
Toolbar Menu Application Toolbar



Not on menus.


The Gumball command displays the gumball widget on a selected object facilitating move, scale, and rotate transformations around the gumball origin.


  • Click the Gumball pane in the status bar.

Object actions

  • Drag gumball arrows to Move the object.
  • Drag scale handles (squares) to Scale the object in one direction.
  • Drag arcs to Rotate the object.
  • Tap Alt after starting to drag to toggle copy mode.
  • Press and hold Shift during Scale to force 3-D scale.
  • Press and hold Shift while clicking and dragging the Axis Plane Indicator to force 2-D Scale.
  • Press and holdCommand ⌘ during move, scale or rotate to Extrude a planar curve or surface.
  • Click a control handle to enter numeric value.

Gumball controls

 Axis plane indicator

 Gumball origin

 Menu ball

Move arrows

 Move X

 Move Y

 Move Z

Rotation arcs

 Rotate X

 Rotate Y

 Rotate Z

Scale handles

 Scale X

 Scale Y

 Scale Z



Axis plane indicator (1)
Gumball origin (2)
  • Drag the gumball origin to drag the whole object in any direction.
Menu ball "bunny tail" (3)
Move arrows (4, 5, 6)
  • Click and drag a gumball x, y, or z arrow control to move the objects in the arrow direction.
  • Click an arrow to enter a distance, press Enter.
  • Distance constraint can be enabled.
Rotation arcs (7, 8, 9)
  • Rotate the object on the gumball origin.
  • Click an arc to enter a rotation angle, press Enter.
  • Angle constraint and Ortho can be enabled.
Scale handles (10, 11, 12)
  • Click and drag a gumball scale handle to scale in one dimension along the arrow axis.
  • When Object Snap is on, dragging a scale handle near the Gumball origin will snap to it. The object will be made flat in the scaling direction.
  • Click a scale handle to enter a scale factor, press Enter.
  • Press and hold Shift to force a 3-D scale.
    The scale base point is the gumball origin.
  • Distance constraint can be enabled.
Extrude handles (13)
  • Click and drag a gumball Extrude handle to Extrude a curve or point along the arrow axis.
  • Click an extrude handle to enter an extruding distance, press Enter.
  • Press and hold Shift to force extruding to both sides.
  • While extruding, tap Alt to create a separate object.
  • Extrude does not allow creating Non-manifold SubD or mesh objects.
  • SubD-friendly curves will be extruded into SubD objects.
  • Distance constraint can be enabled.
  • Tap Alt while dragging any control to create a copy.
Quick access of Gumball settings
  • Click the menu ball.
  • Right-click on any part of the Gumball widget.
  • Hold down Ctrl and click on any part of the Gumball widget.
Relocate Gumball

Drag to relocate gumball widget away from its default position.

Reset Gumball

Restores the default placement and orientation for the gumball.

Align to CPlane

Gumball widgets align to the construction plane xyz directions. The Gumball origin will be at the CPlane oriented bounding box center of the object.

Align to Object

Gumball widgets align to the object direction for:

  • Curves
  • Extrusion objects
  • Lights
  • Mesh faces and edges and vertices
  • Planar objects and sub-objects
  • The camera object (Camera) and NamedView camera widget


Free-form top-level objects

The gumball aligns with the construction plane with its origin at the object's centroid.

Curve control points

The gumball z direction (blue arrow) aligns with the curve normal.

The gumball x direction (red arrow) aligns with the curve tangent.

Surface control points

The gumball z direction (blue arrow) aligns with the surface normal.

The gumball x direction (red arrow) aligns with the surface u direction.

Align to World

Gumball widgets align to world xyz directions. The Gumball origin will be at the World oriented bounding box center of the object.

Align to View

Gumball widgets align to the view plane of the current viewport.

Snappy Dragging

Object snaps are used when dragging.

Smooth Dragging

Object snaps are ignored when dragging.

Drag Strength

Sets the amount of the gumball drag as a percentage of mouse movement to control the speed of the gumball movement. The default 100% moves the gumball consistently with the mouse.

To fine-tune placing objects (such as with control point editing) set the strength lower, so large hand/mouse movements result in smaller gumball changes. When the control is closed, drag strength is reset to 100%.


Opens Gumball preferences.

Command-line options


Turns gumball widgets on for selected objects.


Turns gumball widgets off.


Toggles the on/off state of the gumball widgets.

Object actions

Move, rotate, or scale objects

  • Click and drag any gumball arrow, arc, or scale handle.

Copy during any operation

  1. Click any gumball arrow, arc, or scale handle.
  2. Start dragging the object.
  3. Tap Alt to toggle copy mode on.
  4. Tap Alt again to turn off copy mode.

Specify a distance, rotation angle, or scale factor

  1. Click any gumball arrow, arc, or scale handle.
  2. In the edit box, type a distance, rotation angle or scale factor that will be applied to the selected object.

Copy with numeric input

  • Press and hold Alt and click any gumball arrow, arc, or scale handle.
    In the edit box, type a distance, rotation angle or scale factor that will be applied to a copy of the selected object.

Use distance and angle constraint

Normal Rhino distance and angle constraints can be used during a gumball operation.

  1. Start dragging an object.
  2. Type a number, and press Enter.
    This number appears on the command line and is used to constrain a distance or angle of rotation.
  3. Drag the object.
    Distances are constrained along the axis arrow line.
    Angles are constrained in increments of the angle around the rotation arc.

Extrude a curve or surface

  1. Click and drag any gumball arrow on a planar curve or surface.
  2. Press and hold Command ⌘.

  3. Release the mouse button.
    The result is an open extrusion. To create a solid, Cap the result.

Note: Press the Shift key to extrude on both sides.

To extrude a specific distance

  1. Start dragging a planar curve or surface.
  2. With the mouse button down, type a distance and press Enter.
    This number appears on the command line and will constrain the distance.
  3. Press and hold Command ⌘ and release the mouse button.

    The result is an open extrusion. To create a solid, Cap the result.

Gumball widget location and orientation

To move, rotate, or scale the gumball widget controls freely

  • Press and hold Command ⌘ and click and drag the gumball control to move, rotate, or scale the control freely.

To move rotate, or scale the gumball widget controls with numeric control

  1. Press and hold Command ⌘ and click any gumball arrow, arc, or scale control.

  2. In the edit box, type a distance, rotation angle or scale factor that will be applied to the gumball control.

Relocate Gumball

  1. Press Command ⌘ and click the gumball widget (ignore the text field).

  2. Release Command ⌘ and start dragging to relocate the gumball widget.

Related commands


Toolbar Menu

GumballAlignment - CPlane


GumballAlignment: Object


GumballAlignment - World



Not on menus.

The GumballAlignment command resets the gumball widget alignment.


  • Alignment will not change if you have previously modified the gumball position or orientation.
  • Right-click the gumball and use Reset from the gumball context menu to force the new alignment for these objects.
  • Alignment is based on the object bounding box.
Command-line options


Sets the gumball widget alignment to the active construction plane.


Sets the gumball widget alignment to the selected object. The object aligned gumball is placed at the planar face center unless the object is a picture frame.


Sets the gumball widget alignment to world coordinates.


Sets the gumball widget alignment to the view plane of the current viewport.


Toolbar Menu

Not on toolbars.

Not on menus.

The GumballScaleMode command sets the size of the scale handles either relative to the gumball radius or based on the object size. This command does not affect the move handles (arrows) and rotate handles (arcs).

Command-line options



The scale handle size is the product of the Gumball radius multiplied by the RelativeHandlePositionMultiplier value.

Gumball Radius=x with RelativeHandlePositionMultiplier=1.25

The scale handles extend to the object's bounding box boundary.


In the Absolute mode, entering the scale value with different formats scales the object differently.

  • 10 scales the object 10 times.
  • -10 scales the object 10 times and flips the object.
  • 10mm scales the object to 10 mm in the direction.
  • +10mm or -10mm grows or shrinks the object 10 mm in the direction.


Specifies the size of the scale handles relative to the Gumball radius setting. Numbers larger than 1 make the gumball scale handles longer than the Gumball radius. Numbers between 0 and 1 make the gumball scale handles shorter than the Gumball radius.


Toolbar Menu


Not on menus.

The GumballRelocate command moves the gumball origin and orientation of an object.

The other way to move Gumball is to press and hold Command ⌘ and drag the Gumball widget rather than the object.


  1. Pick a location for the Gumball origin.
    Press Enter to reset the Gumball y and z axes automatically based on the active viewport construction plane and the x axis direction.
  2. Pick a location for the Gumball x axis direction.
  3. Pick a point to specify the Gumball y axis orientation.
  4. Release Command ⌘ to use object snaps to place the widget at a snap location.

Command-line options


Sets the length of the x, y, and z scale handles.


Toolbar Menu

Not on toolbars.

Not on menus.

The GumballReset command makes the orientation of the gumball instantly snap back to its original location after being relocated with GumballRelocate.





Not on menus.

The GumballAutoReset command makes the orientation of the gumball snap back to its starting location after every transformation.

This setting allows free rotation of the object while constraining the original orientation.

See also

Move objects

Transform objects

Hello Gumball!

Gumball Advanced