Annotation Styles

Toolbar Menu




Annotation properties manage settings for text, dimensions, and leaders for the current model.

Annotation Styles


Marks the current style. Click the button to set a different style to be current.

Annotation Styles

Lists the annotation styles defined in the model.


Creates a new annotation style based on an existing style or a built-in style.

See: Naming conventions in Rhino


Copies all settings from a style to the selected style.


Imports annotation styles from a .3dm file into the current document.


Opens the Annotation Styles definition page for the selected style.


Deletes the selected style.


Annotations using this style are also deleted.

Enable model space scaling

When checked, annotations are multiplied by Model space scale.

For example, when annotation text height is 2.0 mm and Model space scale factor is 0.5, the height of annotation text in model viewports will be 1.0 mm.

Enable layout space scaling

When checked, annotation text and arrows in detail views will display with a static size in Layouts regardless of the zooming ratio of the detail views.

Layout space scaling is enabled (left) and disabled (right).

Annotation style page

The annotation style page has all the settings in the selected annotation style.

Style name

The name of the selected annotation style.

See: Naming conventions in Rhino

Model space scale

The display size is a product of the component's size (like arrow size or text height) and the Model space scale value.

Normally this is the inverse of the print scale. The text height, extension line extension, extension line offset distance, and arrow length are multiplied by this number.

Adjusted text height

Displays the text height after adjustment.

Scale all sizes

Specifies a scale factor for resizing all annotation elements.



The text appearance.


Sets the font style to bold.

Italic and underline styles must be set as individual properties.


The text height in model units.

Text gap

The size of the gap between the text and the dimension line and the size of the Mask margin.

Masks in dimensions are half the size of text masks that use the same value.

Orient text toward reader when viewed from behind

Text reads forward when viewed from behind.

Original text (left), Orient toward reader on (middle), Orient toward reader off (right).


Surrounds text with an opaque color.


Turn off mask.


Sets the mask color to the viewport background color.

Solid Color

Selects the mask color using the Select Color dialog box.

Mask Color

When Mask is set to Solid Color, click to change the color.

Mask margins

The width of the blank area around the text.


Text alignment
Left align text

Sets the horizontal text alignment to the left.

Center align text

Sets the horizontal text alignment to the center.

Right align text

Sets the horizontal text alignment to the right.

Top align text

Sets the vertical text alignment to the top.

Middle align text

Sets the vertical text alignment to the middle.

Bottom align text

Sets the vertical text alignment to the bottom.

Fit text

Automatically determines where to place the text.


Forces the text to the inside of the dimension lines.


Forces the text to the outside and to the right of the dimension lines.


Forces the text to the outside and to the left of the dimension lines.


HintLeft and HintRight are automatically selected based on where you pick to place the dimension line. Picking on the left, HintLeft is selected. Picking on the right, HintRight is selected. When the dimension is changed, and the dimension text no longer fits between the extension lines, the dimension text will be moved to the left or right side.

Horizontal to view

Text is always flat to the screen. Uncheck if you need to orient text in viewports.


Dimension text

Settings determine how linear dimension text is displayed.

Horizontal to view

Text is always flat to the screen.

In line

Cuts the dimension line and centers the text inside it.

Above line

Places text above the dimension line. Rotates the text to align with the dimension line.


Draws the text aligned with the dimension line.


Draws the text horizontal, regardless of the direction of the dimension line.

Radial dimension text

Settings determine how radial dimension text is displayed.

Horizontal to view

Text is always flat to the screen.

In line

Cuts the dimension line and centers the text inside it.

Above line

Places text above the dimension line. Rotates the text to align with the dimension line.


Draws the text horizontal, regardless of the direction of the dimension line.


Draws the text aligned with the dimension line.

Dimension line extension

The distance the dimension line is extended past the extension lines (generally used with ticks).

Dimension line extension (1), Extension line extension (2), Extension line offset (3), Fixed length extension (4).

Extension line extension

Length of the extension line above the dimension line.

Extension line offset

The distance from the dimension point on the object to the start of the extension line.

Fixed length extension

Specifies an extension length for all dimensions.

Suppress extension 1

Turns off display of the first extension line. This depends on the direction the dimension was drawn.

Suppress extension 2

Turns off display of the second extension line. This depends on the direction the dimension was drawn.

Baseline spacing

The default distance between dimension lines when baseline dimensions are used.

Centermark size

The size of the centermark for radius and diameter dimensions.

Centermark style

Sets the style of the centermark for radius and diameter dimensions


No centermark is drawn.


A cross mark is drawn at the center of the radius or diameter.

Mark and Lines

A cross mark and lines that extend to just beyond the edges of the object.


Arrowhead 1 / 2
Short arrow
Open arrow
Thin arrow
Thinner arrow
User arrow

Uses a previously defined block as an arrowhead.

This option is not available when no blocks exist in the model.

To create a block to represent the arrowhead

  1. Draw the arrow elements.
  2. Create a block from the geometry.
No arrow

No arrow is drawn.

Arrow size

The length of the arrowhead from tip to tail.

Fit arrow

When there is not enough space for the arrows, you can force their position.


Automatically determines where to place the arrows.


Forces the arrows to the inside of the dimension lines.


Forces the arrows to the outside of the dimension lines.

Draw dimension line between extension lines if arrows are outside

Force drawing the dimension line when the arrows are on the outside.

Length units

Units used by linear dimensions.

Unit - Format

The unit and format of the annotation style.

Length factor

Distances in dimensions are multiplied by this value.

Linear resolution

The number of decimal places for the distance display.

Round off

Rounds off the dimension to the nearest listed value.

Prefix / Suffix

Text added before and after the dimension text.

Prefix and suffix only display when the dimension text string contains "<>".

Zero suppression

Turns off the display of zeros at the beginning or end of the dimension.

No zero suppression


Suppress leading zeros


Suppress trailing zeros


Suppress leading and trailing zeros


Use alternate units

Displays the second units in linear dimensions.

Unit - Format

The unit and format of the annotation style.

Length factor

Distances in dimensions are multiplied by this value.

Linear resolution

The number of decimal places for the distance display.

Round off

Rounds off the dimension to the nearest listed value.

Prefix / Suffix

Text added before and after the dimension text.

Prefix and suffix only display when the dimension text string contains "<>".

Zero suppression

Turns off the display of zeros at the beginning or end of the dimension.

No zero suppression


Suppress leading zeros


Suppress trailing zeros


Suppress leading and trailing zeros


Alternate units below

Displays alternate units on the other side of the dimensions lines.

Fraction stacking format
No stack
Stack horizontal
Stack height scale (%)

The scale ratio of the dimension text height in the stack horizontal format.

Angular units

Angular units

See: Math Planet

Decimal degrees

Decimal degrees. A measurement of a plane angle, defined so that a full rotation is 360 degrees.

Degrees minutes seconds

Degrees, minutes, seconds.


A unit of angle, equal to an angle at the center of a circle whose arc is equal in length to the radius.

Angular resolution

The number of decimal places for the angle display.

Round off

Round off the dimension to the nearest listed value.

Zero suppression

Turns off the display of zeros at the beginning or end of the dimension.

No zero suppression


Suppress leading zeros


Suppress trailing zeros


Suppress leading and trailing zeros



Curve type

Sets the type of curve used by the leader.


Only the arrowhead and text are drawn.


A segmented polyline is drawn.


A control point curve is used as the leader line.


Adds a short horizontal line between the leader line and the text.

Leader text
Horizontal to view

Left align text

Center align text

Right align text


Middle of first line

Bottom of first line


Middle of last line



Text alignment

The text aligns to the construction plane x-axis.


The text is aligned to the leader segment.


Appends tolerance to dimension text. The tolerance is the amount that a dimensioned distance can vary.

The tolerance displays the degree of accuracy required to manufacture a certain feature or part.

Tolerance style

Controls how the tolerance is formatted or displayed on the dimension line.

No tolerance

No tolerance is added.


Adds a ± (plus/minus) character and single Upper value.


Displays the Upper value preceded by a + (plus) character and the Lower value preceded by a - (minus) character on the dimension line. Entering a negative number reverses the tolerance display from positive to negative and negative to positive.


Displays the dimension length plus the Upper value and the dimension length minus the Lower value.


Specifies the number of decimal places for the tolerance value.

Alt resolution

Specifies the number of decimal places for the tolerance value in the alternate units.

Upper value

Specifies the maximum or upper tolerance value.

Lower value

Specifies the minimum or lower tolerance value.

Text height scale (%)

Specifies the relative text height for the tolerance values. This setting is only for stacked types of tolerances.

Related commands


Toolbar Menu


The SetCurrentAnnotationStyle command specifies the current annotation style.


Toolbar Menu


Not on menus.

The DupAnnotationStyle command creates new a annotation style by copying an existing style.

Duplicate Annotation Style

Select annotation style to copy

From the list of annotation styles that exist in the model, select a style to use as a template.

New annotation style

Specify the name for the new style.

Set current

Makes the new annotation style the current style.


Toolbar Menu


File >

Import From File >

Annotation Styles from 3dm File

The ImportAnnotationStyles command imports annotation styles from .3dm files into the current document.

See also

Use drafting tools

Manage document settings

Use text and dimensions for annotation




Rhino 6 for Mac © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020