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Mesh Tools

Solid Tools

SubD Tools

Mesh / SubD

Edit Tools > Delete Faces


Solid Edit Tools > Delete Faces

The DeleteFaces command removes selected faces from a mesh, SubD or Polysurface.

It is most effective in a shaded display mode since you can see and directly pick faces.


Supported input

  • Mesh/SubD/Polysurface faces


  • Select mesh, SubD or polysurface faces.

Mesh/SubD face loop selection (Post-selection)

To select an entire face loop

  1. Click a face.

  2. Double-click the next face that decides the loop direction.

To select a face loop range

  1. Click two faces in a loop.

  2. Double-click a face in between and next to one of the selected faces.

Select a face loop using pre-selection

Select a face loop using sub-object filter

To deselect a single face

  • Cmd+click a selected face.

To deselect a face loop

  • Cmd+double-click a face in a selected loop.

  • Some STL/SLA printers have problems if meshes contain many long, thin facets. These facets can slow the printer down, produce odd results, or run the printer out of memory.
  • The MeshRepair command may be useful when tuning up meshes for STL/SLA printing.

See also

Edit mesh objects

The MeshRepair command integrates many mesh cleanup commands into a single dialog.

White paper: Scan, Cleanup, Remodel