Index of import/export file types
File types supported directly from the Rhino Save, SaveAs, Export, Import, Insert, and Worksession commands.
Rhino 3D Models Backup (*.3dmbak)
AutoCAD Drawing Exchange (*.dxf)
Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps)
GTS (GNU Triangulated Surface) (*.gts)
Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
Points (*.asc; *.csv; *.txt; *.xyz; *.cgo_ascii; *.cgo_asci; *.pts)
Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)
SOLIDWORKS (*.sldprt; *.sldasm)
STL (Stereolithography) (*.stl)
AutoCAD Drawing Exchange (*.dxf)
Autodesk Design Web Format (*.dwg)
GTS (GNU Triangulated Surface) (*.gts)
Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg)
STL (Stereolithography) (*.stl)