Draws a solid box from diagonal corners.
Cancel the current command and deselects objects.
Turns off Points, CurvatureGraph, EMap, Zebra, MoveUVN, CurvatureAnalysis, and deselects objects.
Creates a surface cone.
Draw a polysurface cylinder.
Break objects down into components.
Separates or duplicates polysurface or Extrusion faces.
Drive closed planar curves in a straight line.
Connect curves, surface edges, or surfaces to form a single object.
Move objects from one location to another.
Link to Transform toolbar
Draw a parabolic surface or capped solid.
Create a surface with a circular profile around a curve with flat caps.
Create a surface with a circular profile around a curve with round caps.
Draw a pyramid.
Draw a solid sphere by two points on diameter.
Divide objects using other objects as cutters.
Draw a NURBS truncated cone.
Draw a NURBS torus (donut shape).
Cut and delete selected portions of an object at the intersection with another object.
Draw a pyramid whose apex is truncated by a plane.
Draw a closed cylinder with a concentric cylindrical hole.
Remove trim curves from trimmed surfaces.
Rhino 6 for Mac © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020