Report errors in an object's data structure.
Report errors in an object's data structure as it is created or imported.
Break objects down into components.
Separate or duplicate a polysurface face.
Conceal objects from view.
Redisplay all hidden objects.
Deselect all selected objects and select all previously unselected objects and hide.
Redisplay selected hidden objects.
Connect curves, surface edges, or surfaces to form a single object.
Join two naked edges that are out of tolerance.
Display curve and surface control points.
Select all objects that do not pass Check.
Separate surfaces with errors from a polysurface.
Highlight edges of surfaces and polysurfaces. Displays the Edge Analysis control.
Turn off edge display.
Redisplay selected hidden objects.
Contract the underlying untrimmed surface close to trimming boundaries.
Contract the underlying untrimmed surface as close as possible to the trimming boundaries.
Average the positions of curve and surface control points and mesh vertices and evens out the spacing to remove unwanted detail and loops.
Divide objects using other objects as cutters.
Divide objects using isocurves as cutters.
Cut and delete selected portions of an object at the intersection with another object.
Remove trim curves from trimmed surfaces.
Remove trim curves from trimmed surfaces.
Remove trim curves and joined surfaces keeping the trimmed objects.
Rhino for Mac © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 24-Oct-2017