Render Tools toolbar

To open a toolbar...

Apply curve piping

Constructs a mesh pipe display around a curve.

Apply displacement

Constructs a displacement display mesh for surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.

Apply edge softening

Constructs an edge-softening display mesh for surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.

Apply shut lining

Constructs a shut-line display mesh for surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.


Insert a light with parallel rays pointing in a specified direction.

Set material source to layer

Set material source to layer.


Add lights based on highlight locations.

EditLightByHighlight, Bounce highlight line

Add lights based on highlight locations.


Set a spotlight direction using view manipulation tools.

EditLightByLooking, NewSpotlight

Create new light by looking.

Light properties

Manage color, on/off, shadow intensity, spotlight hardness.


Insert a tubular light.

Match material properties

Change an object's material properties to match another object.


Turn on texture mapping widgets.

Link to Texture Mapping toolbar


Turn off texture mapping widgets.


Open or close the Materials panel.

Mesh document properties

Manage the display/render mesh settings for the current model.


Spread the texture over all of the faces of a polysurface.

Link to Texture Tools toolbar

Link to: Animation Preview toolbar


The PointLight command inserts an omni-directional light.


Insert a rectangular directional light.


Render the objects using the current renderer.

Render settings (Document Properties)

Manage the render settings for the current model.


Render the view in the render window with a with a rough quality for a fast preview.

Render settings (document properties)

Manage the render settings for the current model.

Render mesh settings

Manage the mesh settings for the current model.

Set render color

Sets the render color for an object.

Set render gloss color

Sets the gloss color for the render material.


Match spotlight direction to the viewport camera direction.

SetSpotlightToView, NewSpotlight

Add a spotlight from current view.


Match the view to a spotlight direction.


Insert a light cone object.


Change an object's material color to match its object or layer display color.




Rhino for Mac © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 24-Oct-2017