Edit AutoCAD export schemes.
Constructs a mesh pipe display around a curve.
Add a custom texture mapping channel to an object.
Constructs a displacement display mesh for surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.
Constructs an edge-softening display mesh for surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.
Constructs a shut-line display mesh for surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.
Embed invisible watermarks in Rhino models.
Create an arc blend curve between two curves.
Copy and space objects in a single direction.
Combine an object's textures and decals into a single bitmap file and assign that bitmap as object's texture.
Allow selecting a block instance to change the block geometry and update the block definition.
Size, scale, position, and rotate objects numerically.
Bring curves forward in draw order.
Bring curves to the front in draw order.
Return curve draw order to the default.
Open the Content Filter dialog box.
Continue to draw the selected curve using control points.
Continue to draw the selected curve interpolating through picked points.
Convert Dot objects to either points or text.
Convert extrusion objects to surfaces and polysurfaces.
Evaluate texture coordinates and set vertex colors.
Control whether surface creation commands divide creased surfaces into polysurfaces.
Replace a non-manifold polysurface with all solid manifold regions defined by the surfaces of the input.
Report the diameter of a curve at a specified point.
Draw a line normal to a surface with a digitizing arm.
Dimension the area of a closed curve, surface, mesh, or hatch.
Dimension the angle between two planes.
Dimension the length of a curve.
Turn off the selected clipping plane.
Open the Display panel.
Place a point object on a surface the surface's draft angle break location.
Create new dimension styles by copying existing styles.
Edit a Python script.
Turn on selected clipping planes in the active viewport.
Simulate the Enter key to complete a command string in a script.
Explode a block including any nested blocks into component objects.
Duplicate an object's analysis mesh.
Duplicate a curve's curvature graph.
Duplicate a curve's piping mesh.
Duplicate the uv mesh.
Search for specified text.
Find invisible watermarks in Rhino models.
Retrieve text information attached to a file with the SetDocumentUserText command.
Open the GroundPlane panel.
Displays the gumball widget on a selected object facilitating move, scale, and rotate transformations around the gumball origin.
Resets the gumball widget alignment.
Sets the amount of the gumball drag as a percentage of mouse movement to control the speed of the gumball movement.
Set a starting point for existing hatches.
Scale hatch patterns in model and layout space.
Conceal layers in a detail view.
Hide the render mesh displayed with the ShowRenderMesh command.
Import dimension styles into the current document.
Import a print layout viewport from another file.
Find the intersection of one set of objects with another set of objects.
Change the current viewport properties to a parallel projection isometric view looking from a specified quadrant toward 0.
Open the Libraries panel.
Open the Lights panel.
Make the surface knots uniform in u- or v-direction.
Place point objects at focus locations of conic curves.
Change a curve's direction to match another curve's direction.
Change an object's texture mapping properties to match another object.
Change an object's properties to match another object.
Merge all possible edges of a surface or polysurface.
Open the Mesh Repair wizard.
Create a mirror image copy of one or more holes in a single planar surface.
Change the radius of existing arcs and circles.
Create a non-manifold polysurface from intersecting surfaces and polysurfaces.
Save Options settings to a file.
Restore Options settings from a file.
Display a menu with the most-used commands.
Reconstruct surfaces to a specified control point number in the u- or v-directions.
Moves the gumball widget to a new location on an object.
Specify whether Copy option on transform commands is stored.
Remove multiple knots from curves and surfaces.
Open last rendering in render window.
Open an image with the .rimage format.
Repeat any command or script/macro.
Replace block instances with a different block definition.
Draw revision cloud curves.
Discard changes and revert to the previously saved document.
Insert Rich Photorealistic Content (RPC) objects.
Set the animation frame number for an RPC at the command line.
Run a Python script.
Change the size of objects in two directions non-uniformly.
Scales all of the distances in a dimension scale at once.
Select objects within an existing closed curve.
Drag the mouse like a brush stroke to select objects.
Drag mouse like a brush stroke to select points and control points.
Draw a circle to select objects.
Select all clipping planes.
Select dimensions of a specified style.
Restrict a selection mode to specified object types.
Select object by its object ID number.
Select hatch objects.
Select all lines.
Select objects with the specified linetype.
Select all Named View widget objects.
Select non-manifold objects.
Select all objects created with the PictureFrame command.
Select objects by their render color.
Select all objects smaller than a specified size.
Select objects inside, outside, or crossing a box-shaped volume.
Select objects inside, outside, or crossing a pipe-shaped volume.
Select objects inside, outside, or crossing a spherical volume.
Send curves backward in draw order
Open the default mail program with the current file as an attachment.
Send curves to back of draw order
Specify the current dimensions style.
Attach text information to the file.
Set the tangent direction of an untrimmed surface.
Remove the selected surfaces from a polysurface, and then offset the remaining surfaces to create a solid with a specified thickness.
Redisplay hidden layers in a detail view.
Display the render mesh for selected objects.
Redisplay selected hidden objects in a detail view.
Turn on a system of temporary reference lines and points.
Allow snaps to work on locked objects and locked layers.
Turn on control points for polysurfaces.
Open the Sun panel.
Change an object's material color to match its object or layer display color.
Checks to see whether numbers with decimal points are being correctly printed and read using a period as the decimal point. If the decimal point has been changed to a comma, the command changes the decimal point character back to a period.
Scale text in model and layout space.
Draw a pyramid whose apex is truncated by a plane.
Create curves between two open or closed input curves.
Create intermediate surfaces between two input surfaces.
Toggle the display state of render meshes on an object.
Split polysurface edges.
Untrim all edges.
Untrim surface border.
Untrim interior holes.
Specifies whether extrusion objects or polysurfaces are used when extruding straight‑side objects.
Flatten (develop) a surface or polysurface with curvature in one direction to a planar surface while maintaining the u- and v-directions of the input surface.
Project surface mapping texture coordinates and the texture of an object onto the world xy-plane.
Project the texture coordinates of the selected object to a specified region of space.
Zooms to include all non-manifold edges on selected objects with non-manifold edges.
Deleted. Incorporated into the Check command.
Deleted. Incorporated into the MappingWidget command.
Name changed to OptionsExport.
Deleted. Incorporated into ExtendSrf.
Name changed to OptionsImport.
Name changed to MappingWidgetOff.
Name changed to MappingWidget.
Deleted. Use Options > Files to configure layers.
Deleted. Use TweenCurves command.
Deleted. Incorporated into Heightfield.
Deleted. Incorporated into OffsetSrf.
Deleted. Use File > Print in the Render Window.
Deleted. Incorporated into the RemoveMultiKnot command.
Deleted. Use the Rotate or Rotate3D command with sub-object selection.
Deleted. Use the Rotate or Rotate3D command with sub-object selection.
Deleted. Use the Scale command with sub-object selection.
Deleted. Use the Shear command with sub-object selection.
Deleted. Use the Shear command with sub-object selection.
Name changed to Shell.
Viewport display mode commands
Deleted. The viewport mode display commands have been replaced by scripts for the modes. The commands remain as script aliases.
Rhinoceros 5 © 2010-2015 Robert McNeel & Associates. 17-Sep-2015