Shell 指令可對實體物件進行薄殼。
Shell 指令會刪除選取的面,並以剩下的部分偏移建立有厚度的殼狀實體。
Shell and OffsetSrf for polysurfaces are works in progress. There are several known problem areas:
● | Singular surfaces can cause problems, especially when the offset of the surface must be extended at the singularity. The extensions are done in OffsetSrf (Corner=Sharp) and shelling, which always uses sharp corners. These extensions happen when the offsets of adjacent surfaces come apart. Also, cone-like singularities cause problems in all cases. |
● | 由許多個面形成的角在偏移/薄殼後可能產生缺口或自交的情形。 |
● | OffsetSrf on polysurfaces with naked edges, where the naked edges make concave boundaries will not work correctly. |
● | 薄殼時移除的曲面需要延伸填補缺口時會發生錯誤。 薄殼時移除洞的底面。 |
● | 任何單一曲面偏移後有自交的情形會發生錯誤。 |