Model with precision
- To Cartesian coordinates.
- To an angle.
- To a distance from the last point.
- To both an angle and a distance.
- Vertically from the construction plane.
- To x, y, and z coordinate points.
- To relative coordinates.
Snap to the cursor to a specific location on an object
Object snaps
Constrain the marker to an exact location on an object such as the center of a circle or the midpoint of a line.

Set object snaps state.

AlongLine object snap
Track along a line.

AlongParallel object snap
Track along a line parallel to a reference line between two points.

Between object snap
Snap midway between two specified locations.

Center object snap
Snap to the center of a circle, arc, closed polyline, or annotation text bounding box.

End object snap
Snap to the end of a curve.

From object snap
Snap from a specified base point.

Intersection object snap
Snap to the intersections of curves, edges, andisoparametric curveson a surface.

Knot object snap
Snap to a knot on a curve or surface.

Midpoint object snap
Snap to the midpoint of a curve or surface edge.

Near object snap
Snap onto a curve at the cursor location.

NoSnap object snap
Turn off persistent object snaps for one pick.

OnCrv object snap
Snap to and track along a selected curve for one pick.

OnPolysurface object snap
Snap to and track over a polysurface for one pick.

OnSurface object snap
Snap to and track over a surface for one pick.

Perpendicular (To) object snap
Snap perpendicular to a curve.

PerpendicularFrom object snap
Track along a line perpendicular to a curve.

Point object snap
Snap to apoint object,control point,edit point, andblockortextinsertion point.

Quadrant object snap
Snap to the point on a curve that is at the maximum x or y point relative to the current construction plane.

Tangent (To) object snap
Snap tangent to a curve.

TangentFrom object snap
Track along a line tangent to a curve.

Vertex object snap
Snap to a meshvertex.