STL Tools toolbar
![Toolbar: Mesh Creation | STL Tools](../image/command_icons/3dface.png)
Creates mesh or SubD faces that can be standalone or added to an existing mesh or SubD.
![Toolbars: Display | STL Tools](../image/command_icons/flatshade.png)
Shade objects without smoothing between mesh faces.
![Toolbar: Curve Drawing | Geometry Fix | Main | Main1 | Popup | Solids Sidebar | STL Tools | Surface Sidebar](../image/command_icons/join.png)
Connect curves, surface edges, or surfaces to form a single object.
![Toolbar: Curve Tools | Geometry Fix | Main | Main2 | Organic | Point Edit | STL Tools | Surface Tools](../image/command_icons/pointson.png)
Display curve and surface control points.
![Toolbars: Edge Tools | Geometry Fix | STL Tools](../image/command_icons/removeallnakedmicroedges.png)
Removes very small single naked edges that fold or loop back on themselves and have no matching edge to which they can be joined.
![Toolbar: File | Popup | Standard | STL Tools](../image/command_icons/save.png)
Save the current model.
Link to File toolbar
![Toolbar: STL Tools](../image/command_icons/saveas_rt.png)
Save the current model with a different name, close the current model, and open the new model.
![Toolbar: STL Tools](../image/command_icons/selnakedmeshedgept.png)
Select unwelded vertices on mesh edges.
![Toolbar: Display | Organic | Popup | Standard | STL Tools](../image/command_icons/viewport_shaded.png)
Shaded viewport display mode
Set the viewport to opaque shaded mode.
Link to Display toolbar
![Toolbar: Organic | Popup | Standard | STL Tools](../image/command_icons/viewport_wireframe_shaded_rt.png)
Wireframe viewport display mode
Set the viewport display to unshaded wireframe.
![Toolbar: Mesh Tools | STL Tools](../image/command_icons/unifymeshnormals.png)
Change the normal direction mesh faces so they all point in a consistent direction.
![Toolbar: Mesh Tools | STL Tools](../image/command_icons/flip_unifymeshnormals_rt.png)
Reverse the normal direction of a curve, surface, or mesh.
![Toolbar: Mesh Tools | STL Tools | Weld](../image/command_icons/weld.png)
Remove creases from a mesh by merging coincident mesh vertices.
Link to Welding toolbar
![Toolbar: STL Tools](../image/command_icons/triangulatemesh_weld_rt.png)
Split each quadrangular mesh face into two triangles.