Tools > Options > Files
The Files options manage templates, backup files, file saving and locking.
Template files
Specifies the location of the template files.
Defines the name of the template file Rhino uses when it starts. If a file is specified, this template is used when Rhino starts. If no template file is specified, a template list appears each time Rhino starts.
Create backup (*.*BAK) files when saving or exporting
When enabled and a model is saved or exported to overwrite an existing file, the original file is renamed with an extension of .*bak.
The 3dm backup file (.3dmbak) can be opened by Rhino.
Save every ___ minutes
Turns on the Autosave feature and defines the save interval. When Autosave activates, a copy of the model you are working on automatically saves to the Autosave file.
Autosave file
Defines the name and location of the Autosave file. If a model has been saved, the Autosave file name will include the model name.
Always save before
Sets a list of commands that will save the file before the command starts.
Save render and analysis meshes in autosave file
If this setting is off, the model will save without meshes.
File Locking
Enable file locking. Creates *.RHL files
Rhino lock files <filename>.3dm.rhl are created to let other instances of Rhino know that a file is in use. Lock files are created when a .3dm file is opened or when an unnamed file is saved as a .3dm file.
If the extra dot in the locking file extension causes a problem on your system, in Advanced settings, setting Rhino.Options.FileSettings.RemoveDotFromRhlFiles=True changes the extension to .3dmrhl.
Display read-only warning
Displays in a warning message to a second user who tries to access a locked .3dm file with Rhino.
- Lock files do not prevent the file from being opened; they are only used to get information about who is using the file.
- This information can display in a warning message to a second user who tries to access the .3dm file with Rhino.
- If a lock file exists, Rhino lets other users open the related .3dm file only in read-only mode.
- The lock file is automatically deleted when Rhino successfully closes the .3dm file.
- If the Rhino file does not close successfully, abandoned .rhl files may prevent re-opening the associated Rhino file.
- Abandoned .rhl files can be deleted.
Imported file layers
Controls how Rhino manages layer names when Rhino imports an external model into an existing model.
Ways to "import" an external model into the existing model include:
Current model = ThreeStooges.3dm
Import models named CurlyHoward.3dm, LarryFine.3dm, and MoeHoward.3dm with the following layer structures.
ThreeStooges.3dm | CurlyHoward.3dm | LarryFine.3dm | MoeHoward.3dm |
Layers | Layers | Layers | Layers |
Name | Name | Name | Name |
Curly Larry Moe |
Curly |
Larry |
Moe |
Use complete layer tree from source file
Rhino will create a copy of the imported model's layer tree in the existing model.
The imported layers Curly, Larry, and Moe are merged into the same-named layers in the current model. The layer Faces is not merged.
ThreeStooges.3dm |
Layers |
Name |
Curly Larry Moe
Curly Larry Moe |
Use existing layers with matching name
If a layer in the existing model has the same name as a layer in the external model, Rhino will add everything on the external layer to the existing layer.
The imported layer Faces, with sub-layers Curly, Larry, and Moe below it, is imported without merging.
ThreeStooges.3dm |
Layers |
Name |
Curly Larry Moe Faces |
Allow copy and paste to version 7.0
When objects in Rhino 8 are copied and pasted to Rhino 7, new data in Rhino 8 will be converted or lost. Please make sure important information is not lost.
On exit
Specifies action to take when a large amount of data is in the Clipboard when Rhino closes.
Keeps data in the Clipboard for use in another application.
Clears the Clipboard.
Prompts to keep or delete Clipboard data.
Recent files list
Clear Recent Files List
Removes file names from the list of recently-used files.
Restores the default system values. All custom appearance settings will be lost.
Save option settings for use on other computers

Save Options settings to a file.

Restore Options settings from a file.
See also
Rhino Wiki: Imported and linked block layer names

Manage global options.