
Toolbar Menu




 History enabled

The Hatch command creates a pattern of lines to fill selected bounding curves.

  • The input curves can be in model space or layout space or a combination of these.

  • Control points of hatches can be turned on so that the shape of the hatch can be adjusted.

  • Scaling a hatch does not change the pattern scale.

  • Holes in hatches can be removed by the UntrimAll command.

  • The print order of hatches, annotations, and geometries is decided by some rules.

To create hatches

  1. Select closed planar curves.

    Or set Boundary=Yes in the command-line to select closed regions from intersected curves.


    Determines whether selected regions combine to create a single hatch or separate hatches.




    Creates a hatch from the outer boundary (left), or creates separate hatches from the sub-regions (right), based on the CombineRegions option setting.

  2. Specify the pattern, scale, rotation, and other settings in the hatch creation dialog.

Hatch creation options

Most of the settings in the hatch creation dialog can be edited in the Hatch properties.

Hatch Pattern

The hatch pattern names and preview thumbnails.

Base point

Displays the starting coordinates of the hatch pattern.

  • Click the ... button to pick the new location in the viewport by mouse.

Two hatches of the same pattern with (left) and without (right) the same base point.
Use base point every time

Remembers the current base point for new hatches.


Pick closed regions from intersected curves to create the hatch.


The rotation angle of the pattern.

  • Click the ... button to pick the rotation angle in the viewport by mouse.

Hatches with History:

  • Changing the pattern rotation angle will not break History.
  • Rotating the hatch with its boundary curve will not break History. The pattern rotation angle will update.
  • Rotating the hatch alone will break History.

Hatches without History:

  • Rotating the hatch will update the pattern rotation angle.

The scale factor of the hatch pattern.


The color fills the hatch boundary.

Display Color

The hatch pattern displays this color when Fill Style is set to Solid.

Show Boundary

Displays the boundary curve around the hatch pattern.

Gradient Settings

Fill Style

Fill styles set the hatch pattern to use a single color or different types of gradient colors.


Uses the display color set in object properties.

Linear Reflected

Uses linear gradient colors that mirror on repeat.

The color gradient repeats seamlessly.
Linear Wrapped

Uses linear gradient colors that do not mirror on repeat.

The color gradient repeats with seams.
Radial Reflected

Uses radial gradient colors that mirror on repeat.

The color gradient repeats seamlessly.
Radial Wrapped

Uses radial gradient colors that do not mirror on repeat.

The color gradient repeats with seams.

Controls how many times the gradient span repeats between the start and end points.

Repeats do not extend beyond the start and end points.

A linear gradient with 5 repeats.
  • Enter a number for the repeat value.

Gradient Stop Locations

A color stop defines a color at a percentage location in the gradient span.

Gradient controls

The gradient controls allow using more than one color in a hatch. The color transition is smooth between colors. Gradient controls can be edited in the dialog or viewports. The start (1) and end (3) points define the gradient span. Color stops (2) define colors in the gradient.

Actions in the dialog

  • Shift-click, or double-click, on a color stop to change the color.

  • Right-click on the gradient span to add a new color stop.

  • Click the Add, Edit, or Remove button to edit the gradient in the viewport.

Reverse Gradient Colors

Reverses the colors of the gradient.

Reset Gradient Boundary

Moves the start and end points on gradient controls in viewports to the default locations.


Add a new color stop to the gradient.


  1. Select a color.

  2. Pick a location in the viewport.

Alternative steps

  1. Right-click on the gradient span in the dialog at the location to add a new color stop.

  2. Select a color.

Edit the gradient in the viewport with command-line options.


Select a color stop in the viewport to remove.


Change the hatch properties to match a different hatch.

Related commands


Toolbar Menu


Not on menus.

The HatchBase command changes the starting point of the selected hatch objects.


Toolbar Menu


Not on menus.

The HatchScale command sets the scale factor of hatch patterns in model viewports.


  • Specify the hatch scale value.

Command-line options

  • Hatch patterns in model viewports are scaled by the HatchScale value.

  • Hatch patterns in detail views print with the same scale regardless of thezoom factor.


Hatch patterns will not scale.


Changes the Scaling option between Enabled and Disabled.

See also

Hatch document properties

Manage the hatch settings for the current model.

Use drafting tools