New data in Rhino 7 3dm
These new data in Rhino 7 3dm will be lost when saving as a Rhino 6 3dm.
SubD texture coordinates will be lost.
Physically-based rendering materials will be read as placeholders in the Materials panel.
New TextFields in v7 will not be resolved in viewports.
Text frames in annotations will be lost.
The SubD symmetry data set by the Reflect and Radiate commands.
Layout User Text in Layout properties.
Selection sets.
The Unit - Format settings in the object properties of Text and Leader created by DimArea or DimCurveLenth.
History data in the curves created by DupEdge.
History data in the curves created by DupBorder.
Data retrieved from SubD by DimArea.
Data retrieved from SubD by Area and Volume text fields.
Locking state of viewports.
New information in History record.
The Intensity value of the Sun.
Display color assigned to polysurface sub-faces will be lost.
Self-referenced AttributeUserText textfield functions in annotations will not work. Details...
Transparency of layer, object, hatch, and print colors.
Texture baking settings in Document Render Properties. Details...
Render channel settings in Document Render Properties. Details...
Displacement settings of curves with Curve Piping enabled.
Shadow intensity of lights.
Emission and Double Sided materials.