Curve Drawing toolbar

Draw an arc with options for center, start, angle, and direction.
Link to Arc toolbar

Arc, Start, End, Direction
Arc by start, end, direction at start.

Arc, Start, Direction, End
Arc by start, direction at start, end.

Arc, Start, End, Point
Arc by start, end, point on arc.

Arc, Start, Point, End
Arc by start, point on arc, end.

Arc, Tangent
Arc tangent to curves.

Arc, Tangent, Tangent, Radius
Arc tangent, tangent, radius.

Cancel the current command and deselects objects.

Turns off Points, CurvatureGraph, EMap, Zebra, MoveUVN, CurvatureAnalysis, and deselects objects.

Creates a curve that a hanging chain or cable assumes under its own weight when supported only at its ends.

Draw a circle from center and radius, diameter, points on the circumference, and circumference length.
Link to Circle toolbar

Circle, Diameter
Draws a circle from points on diameter.

Circle, Tangent, Tangent, Radius
Draws a circle tangent to two curves and a radius.

Circle, Vertical to CPlane: center, radius
Draws a circle from a center and radius vertical to construction plane.

Conic, Tangent at start
Draw a conic curve tangent at the start.

Conic, Tangent at start and end
Draw a conic curve tangent at the start and end.

Draw a curve from control point locations.
Link to Curve toolbar

Fit a curve through point objects.

Draw a closed elliptical curve from focus points, center and edges, bounding rectangle, and around a curve.
Link to Ellipse toolbar

Ellipse, Diameter
Draws a closed elliptical curve by diameter.

Break objects down into components.

Separates or duplicates polysurface, Extrusion, or SubD faces.

Draw chained Bézier curves with editing handles.

Draw a helical curve with options for number of turns, pitch, vertical, reverse, and around a curve.

Helix, Vertical
Draw a vertical helical curve.

Fit a curve through picked locations.
Draw chained Bézier curves with editing handles.

Fit a curve through locations on a surface.

Connect curves, surface edges, or surfaces to form a single object.

Draw a single line segment.

Line, Normal
Draw a line segment normal to a surface.

Line, Normal, BothSides
Draw a line segment normal to a surface from its midpoint.

Line, Perpendicular, from curve
Draw a line segment perpendicular from a curve.

Line, Perpendicular, to curve
Draw a line segment perpendicular to a curve.

Line, Tangent
Draw a line segment tangent from a curve.

Line, Vertical
Draw a line segment perpendicular to the construction plane.

Line, Vertical, BothSides
Draw a line segment perpendicular to the construction plane from its midpoint.

Draw a parabolic curve from focus and vertex or endpoint.

Draw a parabolic curve through three picked points.

Draw a polygon with a specified number of sides with options for inscribed/circumscribed, by edge, star-shaped, around a curve, and vertical.
Link to Polygon toolbar

Polygon, Square from center and corner
Draw a square polygon by center and corner.

Polygon, Square, from edge
Draw a square polygon by edge.

Polygon, Star
Draw a polygon star.

Draw a multi-segment polyline with options for line and arc segments, tracking line helpers, and close.
Link to Lines toolbar

Draw multiple adjoining line segments.

Draw a rectangular closed polyline from with options for starting at the center, three points, vertical, and rounded with arc or conic corners.
Link to Rectangle toolbar

Rectangle, 3Point
Draw a rectangle through three points.

Rectangle, Rounded
Draw a rectangle with rounded corners.

Rectangle, Rounded, conic corners
Draw a rectangle with conic rounded corners.

Rectangle, Vertical
Draw a rectangle perpendicular to the construction plane.

Drag the mouse to draw a curve.

Sketch, on surface
Drag the mouse to draw a curve on a selected surface.

Divide objects using other objects as cutters.

Divide objects using isocurves as cutters.