Appearance - Colors
Tools > Options > Appearance > Colors
The Colors page manages the colors of the Rhino interface.
The Rhino interface switches between the light and dark color schemes according to the display settings of the Windows system. You can select a color scheme for Rhino to override the system settings.
Color schemes
Sets the Rhino interface to use the dark color scheme.
Sets the Rhino interface to use the light color scheme.
Sets the Rhino interface to use custom colors.
Note: Make sure only one Rhino APP is running when you change the color scheme to avoid UI display issues.
Viewport colors
The color of the working area background behind the grid lines.
Major grid line
The color of major grid lines.
Minor grid line
The color of minor grid lines.
X/Y/Z-axis line
The color of the construction plane x, y, and z axes.
World axes icon X/Y/Z
The colors of the direction arrows for the world axes icon.
The layout paper background color.
Object display
Selected objects
The color of selected objects.
Locked objects
The color of locked objects.
New Layer
The color for new layers.
Interface objects
The color of the feedback curves. One example of a feedback curve is the line you see when you drag objects.
Tracking lines
The color of the tracking line. One example of a tracking line is the line you see when you use elevator mode.
The color of the full-screen crosshairs.
Layout settings background
The color of the layout background.
Changes the colors of various parts of the Rhino window. These color settings are only available for the Custom color scheme.
Content Background
The background color of the content area in toolbars, panels, and dialog boxes.
Frame Background
The background color of container frames.
Selected Tab Background
The background color of selected tabs in containers.
Active viewport title
The color for the title of the current viewport.
Inactive viewport title
The color for the titles of the viewports that are not the current.
Widget colors
U-axis color
The color of the mapping widget u axis.
V-axis color
The color of the mapping widget v axis.
W-axis color
The color of the mapping widget w axis.
Resets the settings in the current page to factory defaults.
Save option settings for use on other computers

Save Options settings to a file.

Restore Options settings from a file.