Infinite plane
SmartTrack: AddGuide / RemoveGuide
ApplyCurvePiping, ApplyDisplacement, ApplyEdgeSoftening, and ApplyShutlining are no longer commands, but are now part of object properties.
Sub-object selection for polycurves and polylines.
Decal positioning.
Isocurve density settings.
Default CPlanes (World Top, Right, and Front) are now included in NamedCPlane panel.
Rotate Environment widget.
MappingWidget improvements.
Gumball Alignment, Relocation, and translation plane improvements.
Rendering Ambient Bottom setting removed.
Unwrap and UVEditor can be used on multiple objects.
Keyboard entry enhanced for Repeat and History toggle.
Command-line calculator support.
Percentage object snap improvement with direction indicators.
FilletEdge edit multiple handles.
Orient3Pt markers.
Rebuild - extrusions are treated as surfaces.
Crossing selection for mesh faces.
Curve Piping, Displacement, Edge Softening, Shut Lining, and Thickness are now object properties.
GroundPlane is on by default in Rendered viewports.
GroundPlane - New Autoheight feature.
Sweep1 and Sweep2 dialogs update.
SelNakedMeshEdgePt - New IncludeUnweldedEdges=Yes / No.
Percentage snap added to Osnap control.
ShowEnds added to Analyze toolbar.
InfinitePlane added to Select toolbar.
Linked viewports added
ApplyCurvePipingReplaced with Curve Piping object property. |
ApplyDisplacementReplaced with Displacement object property. |
ApplyEdgeSofteningReplaced with Edge Softening object property. |
ApplyShutliningReplaced with Shut lining object property. |
ApplyThicknessReplaced with Thickness object property. |
ApplyWatermarkDeleted. |
CheckMeshAdded to Check command. |
FindWatermarkDeleted. |
GradientViewGradientView is now a test command. It does not autocomplete, but may still be accessed if the command name is typed out. |
MeshTConeName change to MeshTruncatedCone. |
Options Relative tolerance settingDeleted. |
PictureFrameReplaced with Picture command. |
RemoveEdgeCommand name changed to ReplaceEdge. |
SelDimStyleName change to SelAnnotationStyle. |
TConeName change to TruncatedCone. |
ViewportProperties dialog boxReplaced with Viewport Properties panel. |
Rhino 6 for Mac © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020