Popup toolbar
Lock objects so they cannot be selected for editing.
Unlock all locked objects.Unlock
Save the current model.
Link to File toolbar
Save the current model with a different name, close the current model, and open the new model.SaveAs
Zoom, Extents
Zooms the view to the extents of all visible objects.
Zoom, All, Extents
Zooms the view to the extents of all visible objects in all viewports.
Shaded viewport display mode
Set the viewport to opaque shaded mode.
Wireframe viewport display mode
Set the viewport display to unshaded wireframe.
Rendered viewport display mode
Shade objects with a simulation of the rendered view.
Open the Properties panel.
Connect curves, surface edges, or surfaces to form a single object.
Break objects down into components.
Separates or duplicates polysurface, Extrusion, or SubD faces.ExtractSrf