UnrollSrf 指令将 UV 两个方向之中只有一个方向有曲率 (不是直的) 的曲面或多重曲面摊开为平面。
Compares the maximum deviation of a curve from a line between its endpoints to the Relative Tolerance * length of the curve. If a curve is 10 units long and the relative tolerance is .01, the maximum deviation is compared to 0.1. If the line is 100 units long, max deviation is compared to 1.
Rhino 有一些指令可以建立或摊平可展开的曲面 (曲面上可以有洞或曲线)。
Loft 指令的可展开的选项建立的是有一个方向是直的曲面,您也可以使用其它的方法建立可展开的曲面,但建立的曲面必需至少有一个方向是直的,才能使用 UnrollSrf 指令展开,您可以可展开的曲面上放置尺规,在曲面的两个边缘之间尺规可以完全接触曲面时,称为尺规线。
因为曲面有一个方向是直的,所以该曲面上的每一点的高斯曲率都是 0。Rhino 无法展开高斯曲率不是 0 或没有任何一个方向是直的曲面。
因为可展开的曲面无法以任意两条曲线建立,以 Loft 指令的可展开的型式建立的曲面型状可能无法预期,形状类似而且没有锐角的曲线比较适合于建立可展开的曲面。
从 3D 曲面建立可展开的曲面,再将可展开的曲面展开,曲面展开后的面积与尺规线长度和原来的 3D 曲面之间会有误差,但 Rhino 不会提出警告。
Rhino does not have any method of making a surface a bit more or less developable. Some programs have a way of spreading out the concentrated fans of rulings that often occur, thereby smoothing the surface. Since metal, especially aluminum, has some elasticity, you can deviate quite a bit from a mathematically correct developable surface and still plate it up. Some builders that use developable surfaces in their models, expand the plates, and then add up to 1-inch chord depth of radius to the flat sides in the sections to make the plate "taut." The expanded plates fit up to the changed sections. They have not figured out how to get this "blow" into their 3-D models, though.
使用 CurvatureAnalysis 指令的高斯曲率分析协助建立曲面代替可展开的放样是解决这个问题的一个方法,但除非曲面符合 UnrollSrf 指令的要求,否则 Rhino 无法以这个方式建立曲面。
许多设计师的设计需要重 3D 物件上的图形展开为 2D 的平面图形,3D 的曲面可以使用高斯曲率分析将曲面分为可以展开的与不可展开的两种类型。
Spheres and other surfaces, that have compound curvature, cannot be unfolded or “developed” accurately without knowing something about the characteristics of the material (amount of stretch available and more.)
Curvature 指令可以显示曲面的曲率圆。当您在曲面上移动鼠标标记时,不可展开的曲面会显示两个圆弧。可展开的曲面会显示一个圆弧与一条直线,代表曲面只有一个方向有曲率。
The unrolling or flattening of non-developable surfaces is based on complex transformation matrices that factor in material characteristics and transform the surface on to the XY plane as a two-dimensional boundary. The material’s characteristics help determine stretch that material will experience to produce the shape.
It is helpful to imagine cutting and folding paper. A developable surface can be folded or rolled from a sheet of paper. Clearly, a sphere does not fit that criterion. A sphere of sorts can be constructed from a series of developable panels and can be developed panel by panel, but of course it will not be a true sphere, but an approximation. In short, if a surface can be constructed with paper, then it is determined to be developable and Rhino should be able to unroll it. If you need a sheet of rubber to make the 3-D shape, then it is non-developable and the UnrollSrf command will not unroll it.
Smash 指令可以用来展开双向都有曲率的物件,但会有延展与收缩的误差,适合用于展开有本身具延展性的材质。
Flatten a surface without restriction to single-directional curvature.
Flatten a non-developable (curved in two directions) 3-D mesh or NURBS surface into a flat 2-D pattern.