工具列 | 功能表 |
彩現 Render |
Render 指令以目前的彩現器在另一個視窗彩現模型。
除了著色預覽以外,Rhino 也可以做有燈光、透明度、陰影、貼圖及凹凸效果的全彩彩現。
Rhino 彩現時一定會有燈光參與彩現計算,如果您未在場景中加入任何燈光,Rhino 會以預設的燈光彩現,預設的燈光是一盞位於您左肩上方的平行光。
Environments describe the space around the model. This space is reflected in objects and can provide overall lighting.
彩現開始時 Rhino 會檢查材質使用的外部圖片是否存在,如有圖片遺失會彈出警告,並列出遺失的圖片。
This setting must be enabled by checking the Check for missing textures when rendering box in Rendering Options.
Saves the list of missing textures to the Clipboard.
將遺失的貼圖的清單儲存至純文字檔 (.txt)。
Rhino 預設的彩現器的彩現影像可以儲存為 .rimage 檔案,這種檔案格式可以儲存許多彩現資訊,包括:顏色、Alpha、距離、法線,每一個通道都可以儲存 32 位元的資料。
.rimage 是 Rhino 彩現視窗特有的檔案格式,其它軟體無法開啟。它可以儲存高動態範圍資訊,這些資訊可以無損轉移至 .HDR 與 .EXR 格式。因為它是未壓縮的格式,所以檔案可能非常巨大。
每次彩現完成都會自動在暫存檔資料夾儲存一個 .rimage 檔案,以後重新開啟這些檔案仍然可以編輯所有的後處理效果,就像剛才完成的彩現一樣。
工具列 | 功能表 |
The RenderArctic command sets everything to white - materials, skylighting, ground plane and renders the current viewport.
指令行選項 | |
AffectMaterials | Turn off to exclude materials from the settings. |
AffectLights | Turn off to exclude lights from the settings. |
AffectGroundPlane | Turn off to exclude groundplane from the settings. |
AffectBackground | Turn off to exclude background from the settings. |
工具列 | 功能表 |
The CloseRenderWindow command closes the render display window.
以 Script 連續彩現時,這個指令可以配合 SaveRenderWindowAs 指令使用,將彩現的影像儲存為不同的檔案。
工具列 | 功能表 |
The CopyRenderWindowToClipboard command copies the image in the render window to the Clipboard.
工具列 | 功能表 |
The RenderInWindow command renders a selected area of the current viewport in the render window at viewport resolution.
工具列 | 功能表 |
彩現 開啟上次的彩現影像 |
The RenderOpenLastRendering command opens the last rendering image file (.rimage).
工具列 | 功能表 |
The RenderOpenRenderImage command opens a browser window with the recent rendering image files (.rimage).
工具列 | 功能表 |
彩現 預覽彩現 |
The RenderPreview command renders the current viewport in the render window at render resolution, optimizing render time.
工具列 | 功能表 |
The RenderPreviewInWindow command renders a selected area of the current viewport in the render window at render resolution, optimizing render time.
工具列 | 功能表 |
The RenderPreviewWindow command renders a selected area of the current viewport in the viewport at viewport resolution, optimizing render time.
工具列 | 功能表 |
The RenderReportMissingImageFiles command opens the image manager, which can be switched to show all image files in addition to missing ones.
工具列 | 功能表 |
The RenderWindow command renders a selected area of the current viewport in the viewport at viewport resolution.
工具列 | 功能表 |
The SaveRenderWindowAs command saves the image in the render window to a file.
儲存為支援 Alpha 通道的圖片格式時可儲存 Alpha 通道。
工具列 | 功能表 |
彩現 目前的彩現器 |
The SetCurrentRenderPlugIn command specifies the current rendering plug-in application.
You can download plug-ins from www.rhino3d.com/resources.
Rhinoceros 6 © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 10-一月-2018