


Mesh Tools

SubD Tools

SubD / Mesh

Edit Tools > Merge Faces

The MergeFaces command merges a connected set of SubD or mesh faces into a single face.

A SubD (left) and a mesh (right).
  • SubD Face, Edge, Vertex
  • Mesh Face, Edge, Vertex

How faces are merged:

  • If a vertex is selected, the faces around the vertex are merged into a single face.

  • If an edge is selected, the faces on either side of the edge are merged into a single face.

  • If a collection of faces is selected, they are partitioned into subsets. Each subset is merged into a single face.

  • Faces separated by a SubD crease or an unwelded mesh edge cannot be merged. Use the RemoveCrease command to remove the crease or unwelded edge before merging the faces.
  • Use Ctrl+Shift+Click to select vertices or edges and press Delete to merge the surrounding faces into a single face. Deleting faces with Delete will leave holes.

Command-line options

Results = Selected / NotSelected

Specifies if the resulting merged face will be selected.

Mesh/SubD face loop selection (Post-selection)

To select an entire face loop

  1. Click a face.

  2. Double-click the next face that decides the loop direction.

To select a face loop range

  1. Click two faces in a loop.

  2. Double-click a face in between and next to one of the selected faces.

Select a face loop using pre-selection

Select a face loop using sub-object filter

To deselect a single face

  • Cmd+click a selected face.

To deselect a face loop

  • Cmd+double-click a face in a selected loop.

See also


Combine two surfaces at untrimmed edges.


Converts regions of connected coplanar welded faces into Ngons.