Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut | Alias |
Edit Control Points > Control Points On |
F10 |
POn |
The PointsOn command displays control points.
Control points are coefficients of NURBS basis functions. Sometimes also called control vertex or node.
Control points are used as "grips" on objects such as curves, surfaces, lights, hatch boundaries, and dimensions and cannot be separated from their objects.
Turn on Make control polygon pickable in Preferences > Mouse for loop selection to work.
When Control Points are turned on, double-click a control polygon segment.
Use Shift+Double-click to add more loops.
Use Ctrl+Double-click to deselect a loop.
Toolbar | Menu | Shortcut | Alias |
Edit Control Points > Control Points Off |
F11 |
POff |
The PointsOff command turns off control points and edit points display.
Toolbar | Menu |
The PtOffSelected command turns off control points and edit points for selected objects.
Toolbar | Menu |
Solid Solid Edit Tools > Turn On Points |
The SolidPtOn command turns on grips at the ends of surface and joined polysurface edges, including closed solids.
Toolbar | Menu |
Edit Control Points > Show Edit Points |
The EditPtOn command displays edit points on the curve evaluated at knot averages.
Rhino 6 for Mac © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020