New in Rhino 9

Full Command list

New commands


Enhancements and new options

Annotation: Added more frame shapes to text settings. Details... (RH-6171)

Crosshairs: Added CrosshairScreenLength to Advanced Settings for setting crosshair size. Details... (RH-1974)

Curvature: Added ShowCustomRadius option to mark locations of specified radius. (RH-82485)

Check: Supports sub-selected objects in blocks. (RH-84493)

Ellipse: Added FitPoints option. (RH-78096)

FilletCorners: Added History support. (RH-84822)

Flow: Added Stairlike option. (RH-83695)

History: Added OneShotRecord option to History command. (RH-83797)


OSnap: Center object snap can snap to center of detail view border. (RH-16054)

Rendering Decals: Create a single decal widget for grouped objects. (RH-38367)


SelDup: Finds polylines of same shape with different seam locations. (RH-79074)

SelLayer: Made scriptable command work with preselect and allows selecting objects at first prompt. (RH-83403)

SelLinetype: Allows typing linetype name at first prompt. (RH-83517)

SelName: Scriptable command, -SelName, works with preselect and allows selecting object at first prompt. (RH-83343 )

ShowEnds: Gives feedback in command History. (RH-65993)

Layouts: Added "New Detail" button to Layouts panel. (RH-81408)

MergeEdge: Improved workflow. (RH-80332)

Notes: Added search UI to Notes panel. (RH-23212)


  • Improvement of loose curve offset. (RH-81146)

  • Able to create closed regions when offset of open curves self-intersected. (RH-72891)

Options: Allows importing multiple display modes at once. (RH-81931)

Ortho: Added DominantOrtho advanced setting. (RH-84559)

Properties: Added Reset Scale button to Block Instance properties. (RH-84961)

PushPull: Allows selecting multiple surfaces and added new Corner options. (RH-78277)

Ribbon: BothSides option merges surfaces if possible. (RH-5500)

Selection: Window and cross selection include annotations invisible in current view. (RH-81931)

Slab: BothSides option merges surfaces if possible. (RH-5500)

Snapshot: Added parameter settings to the scriptable command. (RH-65823)


UI changes

Line: FourPoint option is renamed 4Point. (RH-79314)


File IO

Added an option to disable saving backup files for non-3dm file types. Details...(RH-48512)

Added an option to change backup file saving folder. Details...(RH-46436)

File export commands fill file name, and add/increase number suffix. (RH-56888)

DWG/DXF Import:

  • Sorts layers with ascending alphabetical order. (RH-78254)

  • Added option for importing curves with thickness (height) as Extrusion objects. Details... (RH-82195)

  • Supports importing nested layers from DWG/DXF files. Details... (RH-66996)

DWG/DXF Export:

  • Saves Clipping Planes as AutoCAD section planes. (RH-78063)

  • Saves image files used by Rhino "Pictures" objects in an image folder next to the DWG/DXF file. (RH-85056)

PLY Import: Supports reading vertex colors from Gaussian splat PLY files. (RH-85444)


Added material and texture creation components. (RH-80669)

Added Texture Evaluator component for rasterizing a procedural texture. (RH-82500)

Added variable radius fillet/chamfer/blend edge. (RH-82170)

Created new base class for Texture Mapping components. (RH-84682)
