The ApplyEdgeSoftening command constructs an edge-softening display mesh for surfaces, polysurfaces, or meshes.
● | Edge softening applies a mesh radius or chamfer to edges in the model. |
● | Edge Softening appears as a property for the surface. |
1. | Select objects to apply edge softening to. |
2. | Specify command line options.
Box object (left) and box with edge softening applied (right). |
Softening options
Enables edges softening.
Specifies a softening amount. The visual radius approximation depends on the density of the underlying mesh.
The edge will be cut straight across with a hard edged chamfer. No attempt is made to soften this into a rounded edge.
The object, including the edge softening effect will be shaded as faceted as in FlatShade.
Manages surface edge softening properties for the selected objects.
Enables edges softening.
Specifies a softening amount. The visual radius approximation depends on the density of the underlying mesh.
The edge will be cut straight across with a hard edged chamfer. No attempt is made to soften this into a rounded edge.
The object, including the edge softening effect will be shaded as faceted as in FlatShade.
See also
Rhinoceros 5 © 2010-2015 Robert McNeel & Associates. 17-Sep-2015