SmartTrack and Guides

Rhinoceros > Preferences > Modeling Aids > SmartTrack and Guides

Toolbar Menu Application Toolbar

Object Snap



Object Snaps >





SmartTrack™ is a system of temporary reference lines and points that is drawn in the Rhino viewport using implicit relationships among various 3-D points, other geometry in space, and the coordinate axes' directions.

Temporary infinite lines (tracking lines) and points (smart points) are available to object snaps very much like real lines and points. You can snap to intersections of the tracking lines, perpendiculars, and directly to smart points as well as intersections of tracking lines and real curves. The tracking lines and smart points are displayed for the duration of a command.

You can add or 'capture' new points as needed up to the current maximum after which the oldest smart points disappear as new ones are added. Captured smart points can be cleared at any time if they are not proving useful.

Capture smart points



  1. Tap Command ⌘ once to place a manual smart point anywhere in space.

    This makes it easy to for example to place smart points along curves.

  2. Tap Command ⌘ twice to clear all smart points.


SmartTrack options

SmartTrack™ options manage settings for SmartTrack.


Enable SmartTrack and guides

Toggles SmartTrack and guides on and off.

Smart point activation delay ___ milliseconds

Hover time, in milliseconds, for a smart point to be captured.

Max number of smart points

The maximum number of smart points held at any one time.


Dotted lines

Sets the tracking line style to dotted.

Line color

Sets tracking line color.

Tan and perp line color

Sets tangent and perpendicular tracking lines color.

Point color

Sets the captured but inactive smart points color.

Active point color

Sets the active smart points color.

Guide color

Sets the color for construction guide lines.


Implied From

When a single Smart point is active, you will see the cursor tooltip with a distance. You can either type a distance or enter relative coordinates (e.g. @10,5) to place a point relative to the active smart point.

Example 1

  1. Start the Polyline command.
  2. Place some points.
  3. With Point object snap on, hover over one of the previous polyline vertices (or any other snap) to wake up a smart point and pull the cursor away along an ortho tracking line.
    You should see the cursor tooltip telling you a distance from the Smart point and an angle.
  4. Type a single number and press Enter to place the next point on the polyline that number of units away from the Smart Point in the direction you are pulling along the tracking line.
  5. Type rx,y,z then the r will make the point relative to the active smart point.
    This only works along a tracking line from a single active smart point.

Example 2

  1. Start the Polyline command.
  2. Place some points.
  3. With Point object snap on, hover over one of the previous polyline vertices (or any other snap) to wake up a smart point and pull the cursor away along an ortho tracking line.
    You should see the cursor tooltip telling you a distance from the Smart point and an angle.
  4. Type a single number and press Alt +Enter to activate distance constraint for the next pick.
    Without the Alt key, the pick will be finalized number units away from the active smart point rather than the last point picked.
Smart ortho

When turned on, the last picked point becomes a smart point. When the cursor is near an ortho direction, a tracking line displays for the cursor to move along.

Smart tangents and perpendiculars

When turned on, the last point picked on a curve becomes a smart point. When the cursor is near a tangent or perpendicular direction, a tracking line displays for the cursor to move along.


  1. Enable the end object snap.
  2. Draw a curve or a polyline.
    When you snap to a curve end, you can see the smart tangent tracking line.


  1. Enable Smart tangents and perpendiculars.
  2. Draw a polyline.
    Every time you click, a smart point is generated at the current end point of the polyline.
  3. Snap to a curve end, the ortho tracking line appears.

Turns on and off the ability to draw parallel tracking lines.


  1. Enable Parallels.
  2. Snap to a curve end and another point with a different type of object snap.
    You will see the parallel tracking line (when the mouse cursor is close to the parallel tracking line).
Semi-permanent points

Toggles the retaining of captured points for the duration of a command as opposed to discarding them after each mouse click. For example, when you use the Copy command, clicking the mouse to place an object does not clear the existing smart points.

Smart point at CPlane origin

The active viewport construction plane origin is automatically tagged as a smart point, making it possible to snap to it, and snap to ortho lines radiating from it.

Related commands


Toolbar Menu

Curve Tools



Not on menus.

The AddGuide command adds temporary infinite lines to assist drawings. The infinite lines are called "guides" in Rhino. Other applications may call them "construction lines" or "reference lines." Guides are only visible while you are picking a point in the viewport. When they are visible, Near and Intersection object snaps are automatically enabled.

Add guides

  1. Start the command.
  2. Pick two points in the viewport to set a guide.
    The points can be picked on the CPlane, or in 3-D space.

Enable/Disable guides

Delete guides

Change appearance


Toolbar Menu

Curve Tools



Not on menus.

The RemoveGuide command removes guides from the model.

Delete a guide

  1. Start the command.
  2. Click on the guides to remove.

Clear all guides

  1. Start the command.
  2. Select the RemoveAll option in the command-line.


The SmartTrack command turns on a system of temporary reference lines and points.

Toolbar Menu Application Toolbar

Object Snap



Object Snaps >






Command-line options


Turn SmartTrack on.


Turn SmartTrack off.


Toggle SmartTrack on and off.

See also

Use modeling aids




Rhino 6 for Mac © 2010-2020 Robert McNeel & Associates. 11-Nov-2020