Draw Order

Draw order defines how coincidental or overlapping objects are displayed.

In the illustrations, the objects are displayed in Ghosted Viewport mode. The gray surface is on the same plane as the red hatch and the blue hatch. The surface appears to be blended with the hatches.

Default draw order.


Draw order commands

Note: Draw order supports only hatches, curves, points, annotation (all forms of text other than dots), and details.


Toolbar Menu

Draw Order


Arrange >

Bring Forward

The BringForward command displays selected objects ahead of other objects in the display order.

Note: Draw order supports only hatches, curves, points, annotation (all forms of text other than dots), and details.

In the illustration, BringForward was applied to the red hatch.

The red hatch draws on top of the blue hatch and the gray surface.


Toolbar Menu

Draw Order


Arrange >

Bring to Front

The BringToFront command selected objects are moved to the front of the object display order.

Note: Draw order supports only hatches, curves, points, annotation (all forms of text other than dots), and details.

In the illustration, BringToFront was applied to the blue hatch.


Toolbar Menu

Draw Order


Arrange >

Send Backward

The SendBackward command moves selected objects back in the display order.

Note: Draw order supports only hatches, curves, points, annotation (all forms of text other than dots), and details.

In the illustration, SendBackward was applied to both the blue and red hatches.

The surface draws on top of the two hatches.


Toolbar Menu

Draw Order


Arrange >

Send to Back

The SendToBack command moves the selected objects to the back of the object display order.

Note: Draw order supports only hatches, curves, points, annotation (all forms of text other than dots), and details.


Toolbar Menu

Draw Order


Arrange >

Clear Draw Order

The ClearDrawOrder command removes the draw order tag from selected objects. The objects now draw in their original order.

See also

Use drafting tools




Rhino for Mac © 2010-2017 Robert McNeel & Associates. 24-Oct-2017