Texture actions in material settings


Opens the setting page of the texture type.

Save to File

Saves the texture to a Rhino texture file (.rtex).

When more than one texture is selected, you will be asked to select a folder to save multiple .rtex files at once.


Copies the selected item to the Clipboard.


Creates a new item based on the contents of the Clipboard.

Paste as Instance

Creates a new item based on the contents of the Clipboard. The new item will be linked to the original item.


Selects a different texture.


Deletes the texture.


Pops up the Render Content Tag dialog to manage tags. Tags group or categorize items to make searching easier.

Remove Instancing

Removes the connection between instanced items.

Floating Preview

Floats the preview image in a resizable window.

Floating Editor

Edits the selected item in a separate dialog.