Manage annotation styles.
Add a detail viewport.
Draw horizontal or vertical linear dimensions.
Continue horizontal or vertical linear dimensions.
Draws horizontal linear dimensions.
Continue horizontal linear dimensions.
Draws vertical linear dimensions.
Continue vertical linear dimensions.
Draw a linear dimension lined up with two points.
Continue linear dimension lined up with two points.
Dimension the angle between two lines.
Dimension the angle from points.
Dimension the diameter of a curve.
Dimension the x or y distance from a base location.
Dimension the radius of an arc or circle.
Return dimension text to its default location.
Manage angle brackets, dimension display, degree, diameter, plus/minus symbols.
Draw an annotation dot that stays parallel to and sizes with the view.
Link to: Annotate toolbar
Edit annotation text.
Create a pattern of lines to fill bounding curves.
Set a starting point for existing hatches.
Scale hatch patterns in model and layout space.
Import dimension styles into the current document.
Create a print layout viewport.
Create a print layout viewport with four details.
Link to Layout toolbar
Create a print layout viewport with one detail.
Manage layout viewport properties.
Draw an annotation leader with attached text.
Project geometry to the construction plane.
Print the current viewport or layouts.
Display objects using their Print Color and Print Width properties.
Specify a curve's linetype.
Open the Document Properties dialog box at the specified page.
Link to Draw Order toolbar.
Rhino for Mac © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 24-Oct-2017