BooleanSplit 指令從第一組多重曲面減去它與第二組多重曲面交集的部分,並以交集的部分建立另一個物件。
Deletes the original geometry.
Retains the original geometry.
Boolean commands can be used with surfaces and open polysurfaces. The result depends on the direction of the normals of the object. Use the Dir command to see the direction. If the results are the opposite of what you want, reverse the direction of the surface with the Dir or Flip commands and try again.
Try the Join command first on surfaces.
網格物件的布林運算的操作方式與 NURBS 布林運算相同。
Note: The result of a command is always a mesh regardless of the input object type.
● | 曲面的法線方向不正確。 |
● | 兩個物件交集處的有控制點重疊在一起 (匯集點)。 |
● | 物件可能有某部分的曲面重疊或正切。 |
The Boolean operations use the surface normal to determine which parts to keep and which to throw away. When you attempt a BooleanDifference and you get a BooleanUnion instead, or vice versa, this is because the objects have normals that are the opposite of what you expect. This tends to happen often if one or more objects are not fully closed. If an object is not closed, Rhino has no way to determine which side is outside and which is inside. Use the Dir command to see which way the normals point on these objects and use the Flip option as needed to make sure the normal direction is what you consider to be the outside of the object. Fully closed objects will always have normals pointing outward.
曲面一個邊緣上的所有控制點重疊在同一個位置稱為匯集點。在 Rhino 裡,圓錐體的頂點、球體的兩極、三個邊的未修剪曲面都有匯集點,手動將控制點移動到同一個位置也可以形成匯集點。
圖中是以 ShowEdges 指令醒目提示的多重曲面的非流形邊緣。
Instead of using Boolean operations in this case, use the Explode command to separate polysurfaces into single surfaces if necessary. Use the Intersect command to create curves that represent the intersection of the two surfaces. To create the parts, use these curves to Trim and/or Split and then Join them back together.