
Toolbar Menu




The Linetype properties manage the linetype patterns for the current model.

  • Using linetypes displays curves using dashed or dotted.
  • Linetypes are assigned as object and layer properties.
  • Linetypes affect only curve objects - not surfaces, solids, or other object types.

Adds a linetype definition.


Makes a copy of the selected linetype definition.


Deletes a linetype definition.


Imports linetype definitions from a .3dm, .lin or .txt file.

In the Import Linetypes dialog box, select the linetypes to import.

Add Defaults

Restores the default linetypes that have been deleted.

Model space scale

Sets the global scale factor for all linetype patterns in model viewports.

The SetLinetypeScale command can change this setting from Command-line.


Enter text to only list the linetypes with the text in their names.

Name and pattern









Linetypes are defined by a comma-separated list of dash and gap lengths, always starting with a dash. A zero-length dash is a dot.


Sets the display scale for linetypes to inches.


Sets the display scale for linetypes to millimeters.

Cap style

Draws curve ends with the Flat (left), Round (middle), or Square (right) style.

Join style

Draws curve joined corners with the Miter (left), Round (middle), or Bevel (right) style.

  • Enable Print display to see the cap and join styles in viewports.


Sets the width of the linetype.

Width Units (Pixels / Length Units)

Sets the width of the linetype to base on screen pixels or length units.

  • Pixel width is intended for screen capture only. It does not affect Print Preview in viewports or Print. To print linetypes with widths, set linetypes to use length unit width, or set the Print Width in object properties or layers.

  • Print width overrides linetype width in pixels, but not in length units.

  • Length unit width can display in viewports when print preview is on or off. Print width needs print preview to be on to display.


Enables line stroke for the linetype.

Taper Position (0 to 1)

Defines the location on a curve where the Taper Width applies.

0 is at the start of a curve and 1 is at the end.

The default value, 0.5, is halfway of the curve length.

  • Use the Dir command to swap the start and end of a curve.
Taper Width

Controls the line width at the Taper Position.

End Width

Controls the line width at the end of the curve.

  • The Width setting controls the start width.
Print and Display
Use model units

When enabled (right), linetype segments in Detail views use model units to print.

When disabled (left), linetype segments in Detail views use Layout units to print. The linetype segments in Detail views and on the layout will be printed with the same scale regardless of the detail view scaling.

To set linetypes on objects

  • In Object Properties, under Linetypes, click an option.
    The default object linetype is By Layer.

To set linetypes on layers

  • In the Layers panel, in the Linetypes column, select an option.
  • Use the SetLayerLinetype command.

To define linetypes

  • Use the controls to add a new type.

To create a new linetype

  1. Click the Add button.
    A new linetype is added to the list.
  2. Click the name to rename it.

    See: Naming conventions in Rhino

  3. While the new linetype is active, in the Pattern edit box specify the pattern for the linetype.


"1,1" specifies a pattern with a 1-unit dash, followed by a 1-unit space.

"2,.5" specifies a pattern with a 2-unit dash, followed by a 0.5-unit space.

"1,.25,.25,.25" specifies a pattern with a 1-unit dash, .25-unit space, .25-unit dash, .25-unit space.

Complex dash-space patterns can be created this way.

To rename a linetype

  1. Select a linetype to highlight it.
  2. Click its name to type the new name.
  3. See: Naming conventions in Rhino

  • The default Continuous linetype cannot be renamed.

Linetype units

In Rhino linetype files, specify units with a designator. All subsequent line patterns will use the specified units. You can change back and forth within a single file. If neither designator is found, mm is used.



Sets subsequent line patterns to mm units.


Sets subsequent line patterns to inch units.

To use linetypes defined in another Rhino model

  • In Linetypes Document Properties, click the Import button to load linetype patterns from a Rhino file or an .lin file.
  • Define linetypes in the template files.
  • Copy a line with the linetype definition and paste it into your current model.

Related commands




Curve Tools

New in V8



Curve from Objects >

Extract Linetype Segments

The ExtractLineTypeSegments command converts linetype patterns of the selected curves to curve segments and points.

  • The linetype properties of the extracted curve segments will be set to by object and continuous.

Command-line options


Deletes the input curves.


Makes the extracted curve segments of each input curve into a group.


Places the extracted curve segments on the current layer or the same layer of the input curves.


Toolbar Menu

Not on menus.

The LinetypeDisplay command configures how linetypes display in viewports.

Command-line options


Turn on or off linetype display in viewports.


Restarts the linetype pattern at the beginning of each polyline segment.


Restarts the linetype pattern when the angle between polyline segments exceeds this value.




Not on toolbars.


Panels > Linetypes

The Linetypes command shows document linetype definitions in a tabbed panel.

Linetypes panel


Adds a linetype definition.


Makes a copy of the selected linetype definition.


Deletes a linetype definition.


Imports linetype definitions from a .3dm, .lin or .txt file.

In the Import Linetypes dialog box, select the linetypes to import.

Add Defaults

Restores the default linetypes that have been deleted.

Model space scale

Sets the global scale factor for all linetype patterns in model viewports.

The SetLinetypeScale command can change this setting from Command-line.


Enter text to only list the linetypes with the text in their names.

Name and pattern








To sort linetypes

(For the Linetypes panel only)

  • Click the name or pattern header to sort the linetype list.

Right-click context menu

  • Right-click on a linetype to show the context menu.

Assign to selected objects

Applies the linetype to the objects in selection.

  • Or select the curves and Shift+Double-click on the linetype pattern.

Assign to layer

Applies the linetype to the selected layer.

Select objects

Selects the objects displaying the linetype that can be By Layer or By Object.

  • Or double-click on the linetype pattern.

  • Only the object types supporting linetype display will be selected.

  • Objects in block instances using the linetype cannot be selected.


Makes a copy of the linetype.


Removes the linetype from the document.

Add defaults

Restores the default linetypes that have been deleted.


Linetypes are defined by a comma-separated list of dash and gap lengths, always starting with a dash. A zero-length dash is a dot.


Sets the display scale for linetypes to inches.


Sets the display scale for linetypes to millimeters.

Cap style

Draws curve ends with the Flat (left), Round (middle), or Square (right) style.

Join style

Draws curve joined corners with the Miter (left), Round (middle), or Bevel (right) style.

  • Enable Print display to see the cap and join styles in viewports.


Sets the width of the linetype.

Width Units (Pixels / Length Units)

Sets the width of the linetype to base on screen pixels or length units.

  • Pixel width is intended for screen capture only. It does not affect Print Preview in viewports or Print. To print linetypes with widths, set linetypes to use length unit width, or set the Print Width in object properties or layers.

  • Print width overrides linetype width in pixels, but not in length units.

  • Length unit width can display in viewports when print preview is on or off. Print width needs print preview to be on to display.


Enables line stroke for the linetype.

Taper Position (0 to 1)

Defines the location on a curve where the Taper Width applies.

0 is at the start of a curve and 1 is at the end.

The default value, 0.5, is halfway of the curve length.

  • Use the Dir command to swap the start and end of a curve.
Taper Width

Controls the line width at the Taper Position.

End Width

Controls the line width at the end of the curve.

  • The Width setting controls the start width.




Not on toolbars.

The SetCustomLinetype command lets you edit an object's custom linetype properties in a floating dialog.


Toolbar Menu


Not on menus.

The SetLinetype command specifies a linetype for the selected curves.


  1. Select curves.
  2. In the Select Linetypes dialog box, select a linetype from the list.


Toolbar Menu

Not on toolbars.

Not on menus.

The SetLayerLinetype command specifies a linetype for the specified layer.


  1. Specify a layer name.
  2. Specify a linetype.


Toolbar Menu

Not on toolbars.

Not on menus.

The SetLinetypeScale command specifies the global linetype scale from the command line.

See also

Use drafting tools

Manage document properties