
Rhinoceros > Preferences > Modeling Aids > Gumball

Gumball options manage the options for the Gumball widget on a selected object.

Modeling Aids: Gumball


Enable Gumball

Turns the gumball widget on any time objects are selected.

Rotate view around Gumball

Sets the view rotation center to the gumball origin.

Snappy gumball

Snaps to object snap locations.

Smooth gumball

Ignores object snap locations.


X-axis color

Specifies the gumball x axis color.

Y-axis color

Specifies the gumball y axis color.

Z-axis color

Specifies the gumball z axis color.

Menu ball color

Specifies the gumball menu ball color.

Sizes in pixels

Gumball radius

Specifies the radius of the gumball widget.

Tip length

Specifies the length of the direction arrows.

Tip width

Specifies the width of the direction arrows.

Scale handle size

Specifies the size of the scale handles.

Set scale handle size to zero to turn off scale handles.

Plane location

Specifies the distance of the plane indicators from the gumball origin.

Plane size

Specifies the size of the plane indicators.

Set plane size to zero to turn off the plane indicators.

Plane visibility angle

Sets the angle of view for the plane to be visible.

The range is from 0 to 90 degrees. 0 degrees means the plane only shows if the gumball is perfectly aligned to the view, 90 means the plane always shows. The default is 50 degrees.

Axis thickness

Specifies the thickness of the axis arrows.

Set axis thickness to zero to turn of move handles.

Arc thickness

Specifies the thickness of the rotation arcs.

Set arc thickness to zero to turn off rotation handles.

Menu ball location

Specifies the distance of the menu ball from the gumball origin.

Menu ball size

Specifies the size of the menu ball.

Set menu ball size to zero to turn off the menu ball.

Extrude ball size

Specifies the size of the extrude dots.


Save preferences for use on other computers


Save Preferences settings and customized Tool Palette Sets to a file.


Restore selected application Preferences settings and customized Tool Palette Sets from the saved file.

See also