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Curve From Object


Curve From Objects >

Duplicate Edge

The DupEdge command creates curves from the selected surface, mesh or SubD edges.

Supported input objects
  • Surface/polysurface/mesh/SubD edges


  • Select the edges of a surface, mesh or SubD object.

    Command+click to deselect an edge.

  • The curve created from a trimmed surface edge has a different control points structure than the curve used to trim the surface.

Command-line options


Place the results on the current layer.


Place the results on the same layer as the input objects.

  • If the input object is in a model that is attached using Worksession, the object will be placed on the current layer.

Hidden command-line options


Selects connected curves or edges based on continuity conditions.

Mesh/SubD edge loop selection

To select an entire edge loop

  • Double-click an edge.

To select a range of edge loop

  1. Click two edges in the loop.
  2. Double-click an edge in between.

To deselect an edge loop

  • Ctrl(CMD)+double-click an edge in a selected loop.

Mesh/SubD edge ring selection (Post-selection)

To select an entire edge ring

  1. Click an edge.

  2. Alt+double-click the next edge in the ring.

To select a range of edge ring

  1. Click two edges in the ring.

  2. Alt+double-click an edge in between and next to one of the selected edges.

To deselect an edge ring

  • Ctrl(CMD)+Alt+double-click an edge in a selected ring.

Mesh/SubD face loop selection (Post-selection)

To select an entire face loop

  1. Click a face.

  2. Double-click the next face that decides the loop direction.

To select a range of face loop

  1. Click two faces in the loop.

  2. Double-click a face in between and next to one of the selected faces.

To deselect a face loop

  • Ctrl(CMD)+double-click a face in a selected loop.

Mesh/SubD vertex chain selection (Post-selection)

To select an entire vertex chain

  1. Click a vertex.

  2. Double-click the next vertex that decides the chain direction.

To select a range of vertex chain

  1. Click two vertices in the chain.

  2. Double-click a vertex in between and next to one of the selected vertices.

Surface tangent edge chain selection (Post-selection)

To select a tangent edge chain

  • Double-click a surface edge in the chain.

To deselect a tangent edge chain

  • Ctrl(CMD)+double-click an edge of a selected chain.

How these selection actions work with pre-selection

How these selection actions work with sub-object filter

See also

Create curves from other objects