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Curve Edit Tools >

Adjust Closed Curve Seam

The CrvSeam command displays the seam of a closed curve.


  • Select one or more closed curves.
    The seam point of each closed curve is indicated with a point. Each seam point is connected with a tracking line. Arrows indicate the direction of each curve. The curve's periodic state persists, but an extra control point is added near the new seam.

Adjust seam options (Closed curves only)


Reverses the curve direction.


Attempts to align the seam points and directions without intervention.


Moves the seam points to the way they were at the beginning of the command.

To adjust seams

  1. Select each seam point and move it along the curve to line up all curve seams.

  2. Use the Flip option to make all seam arrows point to the same side.

  3. Press Enter to continue.

See also

Edit curves


Open the End Analysis control, and display the endpoints of curves.