
The UnifyMeshNormals command changes the normal direction of the faces in a mesh object so they all point in a consistent direction.

這個指令可以用來修復網格物件,讓網格物件可以輸出快速原型 ( Rapid Prototyping )。


Some STL/SLA printers have problems if meshes contain many long, thin facets. These can slow the printer's slicing process down, produce odd printed results, and run the printer out of memory.
The MeshRepair command may be useful when tuning up meshes for STL/SLA printing.


4 選取單一網格物件。


The UnifyMeshNormals command changes the direction of the surface normals of a mesh object so all normals face the same direction. This command is useful for tidying up your mesh objects for export into 3D Studio. View>Display Modes Options let you display the front and back faces in different colors. This will show you whether the normals need to be unified.


如果 UnifyMeshNormals 指令無法對網格發生作用,請先將網格炸開,將網格面的法線方向統一以後再組合一次。
All polygons have a face normal direction, but many polygon meshes do not have vertex normals. For example, 3DFace objects, mesh primitives, and polygon meshes imported in formats other than 3DM and 3DS do not have vertex normals.
UnifyMeshNormals 指令的主要功能是用來確定所有熔接後的網格面的頂點順序一致。


1. 匯入 STL 檔案,此 STL 網格上有破洞。
2. 填補網格上的洞。
3. 設定熔接角度為 180 度,熔接所有的頂點。
4. 使用 UnifyMeshNormals 指令。
5. 開啟背面不著色,在著色模式下檢視網格面的法線是否朝著您,如果您可以看到網格內部,代表網格的法線方向錯誤。
6. Use the Flip command to change the mesh normal direction if necessary.
7. Export in desired format.



White paper: Scan, Cleanup, Remodel