
The Bake command combines an object's textures and decals into a single image file and assigns that image as object's texture.


Bake works only on surface, polysurface and extrusion objects.
The command starts by asking for an object, image file and image size. It then bakes (combines) object's textures and decals into one image. This image is then assigned to a new material that material is assigned to the object.
The object's texture mapping is changed to surface mapping.


1. Place textures and decals on an object.

2. Bake the object.

The object's textures and decals are combined into one image.

This image is then assigned to a new material that material is assigned to the object using surface mapping.

All the decals are removed from the object. As a result the object looks much like before.

See also


Render the objects using the current renderer.

Use materials and textures

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