMerges coincident vertices along selected unwelded mesh edges, or smooths selected creased edges in SubDs.
WeldRemove creases from a mesh by merging coincident mesh vertices.
WeldVerticesRemove creases from a mesh by merging all selected mesh vertices.
WhatReport object properties details.
Opens the Window Layouts dialog box to list, save, restore, export, or import arrangement of containers.
WireCutTrim a polysurface with a curve similar to cutting foam with a heated wire.
WorksessionManage a list of models that can be used as reference geometry.
Z |
ZebraOffTurn off zebra analysis.
ZebraVisually evaluate surface smoothness and continuity using a stripe map.
Zoom1To1CalibrateCalibrate the screen for the Zoom command, 1To1 option.
ZoomEndsZoom to include all end display markers on selected curves.
ZoomLensAdjust the lens length of the viewport camera in a perspective view.
ZoomMove the viewport camera so the area defined by a window selection fills the viewport.
ZoomNakedZoom to include all naked edges on selected objects with naked edges.
ZoomNonManifoldZoom to include all non-manifold edges on selected objects with non-manifold edges.