The General options control menu functions, undo, and start-up commands.
Most-recently-used commands pop-up menu
When you right-click in the command area, or program your middle mouse button to display the recently-used commands menu, a menu displays at the cursor location containing a list of recently-used commands and the commands you have Entered as your favorites.
Limit list to ___ commands
This allows you to choose the maximum number of items that can appear in the most-recently-used command lists.
Show these commands at the top of the menu
Your favorite commands will always display in the pop-up menu at the top of the pop-up menu above the most-recently-used commands.
Command Lists
Run these commands every time Rhino starts
Defines a list of commands that will run automatically whenever you start Rhino.
Never repeat these commands
Defines a list of commands that will not repeat when you press Enter.
Note: Only command names can be flagged as do-not-repeat. If a command is in a macro, it will repeat even if it is on this list..
Min number of undos
Sets the minimum number of undo commands that can be used in a Rhino session.
Max memory used (MB)
The maximum amount of memory Rhino will attempt to use.
Default surface isocurve density
Show surface isocurves
Sets the display of surface isoparametric curves for new objects.
Isocurve density
Defines the default surface isoparametric curves density for new objects.
Value |
Isocurve density |
0 |
No isocurves on knot-free spans. |
1 |
One isocurve at each knot, or one isocurve on knot-free spans. |
2 |
One isocurve at each knot, plus one isocurve between knot locations. |
3 |
One isocurve at each knot, plus two isocurves between knot locations. |
Save Options settings to a file.
Restore Options settings from a file.
Note: When multiple sessions of Rhino are open at one time, changes made in the last Rhino session closed will be saved.
See also
Manage global options: 3D mouse, alerter, aliases, appearance, context menu, display modes, files, general, idle processor, keyboard, libraries, licenses, modeling aids, mouse, plug-ins, render, RhinoScript, selection menu, toolbars, updates and statistics, view.
Rhinoceros 5 © 2010-2015 Robert McNeel & Associates. 17-Sep-2015