Display toolbar

Artistic display mode

Uses an image background and soft lines to create a pencil drawing effect.

Set all viewports to Artistic display mode

Sets all viewports to Artistic mode.


Create a plane that hides objects.


Turn off the selected clipping plane.


Turn on selected clipping planes in the active viewport.


Shade objects without smoothing between mesh faces.

Ghosted viewport display mode

Shade objects so surfaces are translucent.

Set all viewports to Ghosted display mode

Sets all viewport displays to Ghosted mode.

Mesh document properties

Manage the display/render mesh settings for the current model.

Pen display mode

Uses white with black lines to simulate a pen drawing.

Set all viewports to Pen display mode

Sets all viewports to Pen mode.

Rendered viewport display mode

Shade objects with a simulation of the rendered view.

Set all viewports to Rendered display mode

Sets all viewport displays to Rendered mode.


Assign separate display attributes to objects, overriding viewport settings.


Temporarily shade the current viewport.

Shade, All

Temporarily shade all viewports.

Shaded viewport display mode

Set the viewport to opaque shaded mode.

Set all viewports to Shaded display mode

Sets all viewport displays to shaded mode.


Shade selected objects only.

Technical display mode

Uses real-time silhouettes and intersections, creases, borders, blended shaded and rendered display. Objects behind other objects are occluded.

Set all viewports to Technical display mode

Sets all viewports to Technical mode.

Toggle display panel

Opens and closes the Display Panel.


Save an image of the current view to a file.


Save an image of the current view to the Windows Clipboard.

Wireframe viewport display mode

Set the viewport display to unshaded wireframe.

Set all viewports to Wireframe display mode

Sets all viewport displays to unshaded wireframe.

X-Ray viewport display mode

Shade with unobscured isoparametric curves.

Set all viewports to X-Ray display mode

Sets all viewport displays to X-Ray mode.

Rhinoceros 5 © 2010-2015 Robert McNeel & Associates. 17-Sep-2015