Texture Type Browser
Start from scratch
Create a new texture based on one of the default texture types.
Import a Rhino texture (*.rtex) or a supported image file on the disk.
Select an image to create a new Bitmap Texture.
Select an *.hdr or *.ext file to create a new High Dynamic Range Texture.
There are several texture types in Rhino. The Category drop-down menu allows filtering the texture list by types.
Lists all texture types.
2D Procedural
3D Procedural
Procedural textures are created using mathematical algorithms instead of bitmap images. They use less storage space.
Procedural textures in Rhino 8 do not need texture baking in the Rendered and Raytraced display modes. When you zoom in close to an object, the procedural texture will always stay sharp, and will not pixelate.
For rendering and the Raytraced viewport, procedural textures need to be baked as bitmap images to the specified resolution. Information about texture baking...
Start from existing
Select an existing texture as the template to create a new texture.
Make a copy
Create a standalone texture from the selected texture.
Share all settings
Create a texture instance from the selected texture. The settings in the two textures are linked.
Show tree view
Display the tree structure of the existing render content items on the left.