點物件、曲線、曲面、多重曲面、擠出物件與網格物件是 Rhino 的基本幾何物件。
NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-splines,非一致有理 B 雲形線) 以數學的方式描述形狀,從簡單的 2D 直線、圓、圓弧,3D 的立方體到複雜的自由造型曲面或實體都可以精確建模。NURBS 因為使用彈性與精確的特性讓它可以應用在插圖、動畫、工業製造等許多不同的領域。
NURBS 幾何物件是自由、流線造型設計師使用的工業標準,可兼顧造型與功能。Rhino 可用於造船、航太、汽車內裝與外觀的設計。家事與辦公用品、家具、醫療、運動裝備、鞋類、珠寶飾品製造業也常用 Rhino 進行自由造型設計。
NURBS 建模也廣為專業動畫、圖形藝術家使用。NURBS 之於網格模型的優點是網格面粗細可調整,近距離彩現也可以有非常平滑的效果。關於 NURBS 數學的詳細資訊請參考 NURBS 是什麼?。
點物件代表 3D 空間的座標,是 Rhino 裡最簡單的物件,可以放在 3D 空間的任何位置。
Rhino 的曲線就像是一條可以拉直或彎曲的鐵絲,曲線可以是開放的或封閉的。
Rhino 有許多建立不同類型曲線的指令,例如:直線、多重直線、圓弧、圓、多邊形、橢圓形、彈簧線、螺旋線...。
See: Drawing curves and lines.
曲面就像一張有彈性的矩形橡皮,NURBS 曲面可以呈現簡單的造型 (平面或圓柱體),也可以呈現自由造型 (Free-form) 或雕塑曲面。
Rhino 裡所有建立曲面的指令建立的都是 NURBS 曲面,也有許多可以從現有的曲線建立曲面的指令。
不論 NURBS 曲面是什麼形狀,它的內在都有一個矩形的結構。
Even a closed surface such as a cylinder is like a rectangular piece of paper that has been rolled up so two opposite edges are touching. The place where the edges come together is called the seam. If a surface does not have a rectangular shape, either it has been trimmed or the control points on the edges have been moved.
環狀體 (甜甜圈的形狀) 是兩個方向都封閉的曲面。
Trimmed surfaces are created with commands that trim or split surfaces with curves and other surfaces. Some commands create trimmed surfaces directly.
The shape of a surface is still defined by a set of control points arranged in a rectangular pattern.
知道曲面是否被修剪過很重要,Properties 指令可以列出曲面的修剪狀態。Rhino 的某些指令只允許選取未修剪的曲面,也有些軟體也無法匯入修剪過的 NURBS 曲面。
修剪邊界曲線會埋入到原始曲面上,原始曲面有可能遠比修剪邊界來得大,因為 Rhino 並不會畫出曲面被修剪掉的部分,所以您無法看到完整的原始曲面。Untrim 指令可移除曲面的修剪邊界,使曲面回到未修剪的原始狀態。
If you have a trim curve that runs across a surface, the trim curve itself does not have any real relationship to the control-point structure of the surface. You can see this if you select such a trimmed surface and turn its control points on. You will see the control points for the whole underlying surface.
If you create a surface from a planar curve, it can be a trimmed surface. The illustrated surface was created from a circle. The control-point display shows the rectangular structure of the surface.
Untrim 指令可以移除曲面的修剪邊緣,使曲面回到未修剪的四個邊的原始曲面。
See: Create surfaces.
See: Polysurfaces.
封閉的單一曲面或多重曲面都可以稱為實體,Rhino 可以建立單一曲面實體、多重曲面實體與擠出物件實體。
The SolidPtOn command turns on grip points that act like control points for polysurfaces.
輕量化的擠出物件只以一條輪廓曲線與一個擠出向量描述,不像一般的 NURBS 曲面以網狀的結構線描述。Box、Cylinder、Tube 與 ExtrudeCrv 都是可以建立擠出物件的指令,擠出物件可以是開放的,或以平面封閉兩端。某些指令可能會將擠出物件轉換為多重曲面,以利編輯需要。
See: Extrude curves and surfaces.
Because there are many modelers that use polygon meshes to represent geometry for rendering, animation, stereolithography, visualization, and finite element analysis, the Mesh command translates NURBS geometry into polygonal meshes for export. In addition, the mesh creation commands MeshSphere, MeshBox, MeshCylinder, etc., draw mesh objects.
Rhinoceros 6 © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 10-一月-2018