Toolbars Options

Tools > Options > Toolbars

The Toolbars option page manages the .rui files, toolbars, and buttons.

New toolbar system in Rhino 8

Rhino 8 uses a new toolbar system very different from the previous versions. The default toolbars are read-only and embedded in the Rhino app. Changes made to the default toolbars are stored in the associated xml file in:


Linked toolbar files (*.rui) also have the xml files if their toolbars were ever edited. Deleting the xml file restores the original toolbars in the rui file.




Create a blank .rui file and load it into Rhino. You will be prompted to save a .rui file.


Load an external .rui file into Rhino.


Unload the current .rui file from Rhino.

Close All

Unload all external rui files.

The default RUI is embedded in the Rhino app. It cannot be closed, but you can uncheck all the toolbars in it if you don't use them.


Merge toolbar changes stored in the associated xml file to the .rui file.

You should save the .rui file before making a backup or copying it to a different computer. Otherwise, toolbar changes are only stored in the xml file associated to the rui file.


Show the file path of the current rui file.


New Group

Create a toolbar group from the selected toolbars.

The selected toolbars will be added to the group as tabs.

New Toolbar

Create an empty toolbar.


Delete the selected groups or toolbars.

External RUI

The drop-down menu lists the .rui files loaded into Rhino.

  • Select the .rui file to edit its toolbars, toolbar groups, and buttons.

Toolbar content

Select a toolbar to edit the buttons.


Open the toolbar button creation wizard to add a button.


Open the Button Editor to modify the selected button.


Remove the selected button from the toolbar.


Edit the properties of the toolbar.