Stereolithography (.stl) 匯入/匯出

STL 是輸出快速原型常用的網格檔案格式,它的網格沒有顏色、沒有貼圖座標或其它任何屬性資料,它的網格面全部都是三角形,並且網格頂點全部解除熔接。

STL 檔案只能包含網格物件,匯入 Rhino 後仍然是網格物件,不會轉換成 NURBS



1. From the File menu, click Open or Import.
2. 開啟對話框選取支援的檔案類型。
3. If the import can be configured, click Options to specify import settings.
4. Click Open, or press Enter.

Rhino 開啟非 3dm 檔案時,該檔案的名稱會顯示在 Rhino 視窗的標題列,第一次儲存時預設以同樣的名稱儲存為 3dm 檔。

STL 匯入選項

熔接角度 ___ 度



Determines whether disjoint pieces of a mesh will be automatically split up on import.

See: SplitDisjointMesh.

STL 模型單位

如果 STL 檔案有內含單位資訊,使用的單位會顯示在這裡。

目前 Rhino 的單位

Displays the units in the current file. This applies only to the Import and Insert commands. The Open command displays Rhino units as None.

附註:如果匯入或插入的檔案的單位與 Rhino 目前的單位不一致時會自動縮放。




4 Click Options in the appropriate Save, Export, Open, Import, or Insert dialog box.


另存或匯出 Rhino 模型

1. From the File menu, click Export Selected or Save As.
2. 彈出的對話框的檔案類型欄位清單會列出可以匯出的檔案類型。
3. 檔案類型欄位選擇檔案類型。
4. 檔案名稱欄位輸入名稱。
5. 設定儲存的方式。





這個選項和匯出物件很類似,使用這個選項儲存時必需另存檔案,儲存的檔案也不會成為目前 Rhino 開啟的檔案。


Embeds external textures used by materials, environments and decals into the model.

6. If the export can be configured, click Options to specify export settings.
7. 如果匯出的檔案類型只能儲存網格物件時,會彈出將 NURBS 轉換為網格的網格轉換設定對話框。

STL 網格匯出選項


原來的物件與為 STL 檔案建立的網格之間的最大距離。


4 Click Preview to display a preview of the output.
4 If you change the settings, click Preview again to refresh the display.


STL 匯出選項






STL 匯出警告

如果匯出的 STL 網格不是封閉的會彈出警告訊息。



STL 網格匯出檢測

某些快速成型機只能讀取完全封閉 (水密) 的 STL 網格檔案。

在將模型匯出為 STL 檔案做昂貴的快速原型輸出之前,最好先確定匯出的 STL 網格符合快速原型機器的需求。


1. Join the mesh objects.
2. 將個別的網格物件組合成多重網格。
3. Weld the new mesh object.
5. 角度公差提示下,輸入 180

An angle tolerance of 180 tells the Weld command to glue adjacent triangle points together no matter what.

4. UnifyMeshNormals.

使網格物件的所有網格面朝向同一側 (外側或內側)。

To see if the result has any holes or gaps, type SelNakedMeshEdgePt.



Start with the Mesh command, which has the same controls as the render mesh controls found in Mesh Document Properties. The difference is that the Mesh command, however, produces a polygon mesh you can export. You would get the same controls by exporting the Rhino geometry to STL, but in general it is preferable to make the mesh object as a separate operation and export that.
The settings that work best for STL will vary, but a good place to start is to go to clear the Maximum Angle setting and the Maximum Aspect Ratio setting completely. Set the Maximum distance edge to surface setting (which is the desired maximum distance between the midpoint of any edge of a polygon and the true surface) to something around the resolution of the rapid prototyping machine. About .005 inch (.125mm) might be a good number to start with. It may be that once you have determined which are the best settings for your projects and rapid prototyping machine, this procedure may become superfluous. Instead you may just want to export the NURBS objects directly and use your proven mesh settings when the object is converted to polygons during export.
Once the mesh is generated, you can hide the NURBS object and inspect the mesh using the FlatShade command. This will show you a shaded view of the polygons without the smoothing tricks used by normal shaded views. If the mesh looks good, export the mesh to the STL file. If not, delete the mesh and try different mesh settings.
在設定網格轉換選項時最好一次只變更一個設定值,以便比較變更該設定值的影響。如果網格大部分看起來都不錯,只有一小部分覺得不好,可以將最大長寬比設為 4 與 7 之間的數值。通常並不值得將曲面至邊緣的最大距離設為比快速原型機器解析度還小的數值。


Wikipedia: STL (file format)