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The Join command connects objects together to form a single object.

Join turns lines into polylines, curves into polycurves, surfaces and polysurfaces into polysurfaces or solids.


  • Curves, Surface, Polysurface, Extrusion, Mesh, SubD


  • Join does not change the surfaces. It is merely a test to see if the surfaces edges are within 2x tolerance. If they are, then they are tagged as joined and not available for further joining.
  • When a curve is selected first or using sub-object selection, surface edges or mesh edges can be joined with the curve to create a polyline or polycurve.
  • You can join curves that touch end-to-end.
  • The order the objects are selected determines the layer of the new joined object.
  • You can join surfaces and polysurfaces that touch at naked edges.
  • You can join meshes that do not touch (disjoint meshes).
  • Joining does not change the underlying surface geometry. It simply "glues" adjacent objects together so meshing, Boolean operations, and intersections can cross seams without gaps.
  • To change a surface's geometry so it fills in a gap, use MatchSrf or fill the gap with a new surface created by FilletSrf, BlendSrf, BlendEdge, FilletEdge, NetworkSrf, or Patch.
  • To change two adjacent surfaces into a single surface, use MergeSrf. Pay special attention to the setting of the Smooth option to get the geometry you want.
  • Degrees and control points will not change when curves with different degrees are joined.


  • Select the objects (curves, surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes) to join.
    Use SelChain to select a string of curves that touch end to end.

To select objects one-by-one

  1. Select an object (curve, surface, polysurface, or mesh).
  2. Select the next object.
    To select a surface edge as a curve to join, see sub-object selection.
  3. When you are finished selecting objects to join, press Enter.

Command-line options


The Undo option removes the last selected object from the join operation.


The JoinDisjointMeshes option allows joining meshes that do not touch into one object.

See: SplitDisjointMesh command.


Specifies how SubD edges are joined.

  • SubD objects will merge into a single SubD that cannot be exploded.

  • Overlapped SubD control polygons will merge when possible.

Hidden command-line options


Selects connected curves or edges based on continuity conditions.

See also

Edit curves

Edit surfaces