The UnrollSrf command flattens (develops) a surface or polysurface with curvature in one direction to a planar surface.
The resulting surfaces are not joined.
The resulting surfaces are re-joined along the same edges that were joined in the original polysurface.
To specify where the unrolled polysurface will split
1. | Use the UnjoinEdge command |
2. | Select the edges that should be open after unrolling. |
Determines whether or not matching numbered dots are placed on the edges of the selected object and the resulting objects.
Determines whether or not the selected object's properties are copied to the resulting object.
Compares the maximum deviation of a curve from a line between its endpoints to the Relative Tolerance * length of the curve. If a curve is 10 units long and the relative tolerance is .01, the maximum deviation is compared to 0.1. If the line is 100 units long, max deviation is compared to 1.
Rhino 有一些指令可以建立或攤平可展開的曲面 (曲面上可以有洞或曲線)。
Surfaces must still be linear in one direction for UnrollSrf to unroll them. You could lay a ruler along the surface and it would touch the surface from one edge to the other. These are called ruling lines.
因為曲面有一個方向是直的,所以該曲面上的每一點的高斯曲率都是 0。Rhino 無法展開高斯曲率不是 0 或沒有任何一個方向是直的曲面。
因為可展開的曲面無法以任意兩條曲線建立,以 Loft 指令的可展開的型式建立的曲面型狀可能無法預期,形狀類似而且沒有銳角的曲線比較適合於建立可展開的曲面。
When building a developable surface, you can get very different results depending on the complexity and similarity of the two edge curves. It is best if they are as simple as possible and have the same parameterization.
It is possible to make a developable surface that unrolls with a difference in area and ruling lengths from the 3-D surface. It is easy to miss the warning Rhino gives.
Rhino does not have any method of making a surface a bit more or less developable. Some programs have a way of spreading out the concentrated fans of rulings that often occur, thereby smoothing the surface. Since metal, especially aluminum, has some elasticity, you can deviate quite a bit from a mathematically correct developable surface and still plate it up. Some builders that use developable surfaces in their models, expand the plates, and then add up to 1-inch chord depth of radius to the flat sides in the sections to make the plate "taut." The expanded plates fit up to the changed sections. They have not figured out how to get this "blow" into their 3-D models, though.
One way to approach the problem is to use the CurvatureAnalysis command to analyze the Gaussian curvature as a guide to surface creation instead of the developable loft. But there is no way in Rhino to expand surfaces created this way (unless they happen to meet the requirements for the UnrollSrf command).
許多設計師的設計需要重 3D 物件上的圖形展開為 2D 的平面圖形,3D 的曲面可以使用高斯曲率分析將曲面分為可以展開的與不可展開的兩種類型。
Non-developable surfaces.
The Curvature command will show the curvature curve as you move your cursor over the surface. The non-developable surface show the curvature with two arcs, to illustrate the compound curvature. Developable surfaces will show curvature with a single arc and a line, illustrating the curvature in a single direction.
It is helpful to imagine cutting and folding paper. A developable surface can be folded or rolled from a sheet of paper. Clearly, a sphere does not fit that criterion. A sphere of sorts can be constructed from a series of developable panels and can be developed panel by panel, but of course it will not be a true sphere, but an approximation. In short, if a surface can be constructed with paper, then it is determined to be developable and Rhino should be able to unroll it. If you need a sheet of rubber to make the 3-D shape, then it is non-developable and the UnrollSrf command will not unroll it.
A "sphere" made from developable panels.
The Smash command makes an approximate 2-D development of surfaces that have compound curvature. This command can be used to deal with fabrics that have a certain amount of flexibility and stretch.
將展開時必定會有誤差 (兩個方向都有曲率) 的 3D 網格或 NURBS 曲面展開為平面。